Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Except for these are not technically public. Yes, everything on the internet can eventually be found, but LK’s posts are not set to public and haven’t been for some time now. The individual who screenshot them here must be one of her “friends” on FB.

This is a screwed up situation the whole way around. How crappy to have your whole life speculated on (both sides here). I get the curiosity, but this topic does read like a really bad mystery novel.


I agree, probably most of us following this have a scenario or two from IRL that got scary toxic. Though I must say even with the BPD types, I have felt there is a great deal of puffing up and posturing and acting out for an audience. LE can be in the audience category.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹If one party is totally stable personally, professionally, and financially, they may be better placed to see cray cray in either client or service provider, and just avoid.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹However where one party is in a bit of a crisis and maybe can’t turn down a client (or sets up with a bad trainer), and the other party is a nightmare, and they get entwined, it can be a escalate…

Years ago I went to check out a lease horse/ lesson situation in an area of town I really wanted to ride in. I actually did a few lessons before deciding horse was too green, owner/coach was ineffective and delusional, and I wasn’t going to be safe or happy there. Throughout the whole couple of weeks i stayed on good terms with her but was also very very curious as to how cray cray she really was. I have good craydar :).

Years later I started hearing about her from other newer horse friends, and yes she was a nightmare, down to launching nuisance lawsuits, trashing short term rental barns, and finally being shut down by the SPCA (that surprised me as her care was good when I met her and I assumed she had a private income stream of some description, but it seems she ran out of money).

Unfortunately some folks did get engaged with her while she was in their neighborhood, and it cost them legal fees. And she once acted like she was going to run one of them down in the Walmart parking lot. And she might have been stealing hay from other barns towards the end. Etc.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹I am not sure why these folks allowed themselves to tangle with her initially. I will venture to say they misread the situation possibly through their own situation of stress and overwork, and what she did pushed their buttons (tried to claim a business name as her own).

In hindsight they know they should have disengaged and defused the situation much sooner but somehow she pushed their buttons and got them involved in her drama.




Probably did. Doesn’t matter if her posts are friends only. Facebook is a public forum and once that sh!t is on the web, it’s on there forever.

I’m also guessing we haven’t heard much from MB because his attorney has probably (wisely) told him to keep his mouth shut.


Question… If MB had been told on 9 separate occasions that he needed to file an eviction notice to remove Lauren…and she knew about this…why didn’t she leave with or without the notice? She was living in his home on his property while he lived in the barn, she had horrible things to say about him, why not just leave?


Don’t think MB has the ability to post on social media or make any other kind of public statement. Being in jail kind of limits your options.


I was admitted and spent time inpatient for mental health as a teenager, and this chick is 100% crazier than myself or anyone I met there. Holy crap.


True. The attorney could however. And I’m sure he’s allowed visitors who could post or make statements if they chose to. Plenty of ways to release information if that’s what you really want to do.


So yesterday on LK’s Instagram photo some people were commenting and she responded to those comments typing, “Two 9mm ruger shots to left lung, one to right, missed my heart twice by a centimeter.” Posted an image of RG with a caption “nurse” also claimed in her response to some of those people who commented that she “flatlined three times”.

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“I never met a horse I didn’t like.”

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Very good question.
Some have suggested he’s an abusive drunk

So, who stays at a farm where the BO/BM is all those things?


MB is smart, unlike LK who seems to incite drama. I That will be interesting once things go to trial to find out what her injuries really are.




Her posting on social media is actually going to help his case. He may get off with a plea bargain and only sierve a little bit of time. She comes off as so crazy no prosecutor worth a grain of salt is going to want her on the stand


He is absolutely NOT an abusive drunk!!!


Well, it’s possible she really didn’t have anywhere to go with her horses. A legal eviction, especially in New Jersey, can take months. At minimum, he’d have to give her notice to vacate that is probably thirty days. Then after that if she doesn’t leave, the follow-up and court proceedings can take months.

If she’s been through an eviction before, there’s a good chance she would have known how that works, and for whatever reason maybe she wanted to drag it out. Problem is, this supports the idea (to me) that she wasn’t actually super scared, and mostly wanted to make things as hard as possible for MB.

This is where the whole thing is kind of fascinating and hard to look away from. Nothing about it makes sense, unless you just write off everyone involved as crazy.


Also, didn’t her fiancé have surgery for his broken wrist? He must’ve healed crazy fast to not have a brace or cast or a scar left from it.


No joke. I was telling a friend of mine about this case. She owns a small boarding/lesson farm. When I told her that a farm owner had been arrested for shooting someone, her knee jerk response was, “Did he shoot a customer?” That was definitely the first thought that crossed her mind. And as I told her more about it and sent her links to a couple of the news stories, we agreed that LK reminded both of us of a boarder my friend had years ago.


I hadn’t heard that he was, other than from a few here.
And to be clear, I’m not saying I know either way, however, ALL the negative comments about him, if half were true, begs the question asked… why didn’t she leave (faster).

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I guess everyone has past expirences in the horse world that cause triggers from current events.

in terms of LK and her recent social media posts, I recall the court case of Jian Gomeshi in Canada. Specifically, one reason why he was not found guilty was because his accusers exchanged communications about him and his behaviour after he was charged.

i am not an attorney, but I suspect that if I were LKs, I would demand that she STFU.

p.s. hope I got acronym right.