Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

I cant figure it out either, sigh. and without television this week I am really into the mystery theatre you guys are providing!

I KNEW if this thread had blown up to 22 pages, it must be gunning for the COTH Favorites Hall of Fame!

The OP said nothing about tapping out the bank account to get the pony. She was describing how much they had financially invested to prep for and bring the pony home.

And if taking the saddle home until a different one was found was so important to the PO, she could have loaned it to them and put specific stipulations for its return in the contract.

Buying the tack was not a condition of taking the pony, and if it were, something should have been said before the family came down.

Additionally, according to the OP quoted below, the PO made a judgement about the OP’s financial status based simply on her reluctance/refusal to purchase a saddle she wasn’t interested in. The bolding is mine.

Basically it appears the PO simply said:

“You no want saddle?”



Apologize for misunderstanding how heavy of a cost burden the trek was, hard to keep the facts straight around here :slight_smile:

But both sides seem fixated on the saddle, according to the telling of the OP’s tale, and I kinda thought that might be a reasonable explanation from the other side, rather than just assume the other side is a horrible DD-depriving jerk. And, “PO made a judgement about the OP’s financial status based simply on her reluctance/refusal to purchase a saddle she wasn’t interested in.” may not be the case, and is much more likely to be based on a month’s worth of interaction. But for an excited mom, I can easily see how that would seem to be the turning point among events.

Obviously I don’t know, just had image of whole crew in cross-ties and PO saying, “Would you like to ride him in my saddle or yours” and OP saying, “Oh yours, we don’t have a saddle yet” and seller possibly thinking, maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Ah, yes, between you and ESG you’re almost Starsky and Hutch.

Fartsky and Clutch, maybe. ;o[/QUOTE]

Should we tell them? Nah, let them try to figure it out!

What I don’t understand is why someone hasn’t called a psychic yet to get the pony’s side of the story.


Obviously I don’t know, just had image of whole crew in cross-ties and PO saying, “Would you like to ride him in my saddle or yours” and OP saying, “Oh yours, we don’t have a saddle yet” and seller possibly thinking, maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves.[/QUOTE]

Not to wander OT, but who buys a saddle without having horse/pony in hand? Even if you’re not using a fitter it helps to see what you’re dealing with.

And me, too, I give up, no idea who the PO suspect is, can someone PM me? (Why don’t I watch soap operas? THIS is why I don’t have to watch soap operas…)

As a kid? I got the saddle waaaay before the horse, and I suspect that scenario is not unusual in a give-away pony market… if you are giving a pony away for free you kinda assume/hope they have at least procured a saddle to ride it with?

Come on guys. Is some of this absolutely necessary?

Makes a bunch of you look more classless then the OP!

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I can get a burrito at Chipotle for like $5.[/QUOTE]

Where are y’all getting Chipotle so cheap? This is in bold because it is very important. All my burritos cost $9+.


Come on guys. Is some of this absolutely necessary?

Makes a bunch of you look more classless then the OP![/QUOTE]

I hope you’re not talking about the burrito themed posts. All burrito statements (evil or otherwise) are v important.

As someone with a vested interest in conventional animal agriculture, I object to the use of Chipotle. Also, can someone pm me the PO. I think I know her and the pony in question and if so can vouch for her absolute professionalism and dedication to thoroughly checking out the potential new family for the pony

I still don’t understand why the PO did not state “this pony is $$$$” and not even mention the tack. This is a really underhanded way to act whether it was because she did not like the OP, was worried about the financial situation or whatever.
PO should have been upfront, period. We all know that most people take better care of animals they do pay for… not saying the OP would not have.

BUT I find the PO very deceiving and not upfront at all. There were plenty of opportunities to correct/clarify the visit was for assessment… but then if she goes on telling the kids “this is your pony”.

Yes, it is her right to back out of the deal, but it does not look like a very straight and honest person if she can’t tell the REAL reason she wants the $$$ and I am sure it is not because she does not want to be stuck with a saddle…

Sad situation but the PO is not someone I would want to work with either.[/QUOTE]

I’m with you on this. When the OP said to PO, hey i am bringing my trailer to pick up the pony. PO could very well have said “NO” we will talk about things when you get here.
Lets make a decision after the visit.
Look if you cared that much about the pony of course you would be wanting to meet people first and make the decision later.No harm in that, instead she let the OP drove all that way with a trailer, her time, her gas.
Its not the point that the PO didn’t want the pony to go with the OP, the point is she was the one who contacted the OP about the pony in the first place, she had every opportunity to lay down the ground rules over the month that they talked. She did not.
If i was the OP i would be more than pissed. Not because she denied my kids the pony, but that she never gave any indication, that she might say no.
The whole tack thing is not an excuse… there is no excuse for what she did.

I neeeeeed to knooooowww whooooo the POOOOO iissssssssss!!!

It is eating me up inside. I cant sleep. I’ve lost my job. HELP ME.

My husband and child keep asking why I am spurting wine on the keyboard!!![/QUOTE]

Thank God I’m not the only one who drinks while reading COTH…that’s how I ended up hungover this morning:winkgrin:

ya lazy bums aren’t reading closely enough. the keys are there. Begging is so not attracative.


I neeeeeed to knooooowww whooooo the POOOOO iissssssssss!!!

It is eating me up inside. I cant sleep. I’ve lost my job. HELP ME.[/QUOTE]

Of course you have to buy the saddle before anyone will tell you.

J’ aimerais que quelqu’un m’ envoyer le nom de La Pony Owner, s’il vous plait. Je vais acheter la selle – peut-etre.

non :wink:

I’ll buy the damn saddle, just tell who the PO is.

How many burritos do I owe, and do I send them to the PO??? HUH?
of course I need to know who to send them to…

This thread has been great entertainment . I have to admit - I logged in today and checked. But I still have no idea who PO is. And my inbox isn’t full. Just sayin…

ETA - I’d be happy to buy a new saddle, but with these darn chocolates & burritos afoot, I"m not sure what size I’ll take now.

Of course you have to buy the saddle before anyone will tell you.

Je aimerais que quelqu’un me envoyer le nom de La Pony Owner, s’il vous plait. Je vais acheter la selle – peut-etre.[/QUOTE]

The only French I know is quelle suprise! But I dont think that works here lol