Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Experienced seller? I beg to differ.

Unfortunately, a thread about the PO’s own inability to market and sell her horses vanished recently because it was deemed as advertisement. Most CotHers’ advices were ignored and met with strange answers.[/QUOTE]

I think I remember that thread! Now I know who it is. I thought she was a bit of an odd duck, if I’m thinking of the right person.

ETA - after reading pg 18 again, maybe not. Darn. Cat says I have to go, she’s tired.

Where are y’all getting Chipotle so cheap? This is in bold because it is very important. All my burritos cost $9+.

Right? I paid $11 to Chipotle for lunch today.

They lied to me. It says $6.50 right on the board. I walked all the way there from my office and by the time I checked out it was $11! I should have left it there, that will really show them.

Well, that doesn’t tell me ANYTHING. All COTHers’ advice is ignored and met with strange answers. I mean, it’s COTH.


I would just like to point out Caitlinandthebay’s amazing signature.

Also you guys you have to remember that guac is EXTRA. And chips and salsa are not a burrito.

Dang! I checked in to see if there was any news on the PO and now I want a chicken burrito with cheese, lettuce, sour cream and guac even if I have to pay extra. But it’s 10:30 so I’ll have to wait til tomorrow. Thanks a bunch.

Taco Bell???

Experienced seller? I beg to differ.

Unfortunately, a thread about the PO’s own inability to market and sell her horses vanished recently because it was deemed as advertisement. Most CotHers’ advices were ignored and met with strange answers.[/QUOTE]

I’m sorry, but you guys are are forgetting some serious drama that sways my support in the direction of the OP.

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Aha! I think I just figured out who PO is. If it’s who I think it is than this just got even more bizarre.[/QUOTE]

That’s what I’m talking about.

I would just like to point out Caitlinandthebay’s amazing signature.

Also you guys you have to remember that guac is EXTRA. And chips and salsa are not a burrito.[/QUOTE]

You seriously don’t understand how much that made me laugh… like all day at work I was cracking up about it and whispering “je suis pony owner” under my breath. As if my coworkers didn’t think I was weird enough…

Come on guys. Is some of this absolutely necessary?

Makes a bunch of you look more classless then the OP![/QUOTE]

Or the PO, depending whose side you are aggressively supporting.

I need to know who PO is but only because I am looking for a super safe first pony for my neice and would be an awesome owner and would probably buy the saddle too. I promise not to be too overly enthusiastic and all that jazz.

If PO married OP, her name would be POOP.

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[QUOTE=Bristol Bay;8103705]
If PO married OP, her name would be POOP.[/QUOTE]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And OP could 2nd-parent adopt pony, and all would live happily ever after!

Also, I’m now at the stage of wine-surfing COTH and… didn’t PO say she’d only lease, never sell/give away? Which the whole “you’re not allowed to sell her” that OP wrote here goes along with, actually.
I wonder if the miscommunication was the lease vice ownership issue.

Bristol Bay
If PO married OP, her name would be POOP.

This might need to go in my signature…

You know, I thought this thread might need an Anchorman or Monty Python reference but it’s doing ok on it’s own.


Ah yes and now a day fraught with miscommunications and misunderstandings will henceforth be a “POOPy day.”

je suis confused.

Chipotle would be a great pony name.

I have no idea who the PO is and no inclination to put the effort into research.

I think this thread has been fertilized with Miracle-Gro because every time I try to get some sleep, I come back to another five pages.

Or the PO, depending whose side you are aggressively supporting.[/QUOTE]

I do support the OP over the PO. But there’s a lot of personal information that the OP posted that makes me think a titch classless. The PO is just as bad, if this is all true.

I’m so glad this thread is still alive. I’m still holding out for PO to post.

I’m also in full support of a Je suis Pony Owner clique :lol: