Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

My husband and child keep asking why I am spurting wine on the keyboard!!!

The OP said nothing about tapping out the bank account to get the pony. She was describing how much they had financially invested to prep for and bring the pony home.

And if taking the saddle home until a different one was found was so important to the PO, she could have loaned it to them and put specific stipulations for its return in the contract.

Buying the tack was not a condition of taking the pony, and if it were, something should have been said before the family came down.

Additionally, according to the OP quoted below, the PO made a judgement about the OP’s financial status based simply on her reluctance/refusal to purchase a saddle she wasn’t interested in. The bolding is mine.

Basically it appears the PO simply said:

“You no want saddle?”



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Every time I check in on COTH this thread has added 2+ pages and I just looked an hour ago!!!

who doesn’t know who the PO is but wouldn’t mind a hint and also would like the ending to the Crayola Trainer:)

Reminder, you’re only hearing one side…and I applaud PO for not telling her side.

Je Suis Pony Owner also.

Aha! I think I just figured out who PO is. If it’s who I think it is than this just got even more bizarre.

I am still smirking at whomever it was who thought they’d cracked the code because they spoke French :wink:

Pony Owner? Moi aussi!

I speak French.
Mystery solved.[/QUOTE]

Ah, yes, between you and ESG you’re almost Starsky and Hutch.

Fartsky and Clutch, maybe. ;o

I can get a burrito at Chipotle for like $5.[/QUOTE]

More like $6.50 once you add guac.

More like $6.50 once you add guac.[/QUOTE]


waaahhhhh i read all the posts (yes all 21 pages) and i have no idea who PO actually is. someone please PM me! it’s so awful not to know.

I can get a burrito at Chipotle for like $5.[/QUOTE] I’ll Skype you for a month and then give you a free burrito. But then you’ll have to pay for the beans. I’m sorry, I mean haricots.

Je suits propriétaire d’un pony, aussi. But I am not Zee Pony Owner.

More like $6.50 once you add guac.[/QUOTE]

Why did nobody tell me this before I used two gallons of gas?!!

And my stomach is open! I needs the burrito now but I don’t want the guac if it costs more.

Plus I have my own at home and it is made by a professional guac maker.

Read page 1 and skipped ahead. Burritos? Where did we derail? Anyone want to give me the lazy person synopsis?

Read page 1 and skipped ahead. Burritos? Where did we derail? Anyone want to give me the lazy person synopsis?[/QUOTE]

Impossible. You really should read all 21 pages :lol:

Why did nobody tell me this before I used two gallons of gas?!![/QUOTE]

but did you budget a taco truck??

Read page 1 and skipped ahead. Burritos? Where did we derail? Anyone want to give me the lazy person synopsis?[/QUOTE]

It is kind of worth reading more than 1 page :smiley: And there are a couple of summaries in the last (maybe) 4 pages or so?

I don’t think it really got derailed until the last couple of pages…of course by the time I hit “post reply” the thread may be another several pages long!

All right, I’m giving in. Will someone please PM me to tell me who PO is?

Je suis pony owner aussi. Except I really do own a pony (or he owns me), but not THAT pony. And I live in the wrong state to be a participant in this donnybrook.


but did you budget a taco truck??[/QUOTE]

No, but I was very very hangry driving there, and had told my stomach it was getting a burrito with guac. Lesson learned, everyone, Chipotle has nothing to lose.