Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Ah, sorry- I misread your post! That’s on me. I thought you were saying you couldn’t see how it could happen, when it was Enjoy the Ride who said that. Of course it can happen. Normal people wouldn’t do it. Crazy people would. I edited my post, again- sorry!


I just have to say that it strikes me how once again, this was the opposite problem from what most barn owners would experience in this situation. More typically, the barn owner has to worry about the horse owner sneaking horses OFF the property when there is an issue over an unpaid bill.


Correction, the term is EMU brain.


They aren’t that kind of attorney. At best they’re ambulance chasing personal injury attorneys who would sue for injuries she sustained.

It has NOTHING to do with a criminal case. The criminal case would be:

People of the State of New Jersey


Michael Barisone

The prosecution is the District Attorney. The victim doesn’t get an attorney other than the D.A. acting to punish someone for a criminal act in violation of laws of the state.

Her personal attorneys have NOTHING to do with a criminal case.

HOWEVER, in the Civil case, if MB is acquitted in the CRIMINAL case that makes her personal injury case all the more harder to win.

If he Is convicted in the criminal case getting $$$ in the Civil case is way way easier.

In the Civil case her attorneys will seek compensatory and punitive damages.

Compensatory damages are money awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss. Compensatory damages are awarded in civil court cases where loss has occurred as a result of the negligence or unlawful conduct of another party.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹Punitive damages (or also known as exemplary damages) are almost like a fine in that they are intended to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct which made the lawsuit happen. The plaintiff can receive all OR part of that type of damage.


It may also be a family attorney who has done other work for them, or an attorney she went to for assistance/advocacy/advice during the criminal case (ie, not a prosecutor but someone making sure that her rights/interests are protected during interactions with the police/investigators, and states attorneys.)


One point to note is that liability insurance does not cover criminal conduct or deliberate misconduct. A civil suit will not be filed until after the criminal case is completed. This means the defense costs and any settlements or damages will be the responsibility of the defendant. The plaintiff also has to pay his/her own lawyer in a civil suit, although many attorneys take cases on contingency plus expenses. This is not a good situation to be facing as a defendant.


Ambulance chasers often don’t know squat about criminal cases.

I can’t tell you how often an attorney someone hired comes to court to do work someone paid them to do but don’t know a thing that they’re doing. For instance, they will come to court with $30 to file a motion. Our motions are free. Its Supreme Court that charges for motions. And, they are surprised when we tell them it’s free, like they never heard of such a thing.

No D.A. is going to rely on a personal injury attorney for a thing.

Reading through all these pages of comments it is fascinating how much speculation there is from so few real facts. Many of us actually know LK from more than social media and have witnessed her sociopathic behavior. There are only 3 people who know what went on the afternoon of August 7th but there are many who witnessed the harassment LK and RG imposed on MB, MH and JH. Why did she decide to turn on them and begin causing so much disruption to other clients, MB and his family and business and posting so many provocative social media posts? For over a week LK and RG caused MB to lose clients, harass MB outside his home at all hours of the night, visited the barns late at night being very noisy and disruptive, calling Child Protective Services making a false report indicating MB was abusing the children, telling the police “a black SUV with dark windows with men smoking inside” cruising slowly by at 3 AM (something she has used before in similar situations in other states) all in an attempt to do what? For sure MB was exhausted, exasperated and obviously, in hindsight, at the point of breaking. The fire department had condemned the house LK was living in and ordered them to leave but they remained. It is said MB actually found a facility to move her to but she refused. They had not paid him in months. What was the result she expected from her behavior? Rather than posting on social media now threatening MH and JH and anyone else who speaks unkindly of LK, perhaps it would be a good time to be quiet, be thankful for life and question what role she played in the actions that lead to this tradegy. Hopefully the full truth of what happened that day will be revealed, including who owned the gun involved, relatively soon. One thing is clear, there are no winners in this situation.


spaces added to facilitate my ol eyes readin’



But the law doesn’t allow you to shoot an individual just because they are bullying, harassing, stalking you and trying to ruin your business and run you out of your own house and off your own property. The sane are held to a higher standard of behavior than the mentally ill - and MB has going to have to pay the price for it. I feel more sorry for him and his family than for LK and her family.She will recover and life will go on “as normal” for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she sues MB in civil court and ends up owning his farm - which is probably what she had planned all along [edit]


I have respectfully snipped out this one sentence. Your username location says North Carolina. If I am correct, MB’s GF was also previously located in NC. If the reputation of LK was so well known by so many, why do you think it is that this reputation didn’t travel to MB’s GF before they allowed LK to move in?


Perhaps they were unaware of her reputation (MH was not living in NC at the time) or as so many of LK’s friends have stated, they only know and “admire” her from her social media posts. I actually believe they were told of her reputation after she moved into the FL facility and didn’t recognize any strange behavior until sometime later…just as many of her other encounters have said. Sociopaths can be quite charming.


Thank you!!! Posting via phone late at night can be difficult!


There are reports that several people are reporting LK’s previous behavior and unwarranted threats against them to SafeSport. So many believe USEF and SS to be completely biased, so it will be interesting to see how they respond to the complaints against LK. It would be ironic if she was banned from all USEF competitions wouldn’t it?




MB is not a “known drunk”. Funny how anything LK says becomes gospel on social media.

She hadn’t paid him for anything in months while she and RG had become squatters as she bashed him, his facility and fiance on social media. The only reason MB was attempting to give her instruction is because his other trainers refused to work with her anymore. Way too many skipped lessons and plans while complaining about anything and everything. This is typical behavior for LK. Most professionals won’t put up with it for very long.


But once again, if he was drinking heavily/treating her poorly/not holding up his end of the training deal, a reasonable person would stop doing business with him and take their horses elsewhere, especially if they have “unlimited means” with which to do it.

[edit] types are often on their best behavior early on in a new relationship … be it a friendship, business relationship or intimate relationship. It often isn’t until later on that they go into attack mode, generally while presenting themselves to the rest of the world as being victimized by the other person.


LK was actually not referring to MB as the “known drunk”, that was someone else, and not true any way.


MB being under the influence of alcohol was the one thing that I thought would make sense of this sad situation. I’m glad to hear others (who presumably know) defend him against the allegation of being a heavy drinker, but assuming this is true, then he shot someone (and shot at another) while stone-cold-sober.

I assume in the eyes of the law, being drunk or sober is irrelevant.


Who was she referring to if not MB since he was the subject of her post?