Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I can’t remember where I read it but it’s certainly not worth my time to try to investigate it to satisfy someone’s curiosity. I’m sure you can find it if you look for it


The accounts so far say that the fiance arrived after the shooting and then tussled with MB. The finace was not there to see the actual shooting.

See, we’re all muddled, cause how I remembered the article that “detailed” the altercation, he did witness it, but from inside the house, and was shot at as well while inside the house.
That account seemed to use the fiance as a source for those details.
If I could link it, I would, but it was pages and pages ago, amongst many other, equally dubious, articles that I’m not putting much stock in, if at all frankly, for their accuracy.


I concur.


I think the whole situation is very simple. He was sick and tired of her and was going to tell her once and for all to get out. To make his point, he brought the gun along, they tried to get the gun away from him and it went off accidentally.


3 times? have you ever shot this kind of gun…


That won’t fly w/ prosecutors. One shot accidentally, maybe, but not likely. But three? No way Jose. He has no defense
really. He just needs to hope they offer him a reasonable plea deal. Maybe 1st degree attempted manslaughter.
But he’ll likely still do some time in jail.


Big difference in somone posting something on social media and it being seen, and someone routinely checking someones posts, then spreading them all over internet forums in a bid to shame and judge the person the minute they post them. BIG difference. Tell me what is admirable about doing that.

I also find it ironic, that so many here go on about her past record of cyber stalking and harassment, like hello. Pot meet kettle.

The hatred and ugly words spoken about the victim are just shocking to be honest. I get having an opinion on the situation but a lot of the comments here are just down right nasty and I think many of you will feel extremely foolish once the trial starts and the details emerge, much like the supporters of GM will after his appeal.


Up until recently all the reports said two wounds. When did that turn into three?


Wait, we don’t even know exactly what gun this is. None of us know that we’ve ever shot this kind of gun.

But that’s really beside the point. It is not unlikely to have been a semi-automatic handgun, given reports that have called it a 9mm Ruger. Even a long, heavy trigger (which some 9mm Rugers indeed have) could be squeezed multiple times without much thought (potentially even accidentally) during the course of a (hypothetical) physical altercation. As long as there’s at least 3 rounds in the magazine, I’m not sure it makes sense to argue that 3 shots from any semi-automatic weapon implies some sort of decision making process taking place between the first shot and the others. If it emerges that the gun in question was a hobbyist muzzle loader, then yeah, 3 shots gives you ample time to think about what you’re doing. 3 rounds with a single action revolver requires at least muscle memory and a bit of emotional excitement to pull back the hammer each time – potentially enough to serve as evidence about decision making. But 3 shots from a semi-automatic handgun is not great evidence about what took place between the parties or within the head of the shooter, IMO, without a ton of other contextual information that isn’t known in this case.

I don’t place much stock in the theory you quote, either. But given how fast you can fire 3 rounds from a semi-automatic weapon, given how bad people are at remembering how many shots they fired in high-stress situations (see recent police shooting coverage for more on this), and given that we don’t know if MB had any experience or training with firearms, it seems like just another bit of speculation that can’t be proven or disproved given the scarcity of information about what actually happened.


You seriously think 3 rounds can be shot “accidentally”?? In the hundreds of crimincal cases I have followed I have never seen the accidentally shot more than once thing work for anyone.

Why was the trigger lock off? Why was it loaded? why was it accidentally pointed at her chest…are people being willyfully ignorant here…the denial is overwhelming.


Shot LK twice, once at the Fiance but missed.


I believe her FB post stated she had 3 gunshot wounds. So, that means he didn’t fire at the boyfriend? So, there should only be one charge of attempted murder?


You obviously have NOT been a victim of LK and her cyberbullying. If you had your tone would be very different. I, however, along with 20+ other people have been. Just because some of the others have chosen not to post here doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. And those 20+ are the ones I know about. LK is fabulous at making herself sound innocent. When I first met her I bought into her whole story too… I cannot wait till this goes to trial. I, however will not feel extremely foolish when all the details come out. For at least the world will know who LK really is and how she truly conducts herself in real life AND behind a keyboard.


No willful ignorance is needed when we are all ignorant of all of these details you think are missing, including you. I have no idea what circumstances led to shots being fired, or the gun being pointed in any direction, or the gun being handled in any particular way. Neither do you, presumably. Your confidence in the impossibility of accidental firing of multiple shots from “this kind of gun”, therefore, seems like quite a leap of logic.

But to answer your question: yes. Based on my personal experiences with firearms including several different 9mm handguns I do think multiple rounds of unintentional discharge are possible with some semi-automatic handguns under certain circumstances. Particularly if the shooter has little or no experience with firearms (e.g. keeps finger on trigger without intent to fire, which is a common mistake even among those with firearm training) and if the gun was in the middle of physical altercation (which it may or may not have been, but, given that it ended up under a couple of brawling men, isn’t an implausible scenario).

Do I think that’s what happened in this case? Meh, probably not. Maybe. I frankly do not have the foggiest. There’s not enough info to draw that kind of conclusion. But I do think you’re making a lot of specious arguments here for the express purpose of perpetuating tiresome fingerpointing at other forum members. If you know something the rest of us don’t – like Barisone is a firearms expert, and the pink gun is a single-action revolver, then perhaps your argument would make some sense instead of seeming like the same old misdirected outrage.


Perfect. Bravo.


Actually there have been cases in police involved shooting where the officers have emptied their service weapons. When that kind of adrenaline is rushing or if you are threatened no way are you just going to squeeze off just one round.


The firearm could not be a revolver if it is a Ruger 9 mm. I believe LK stated that it was a Ruger 9mm. That is a semi auto, not a revolver.


Or it just means that she fabricated her statement


"Yesterday on LK’s Instagram photo some people were commenting and she responded to those comments typing, “Two 9mm ruger shots to left lung, one to right, missed my heart twice by a centimeter.” "