Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Can someone update me on whatever happened with crayola trainer? I even reread that whole darn thread the other night…

I started this last night, and figured it was on its way out at 16 pages with no apparent response from PO to take it into real trainwreck territory. I logged back in to find it at 24!! pages.

I am actually dying over “je suis pony owner.”

Can I please get a link to the Crayola Trainer thread??? TIA

|…Je suis pony owner…|
…\ O
…| #
/. _

CCT link http://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/showthread.php?154967-Help-Plz-Tact-or-Education-Needed-a-short-novel

Can we stop with all the cryptic “I know something you don’t know but I’ll never tellllll” references?

If you’re not going to say anything, why post? If there’s something you know that might interest people on this thread, how does posting that you know something but you won’t say what it is, add anything to the thread?

I hope you’re not talking about the burrito themed posts. All burrito statements (evil or otherwise) are v important.[/QUOTE]


I do think the idea of an open trailer to drive the pony 7 hours is a little much. Why would the OP rent and open trailer? How open is the trailer? Why classify the trailer you rented as open, anyway?

I also thought I would give you ladies a little something. When I finally figurred out who the PO was and I went to her profile to look at her home farm web page? She was at that time actually reading this thread!!! :eek: No lie!!!

[QUOTE=Ambitious Kate;8103987]
I also thought I would give you ladies a little something. When I finally figurred out who the PO was and I went to her profile to look at her home farm web page? She was at that time actually reading this thread!!! :eek: No lie!!![/QUOTE]

She’s been reading/following it all along (I noted seeing her reading the thread many pages back). Can’t say I blame her :wink: She has much more restraint than I though, given that she hasn’t dived in. No real houseguesty alter types either (there are alters on here, but not new ones that seem to be the OP)-- I am shocked.

“He’s bleedin’ demised”.

“He’s not dead, he’s only resting”. For the person who requested a Monty Python reference. Although it could also apply to this thread…

[QUOTE=Ambitious Kate;8103986]
I do think the idea of an open trailer to drive the pony 7 hours is a little much. Why would the OP rent and open trailer? How open is the trailer? Why classify the trailer you rented as open, anyway?[/QUOTE]
I can not tell the tone of this post, are you trying to be funny or are you really asking?
This question was answered quite a few pages back. The comment about an open trailer meant the trailer ramp was down, the doors were open, as in ready to load the pony. Not some special trailer design.

I can not tell the tone of this post, are you trying to be funny or are you really asking?
This question was answered quite a few pages back. The comment about an open trailer meant the trailer ramp was down, the doors were open, as in ready to load the pony. Not some special trailer design.[/QUOTE]

I took it as that the OP meant ‘open trailer’ as in she arranged a trailer for transport.

I can not tell the tone of this post, are you trying to be funny or are you really asking?
This question was answered quite a few pages back. The comment about an open trailer meant the trailer ramp was down, the doors were open, as in ready to load the pony. Not some special trailer design.[/QUOTE]

No, I’m not trying to be funny. I havn’t double checked, but I thought, and was clearly mistaken, that the OP said “And I arrived/rented/came with/ an open trailer, and everything!” or something along those lines. I just haven’t gotten around to asking about that, and saw someone else query, so I thought I would too, because I figured the OP thought it was great that she brought a trailer which didn’t have a top, or was like a cattle trailer or something.

Since you asked.

My mistake.

PS - beowulf thought it meant something different, so clearly I am not the only one going “Huh?” when reading about using and “open” trailer. Beowulf, I actually con’t correlate “open” to rented, or arranged, so I had to ask for more clarification.

OK, re read it, and it looks now like the only reference to an open trailer is talking about loading the pony into an open trailer. Don’t know where I read the other reference which I can’t find now.

Come on guys. Is some of this absolutely necessary?

Makes a bunch of you look more classless then the OP![/QUOTE]

You must be new here… it’s how we blow off steam.:winkgrin:

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[QUOTE=Ambitious Kate;8104105]
No, I’m not trying to be funny. I havn’t double checked, but I thought, and was clearly mistaken, that the OP said “And I arrived/rented/came with/ an open trailer, and everything!” or something along those lines. I just haven’t gotten around to asking about that, and saw someone else query, so I thought I would too, because I figured the OP thought it was great that she brought a trailer which didn’t have a top, or was like a cattle trailer or something.

Since you asked.

My mistake.

PS - beowulf thought it meant something different, so clearly I am not the only one going “Huh?” when reading about using and “open” trailer. Beowulf, I actually con’t correlate “open” to rented, or arranged, so I had to ask for more clarification.[/QUOTE]

it was a headscratcher for me for sure - i’ve never heard the term ‘open trailer’ used before, really.


Ghazzu did the right thing by her horse.

So I don’t understand why people who support the PO are accused of having some investment in the PO and her business. Lots of reasons why transactions fall apart. At least the pony is safe.[/QUOTE]


25 pages and still no news from the PO??

Come on, inquiring minds want to know!