Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Still playing up the drama. People like this are just absolutely sad to me. Instagram…REALLY?!


Exactly. So… which statement is fabricated? The “also fired at the boyfriend” or the “he shot me 3 times”? Both statements from the same camp.

I know nothing about firearms… is there a way to tell how many shots were actually fired?


I’d like to say that some guns don’t have a safety.

Like mine. A 15+1 9mm Walther PPQ. 5.6lb trigger pull and no safety, at all. That’s why when it’s carried, it’s in a retention holster.

However, I believe all rugers are equipped with a safety.

That said… if I was entering a situation where I felt I might use it, the safety would be off.


LK is incredibly fortunate to be alive. While reading the ins and outs of this crazy story, I am reminded of some advice that my father gave me years ago. He told me that even though it isn’t fair, women ( he had three daughters and a wife he loved) sometimes need to just shut up and walk away from a potentially dangerous situation. The point in life is not to be dead right.


She and that other bonkers woman, SW from DH, have been bitching at each other over the last few hours and LK has stated again that she was shot three times. I swear those two are twins.



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SW’s boastingly posting screenshots of it on her own page - ringmaster of the circus and all that. Sigh.

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Same coin, two sides.


So, is an attempted murder charge for each bullet that hit or for each person shot at (sorry, I don’t watch the police and detective shows)?

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This was exactly my first thought… if cops empty their weapons without meaning to or remembering, then an average Joe can too.


I don’t think so. I think many of us who are (relatively) local have first-hand or reliable second-hand insight on the LK/MB backstory. (Noting of course that 2nd hand info is never 100% reliable). It might be you who gains some empathy for MB. And I don’t think the 2 cases are analogous at all,

You can, however, quote me if I’m wrong!


I don’t think you really can, to 100% anyway - you can recover bullets, go off witness testimony of the number of shots fired (which is often hazy - eyewitness accounts get really muddled by adrenaline and people will count echoes as shots, etc), and/or assuming the gun was fully loaded and seeing how many are missing.

It’s very likely that the newspaper accounts listing the number of times he fired aren’t accurate, as they mostly depended on witness testimony (and the cops’ initial statements, which were also based on witness testimony)

(just saying, I don’t see any reason to cast doubt based on LK describing more wounds than were originally reported)


I think that’s true of men, too. How many stupid acts of violence wouldn’t have happened if they had the awareness to do that. Probably half the incarcerated population of Baltimore wouldn’t be there if they followed that advice…


That’s not accidental though, thats LE shooting someone. The poster said accidentally went off in the sturggle.


I don’t have sympathy for anyone who brings a gun to a fight then almost kills someone. I just can’t.


Isn’t that exactly what posters here are doing?


This could apply to BOTH parties. BOTH should have just walked away.

Everyone asking why LK didn’t move out after 9 eviction requests, but again, why didn’t MB just get the eviction request and the sherrif and get her out? They were both foolish in their actions IMO

Look, I’m not a supporter of LK. I just don’t think it’s right she gets blamed for the very wrong actions of MB, and he seems to be getting nothing but sympathy.


I agree 100% that’s what he should have done, but do want to point out that this isn’t what would have happened - he would have had to file an official eviction request which would give her thirty days to vacate, then if she stayed there would have been additional court visits and hearings and hopefully the court would grant an eviction and only then would the sheriff or LE gotten involved to forcibly evict her.

Even if he HAD properly done that, this could very well have still happened, just due to the time frame involved in legally evicting someone. I don’t know if the daunting nature and time frame of that task is why he didn’t do it, or what. He apparently had some sort of legal advisor and alluded to following their advice in one of his 911 calls.


MB isn’t getting nothing but sympathy. No one knows enough about his personality, things he says and does, to really have an opinion. He is still very much responsible for shooting her. No one really is arguing that beyond hypothetical situations. And he is responsible for allowing the situation to escalate like it did, handling it the way he did. His actions were wrong, no one has said they weren’t.

You are mistaking people pointing out that LK likely had a part in pushing him to the breaking point as people attacking her and absolving him of all blame. You can be sympathetic to a person for having to deal with a crazy person while still holding them responsible for their actions against said crazy person.


They aren’t just pointing it out though, they are raking her over the coals and stalking her online presence, and obsessing over her every move.

I agree that people can be provoked, but I just don’t think LK is the only one to blame here.