Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

This pony is a knee-hanger and has a less-than-keen expression. No deal.[/QUOTE]

I think he’s a knee-hanger too. I’m ascared that the shark is going to bite him. I think he is too.

Now really what did Leslie and Lesley say sbout the jumps? They look big, but really what is so dangerous?[/QUOTE]

Example: Fence 2
There was a move from a preponderance of fences that have vertical front faces which make it easier to hit the fence to fences that are open underneath or have overhangs. The open area/overhangs provide and area where not only can the horse hit the fence but catch a knee underneath and dramatically increase the odds of a flip. There was way more, but that in particular stood out.

I worry that the sport is more about dangerous spectacle now than competence and good rider decisions. It takes a brave horse to run a four star, and a brave rider, both have to have a lot of talent and drive, but nothing can mitigate a dangerous obstacle to jump and mistakes happen.

Still, they are out there doing it and the roster is still full of competitors, even if the old schoolers are concerned.

On a lighter note, an email I recieved today had the first line, “pass the guac” and I laughed out loud.

We need to pass the hat and give the money to the first person to show at an A show with ‘guac’ or ‘guacamole’ in their horse’s name! Bonus pay out if they are wearing a green jacket, arrived in an open trailer or have a blue saddle!

We need to pass the hat and give the money to the first person to show at an A show with ‘guac’ or ‘guacamole’ in their horse’s name! Bonus pay out if they are wearing a green jacket, arrived in an open trailer or have a blue saddle![/QUOTE]

I’ll suggest that to a friend of mine. She has a “condiment” theme going with her horses’ names. Right now she has Pesto, and yes, she competes in a green jacket! :lol:



Pony jumps shark.



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

  • Nods *

Tack him up.



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

I feel lost.



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

George Morris would definitely approve. Send it in to Practical Horseman

so let’s go back to discussing about Rolex jumps.

which ones do people think would be the most difficult? I guess it can depend on the horse and its skills but I am curious if others have some thoughts.

Still I want to find out what is going on in the bird nest. I see there is one on jump 16B. A real one. Nobody put it there. Are there birds in it still?

oh, I heard about the real bird nest on FB



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

Now that pony’s knee hanging ways have been cured, please put him in the open trailer that Coth is buying for me through gofundme.

[QUOTE=cheval convert;8121834]
Now that pony’s knee hanging ways have been cured, please put him in the open trailer that Coth is buying for me through gofundme.[/QUOTE]

I am selling 1/3 shares in a 2nd trailer that I do not yet own. How many shares would you like to purchase?

Let’s talk about Rolex jumps?


anyone want to talk more about the Rolex jumps?

I am selling 1/3 shares in a 2nd trailer that I do not yet own. How many shares would you like to purchase?[/QUOTE]

Oh, I definitely need 4/3 shares so that I can use it more than other owners. I hope gofundme keeps on sending money to moi!

The line drawing is clearly the World Cup, sponsored by Sea World.