Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Presumably we’ll find out when she tells the REAL story, whatever that means.

But for whomever said they hope the story includes her prior criminal record I don’t see why that’s relevant at all. For one thing, it’s already a matter of public record, and most importantly, it has zero bearing on someone picking up a gun and shooting her.


Not smart enough to not get involved in a toxic situation, not smart enough to walk away from the situation, and not smart enough to realize that trying to solve it with a gun would ruin his life more than anything anyone could do to him.


It doesn’t matter how crazy she sounds. Unless his life was imminently at risk or he was demonstrably deranged to the point of not knowing right from wrong, there’s not a lot of justification for shooting a presumably unarmed person at point blank range.


YAWN Yeah, we get it, and 99.999999% of us agree. Let’s stop rehashing this, shall we?


Ditto. She just can’t stop talking, can she ?

Why ? Was he at Barisone’s when the shooting happened ?


BigMama1 - are you a bot?


I’m not sure that I’d call anyone involved in this CF “smart”

LK’s true story or whatever she is calling it, is just her perspective, and not necessarily what happened…as most rational people will understand. Plus she isn’t following one of the most basic concepts involving a legal case/battle, which is to hush up. I know she’s itching to get her story out there, but it’d do her good in the long run if she’d dissappear from social media for awhile methinks. But hey, not my crazy life, so she can do as she pleases.


Jian Gomeshi, a media personality in Canada, was accused of sexual violence in multiple date rape situations. As such trials do, it turned on whether the adult women involved had given consent and whether they were telling the truth. He claimed they consented. I assume the communication here would be suspected of colluding on their evidence.

MB is accused of shooting a woman point blank. No one including MB denies this. The only person present was LK. There are no other complainants or victims. No way for them to collude.

The two cases here have no points of similarity. I can’t think of anything LK is likely to say that could get MB found not guilty. She’s unlikely to say she attacked him first (even if she did, she wouldn’t say that). Simply posturing and emoting and vaguebooking is not going to have any effect.

I would add that rambling as her posts are they are remarkably free of any information.


Technically LK was not the only one present…her fiancé was there.

Also, you (general, maybe not YOU) would be surprised what can be used in court or shown in a negative light. People have said seemingly benign things that have helped sway a jury/court ruling. So typically, it’s best to say nothing at all.


When we get the real story (which is likely neither entirely hers or his, but somewhere in between), maybe well learn that he didn’t (simply) pick up a gun and shoot her… but that the relationship was far more complicated than that.
** Which doesn’t excuse the shooting, but may explain it, and the circumstances that lead to it… which is helpful.



My comment was in response to Maude, who said that LK’s “craziness” could result in MB getting a very light sentence. How is my reply not relevant? We have “rehashed” her Facebook posts and past behaviour a million times. Why is it ok to point out that none of that is likely to be a legally sound defense against the charges of attempted murder?


I think it will be very helpful for us from an understanding point of view, but unfortunately for MB not st all helpful in any legal sense.

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It is pretty public when you have 4,964 friends. Maybe she delete a large percentage of them that aren’t actually real friends. Yes I am one of those “friends” that have never met her and should be deleted. IMO anything on FB other than through FB Messenger is “public” even if you set it for friends/family only. It is social media.


Well,… “legally sound” or not doesn’t mean it won’t be used. The apparent tack the lawyer is taking is using any evidence he can that LK “provoked” MB, likely in order to try and plea down, reduce the charges, or something. There are many cases where people are charged with murder or attempted murder, and the right series of factors can’t be proven for that, and they end up getting off completely (where if they’d been charged with manslaughter or a lower degree charge, they may have been found guilty).

Added to that, juries can be swayed by seemingly irrelevant things all the time - like people who don’t “react right” to a crime, or people who say something that “sounds” like guilt to them, or whatever else.

Because of that, I absolutely think that the more drama LK stirs up, the more it works in MB’s favor. It’s unlikely to get him out, I do think he’s going to end up in prison, but it may end in reduced charges or the lower end of sentencing.

If she continues sharing juicy details or drumming up drama online, I think it increases the odds of MB pleading guilty to a slightly lesser charge. Her actions are going to be brought up, whether anyone here thinks it’s “legally sound” or not.

Which is why, again, LK, if you end up stumbling into this, STOP posting to social media. Focus on getting better.


And there is that word “presume”. And you know what? Everybody on this board is presuming. The only facts that exist are that LK was shot and we really don’t know how many times or where. And, that MB was laying on top of a pink and black gun with the boyfriend on top of him when the police arrived. That’s it.


When I wrote “helpful” what I meant, but did not convey, was helpful to either the prosecution or the defense case and not solely speaking if MB.


Right? The more the victim talks the less we appear to know, and the more muddled the facts we had become.


Can we please leave Trump out of this?


Actually I don’t think it is a ‘fact’ that the gun was pink and black. That I believe came from the fiance. If I am wrong, point me to where that came from LE or an attorney.