Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

FB post now public: LK has moved BACK INTO HER APARTMENT at MB’s. No. Words.

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That post was aimed at someone else at the barn, but if things are kept vague enough, outsiders won’t know.


“Stone cold sober” but not necessarily sane at that moment. Remember he had been without sleep for days due to their harassment, and Child Protective Services had just left after LK had called them with totally bogus accusations of abuse of the children. Temporary insanity sure makes perfect sense to me. It is still a mystery who’s gun it was since none of MB’s family or friends ever saw, or were aware of a pink/black gun in his possession, yet LK had posted photos of a matching gun on FB as part of her gun collection. Too many unanswered questions IMO.


Agreed. Listening to the 911 calls, it was clear that he was at the end of the proverbial rope, and all but predicted a terrible outcome.


From what I’ve seen she isn’t really well known for veracity. I’d take everything she says with a grain of salt.


I had not heard that part about LK posting a photo of a similar gun in her collection.

The obvious question (among many others) is if she was not getting the training she wanted, why was she still there? Especially when it was clear she was not welcome there.


I would not be surprised if MB’s attorney goes for a diminished capacity defense and call in much of LK’s history and actions toward others as evidence. His words of “I had a good life” when taken away sound like shock and out of touch with reality at the time.


I do not know but there have been more than one road rage killing in New Jersey where the shooter has been acquitted

“We are extremely pleased that the jury was able to see this for what it was — a father who was forced to defend his family, including his wife and his children, who were under attack on the side of the road,” said lead defense attorney Charles Curlett, Jr.


His defense team can present the case as MB in the heat of the moment was out to protect his family from these two

or there is also passion provocation manslaughter, which really gets close to the this mess

Passion/provocation manslaughter cases typically involve murders or attempted murders that are driven by a person’s sudden rage. Motivated by this anger, the person usually takes no time to think through his or her emotional response, but instead acts without rationalizing or reasoning. When this happens, and the person had “reasonable provocation” for the emotional response, passion/provocation manslaughter charges are assessed and the courts weigh the criteria for these crimes against the circumstances that led to the crime.


Seriously. Where do you people info? There was NO “matching gun.” Just the one that shot me. But thanks for the ridiculous speculation.

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House guest!!!

Stock up on wine, guacamole and popcorn folks!!!


Oh boy.


Matching gun …?.. “Collection?” This was a set up so MB could avoid paying a huge bill. That’s why it all happened so quickly and suddenly. Never give up on humanity to take every opportunity to bash you over an argument when then chance presents itself. And the SCRIBE claiming I wrote a post about the second place rider at NCDCTA champs years ago…??? Horse crap. My trainer would NEVER have allowed that and I myself don’t bash other competitors. Period. So please… speculate all you like. But… I was there. I took two to the chest Bc MB’s gf “didn’t like me,” and mb was happy to abide her wishes to avoid that small 50 k bill. Carry on. Don’t let ME stop you.


For someone who by all means should want MB to be found guilty, you’re sure doing a lot to aid the cause of his defense.


Really now? I SCARE you. Dollars to donuts - I don’t even know you.


How big a jug do you have?? :lol:

Welcome to the new poster on the BB!


Was I? Or, like everyone else (mostly on DH as the ppl here have seemed PRETTY reasonable) do you just make up random stories. I’ve been at the same barn for 5 yrs. You know the one, right? Does the owner SEEM to you like a person who takes any crap of any sort? No. If she wants you gone - you’re gone. She’s also awesome.

There are are a few trainers I refused to train with Bc we weren’t a good match or their abilities didn’t meet my standards. I was new to the sport in 2016. A jumper. I wanted the best. As MB ALWAYS says (don’t shoot the messenger … been there already this month) “NC is where dressage dreams go to die.” Anyway… spread you ur lies elsewhere. Tia.




Is that what you ACTUALLY think the story is? I guess it’s a damn good thing we have two weeks of audio from the barn and video from basically everywhere else. By your naming of the employees and the repeating of the EXACT lies they came up with when they thought no one could hear gives you away. Mb lost zero clients. But, somehow, I think you already know that.
He shot me twice and you ALL knew his plan. I’m stupid for not believing it when I first heard it. Anyway, I’m extremely confident in the evidence and the facts. I’ll leave it at that.


when you think things can not get stranger, now these posts