Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

How do people get this worked up over a situation they have nothing to do with, over people they don’t even know? Good grief.[/QUOTE]

Well, you’ve answered your own question, haven’t you? PBP is PO. :wink:


Well, you’ve answered your own question, haven’t you? PBP is PO. ;)[/QUOTE]

Wait…two posts ago I was the PO. What gives?

According to COTH I’m the PO, ask me anything.

Don’t know if the guesses above are sarcasm, but from one person who has spent too much time on this to another, nobody who has responded on this thread is the po.

At least according to my detective work

Well, you’ve answered your own question, haven’t you? PBP is PO. ;)[/QUOTE]

LOL Oh that’s too cute. No, not so clearly, as I’m not.

when it was posted that one could learn who the PO was,I did a member search (that sounds X rated ) and found it. While the OP edited her thread, a subsequent quoter did not. Based on join date and post count, to the #, I was able to locate the grey pony on the washrack.

Lovely farm, wish it WAS mine - and trust my temper- you’d have heard my side- if It was mine. But sadly for you- it’s not.

I have 2 12 YOs, a 6 YO, and no ponies. So sorry.

You’re certainly rude and judgmental enough to be the PO.

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How many PM inquiries do you think the real PO has gotten about whether the pony is still available?

Was this all a really bizarre ad campaign for the pony?

Don’t know if the guesses above are sarcasm, but from one person who has spent too much time on this to another, nobody who has responded on this thread is the po.

At least according to my detective work[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I’m actually glad to know I’m not wasting typing time responding to the PO. No point trying to communicate with someone that sleazy.

PBP and FF, my apologies. :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=french fry;8100299]
How many PM inquiries do you think the real PO has gotten about whether the pony is still available?

Was this all a really bizarre ad campaign for the pony?

Also, for the love of Pete, can someone PLEASE PM me and let me know who the PO is? Not fair that I was stuck at a clinic without cell service all day when the fun was going on! Since I stand accused of being the PO it’s only fair that I should know the truth, right? :cool:[/QUOTE]

I’m willing to accuse myself if someone will PM me the real PO.

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Quick on the draw and slow on the uptake.

I’m willing to accuse myself if someone will PM me the real PO.[/QUOTE]


Post #137
Member Search
By join date
BAM there’s a post count.

I don’t think the OP is SOLELY to blame. what’s driven me nuts is that she’s refusing to own any of it- any of it- we all read the same communications and many of us plainly see the PO is holding the cards pending true eye to eye approval and agreement.

…and I had a lovely ride and now it’s time to eat.

Je suis Pony Owner

I have 2 12 YOs, a 6 YO, and no ponies. So sorry.[/QUOTE]

I am horrified–does this mean your username is a lie?

I was happily dreaming that you had a peanut butter pony. :frowning:

If you truly did find the PO, you’d realize that she did NOT have to sell tack or ANYTHING. I have to say… she is one classy lady for not responding.

I think the true lesson here is not to air dirty laundry in public.

No matter how right you think you are, you will always receive the other perspective on COTH. Along with an in depth search of everything you’ve ever posted. Online is forever. It really is best to keep your ranting to friends who will sympathetically listen.

Better yet, have friends who will sympathetically listen but still give you their point of view honestly. Yes it smarts but it’s much better that a few people tell you in person than a hundred strangers on line. At least your friends will try to temper the harshness of the lesson.

You can’t really judge someone just by his/her writings. You can’t read inflection or facial cues or humor. Nothing really substitutes for face to face interactions and gut feelings.

We all get burned in life. Learn from the experience so you don’t make the same mistake twice.

I do feel badly for both parties that it got so messy. It’s a shame for both parties involved.
I absolutely agree that perhaps the best advice that can come of this mess is to stay local and to get everyone’s agreement to tell young children that they are coming for a lesson instead of to take the pony home until everything is ironed out and 100 percent certain.
For the OP, I don’t think there is anything to be gained from the pony’s owner posting on this thread or elaborating on the situation. The bottom line is that it didn’t work out. I’d take it as a sign that I should keep looking. Sometimes something just isn’t meant to be, as much as you wanted it.

I speak French.
Mystery solved.

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Do I think maybe OP assumed too much? Yes.
Do I think that PO handled the whole thing very, very poorly? Double yes.

Is it a cautionary tale, to have contracts signed and requirements spelled out before any preparations are made, on either side? Absolutely.

Carry on.

I speak French.
Mystery solved.[/QUOTE]
The pony owner has not posted on this thread.

Can we take a minute tomappreciate ybiaw? She is so funny. This just made me laugh and laugh and laugh.