Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

I’m surprised we’ve made it to 25 pages and no one has told the PO that “NO” is a complete sentence… That the saddle bit wasn’t even needed if she was having doubts.

Alright, I’m dying. Anyone mind PMing me who PO is?

ETA: Four people PM’ed me. Thanks. :lol:

it was a headscratcher for me for sure - i’ve never heard the term ‘open trailer’ used before, really.[/QUOTE]

A propos of very little, people often say “open trailer” here when they mean “stock trailer.” I have also heard people use it when describing a trailer of any type with the dividers removed.

“Been shopping?”

“No, I’ve been shopping.”

“Did you buy anything?”

“No, they wanted too much for the bleedin’ saddle.”

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A propos of very little, people often say “open trailer” here when they mean “stock trailer.” I have also heard people use it when describing a trailer of any type with the dividers removed.[/QUOTE]

that’s so bizarre… and that’s coming from someone who had a stock trailer :winkgrin:

when i think of open trailer, i think of a landscape trailer… not one for livestock!

An open trailer to me means an empty one.

People - Chipotle doesn’t have queso! How can you be going there? Qdoba is way better. And the kids nacho is only $4.50 (with Guac)!


Uh not so funny. I once many decades ago informed a coworker that his plan to rent a closed up u-haul trailer to transport a pony wasn’t a good idea as the pony would need air. He took my advice to heart and without consulting me further rented a flat bed trailer to pick up the pony and transported it to his newly bought farm that way using some kind of weird cross tie arrangement. Proof that god loves fools, pony arrived safe and sound.

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People - Chipotle doesn’t have queso! How can you be going there? Qdoba is way better. And the kids nacho is only $4.50 (with Guac)![/QUOTE]

There’s a local place to me called Bullritos that puts all the other burrito places to shame!

Hey yesterday was Moe Monday, any burrito for $5 and that includes guac and sour cream if wanted. Plus chips and salsa!!

Ghazzu did the right thing by her horse.

So I don’t understand why people who support the PO are accused of having some investment in the PO and her business. Lots of reasons why transactions fall apart. At least the pony is safe.[/QUOTE]
Are you sure? How do you know that the PO hasn’t sent the pony off with the first person to show up and say OK to the saddle?

Hey yesterday was Moe Monday, any burrito for $5 and that includes guac and sour cream if wanted. Plus chips and salsa!![/QUOTE]

But, Margaritas. What about Maragaritas?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And OP could 2nd-parent adopt pony, and all would live happily ever after!

Also, I’m now at the stage of wine-surfing COTH and… didn’t PO say she’d only lease, never sell/give away? Which the whole “you’re not allowed to sell her” that OP wrote here goes along with, actually.
I wonder if the miscommunication was the lease vice ownership issue.[/QUOTE]

OMG, wine-surfing!! I love that! I must use it for a sig line!


If it were something this egregious, if the OP was an obviously unsuitable home, if PO had something to share that would clarify everything, PO would have come on here and said so. I am confident of that.

If the PO wants to get their side in, and does not want to out themselves there is always the option of an alter here on COTH.

If it were something this egregious, if the OP was an obviously unsuitable home, if PO had something to share that would clarify everything, PO would have come on here and said so. I am confident of that.[/QUOTE]

I’m not. Nothing good comes of getting involved in a trainwreck when you’re running a business. Nothing at all.

I agree, laura. Especially since we all pretty much all know who the PO is. I think she’s smart to just take a bemused look and shake her head and go on being a good poster, and good business owner.

Are you sure? How do you know that the PO hasn’t sent the pony off with the first person to show up and say OK to the saddle?[/QUOTE]

Based on other threads/posts by the PO, somebody will have to drive up in a gold-plated trailer and have passed the Pony Club curriculum with flying colors before she lets the pony or any of her horses go.

I got the impression she’s a bit persnickety.:slight_smile:


[QUOTE=red mares;8104406]
Based on other threads/posts by the PO, somebody will have to drive up in a gold-plated trailer and have passed the Pony Club curriculum with flying colors before she lets the pony or any of her horses go.

I got the impression she’s a bit persnickety.:)[/QUOTE]

I think everyone can agree that it would have been ideal if the PO had said something more like, “I’m screening potential homes very carefully, let’s talk more tomorrow in person and see if your family will be a good match for (Pony.)”

But again, nowhere in the conversations that have been posted is there any evidence that the PO was all, “the pony is yours! This is a done deal! Come load her up!”

You can still be #teamponyowner while acknowledging that the PO didn’t lay out crystal clear expectations.

I want to know how people know who is reading the thread.

Also, what time does Chipotle open? I think today is a burrito for breakfast kind of day.