Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone


It must be a Western saddle. In which case, that’s probably a good deal. I’m in. I’m loading up my trailer, husband and child RIGHT NOW. We’re going to drive to your place (I assume all three pony owners live in the same place, but I am too excited to confirm. Gonna take some extra jerry cans to make sure I can get there from Canada.)

If you don’t immediately deem me and my family to be PERFECT stewards for this pony, I may give up horses forever. And my husband will never, ever let us try to do anything fun, ever again. And my son will be super disappointed. Because I already promised him this pony. He’s got a shrine to it in his room, and prays to Santa Claus every night in thanks for this perfect, fabulous pony.

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Many years ago, I offered a free lease on a horse. I was going back to school, and had no $$. He was a generic grade Morgan, helluva trail horse, and capable of low level dressage and jumping.

The potential lessee and I had several phone conversations (pre-interwbz days), and she showed up to try out the horse with trailer in tow. I, too, had told potential lessee that we could work out a lease when she came to see the horse.
She tried him out in the ring, and they got on reasonably well.

Then I did something worse than the PO in this thread.

After I successfully loaded the horse onto a step-up trailer (first one he’d ever seen) by offering him a carrot, she began to berate me for “bribing” him and spoiling him. (She had wanted to bash him in the hindquarters with a broom.)

I told her I didn’t feel comfortable turning my horse over to someone with her philosophy wrt to training, and I pulled him off the trailer.

So I have some sympathy for the PO in this story.


Ok someone has got to PM me the pony owner’s page, my COTH sleuthing is not up to par :([/QUOTE]

bahaha me too. The struggle is REAL!

Ghazzu did the right thing by her horse.

So I don’t understand why people who support the PO are accused of having some investment in the PO and her business. Lots of reasons why transactions fall apart. At least the pony is safe.

This thread is so long!!!

I just wanted to say that. I realize I am making it longer by saying that.

20 pages and still no house guests?

Come on!!

If anyone is friends with the pony owner, could the one detail she share through you be the price of the tack?

Looking at the debris around the desk I’ve gone through two King size Hershey bars, four Crunch bars, and two dishes of Death by Chocolate ice cream. And now it’s raining outside, I’ll never get rid of the calories.[/QUOTE]

Mine is not that bad…but yeah, raining here too. So much for a pre-work-run.

Annnnnnnnnnd no surely you all want a FREE BURRITO?? I’ll throw in his adorable rain sheet but the halter I had fitted to him will be $5000. Bring your trailer and we’ll see how well you get along with him.

Annnnnnnnnnd no surely you all want a FREE BURRITO?? I’ll throw in his adorable rain sheet but the halter I had fitted to him will be $5000. Bring your trailer and we’ll see how well you get along with him.[/QUOTE]

I’d love to, but I just paypalled my 5,000 for the pony saddle. Maybe next month.

Annnnnnnnnnd no surely you all want a FREE BURRITO?? I’ll throw in his adorable rain sheet but the halter I had fitted to him will be $5000. Bring your trailer and we’ll see how well you get along with him.[/QUOTE]

Why won’t you let me use my own halter fitter? :disillusionment:

OP, do you have a saddle for the kids and pony?

If not, I can see how the seller might be concerned about when this pony would actually be ridden again, and whether or not it would still be suitable for your SN child after such a lengthy time off… It can take awhile to get a saddle, especially if you are going to involve a saddle fitter, and especially if you’ve kind of just tapped your bank account going to get the pony.

With children ages 2, 4 & 6, and the oldest/largest one having special concerns, the seller might have already feared that you don’t have anyone to keep the pony tuned and in line. To then discover there is currently no saddle for the pony, guaranteeing it’s not going to be ridden for awhile, she might have decided that was too much to ask of the old show veteran that can still tell a funny joke if left to his own devices for too long. Hence an insistence to take the saddle, at least until you can find one of your own.

No idea, maybe you have a saddle, but since we’re all filling in blanks for the silent side, that’s my contribution for How This Possibly Played Out.

I can get a burrito at Chipotle for like $5.

from Ghazzu:
"After I successfully loaded the horse onto a step-up trailer (first one he’d ever seen) by offering him a carrot, she began to berate me for “bribing” him and spoiling him. (She had wanted to bash him in the hindquarters with a broom.)

I told her I didn’t feel comfortable turning my horse over to someone with her philosophy wrt to training, and I pulled him off the trailer."

Ghazzu, you are my hero!

Why won’t you let me use my own halter fitter? :disillusionment:[/QUOTE]

…this isn’t going to work out. Sorry.

…this isn’t going to work out. Sorry.[/QUOTE]

But the trailer is open. IT IS OPEN!

OMG I’m not the Pony Owner. I own zero ponies. :lol:[/QUOTE]

:lol: Someone is a little behind on their global news. I, meanwhile, laughed outloud at “Je suis Pony Owner” in my dead silent office…:lol:

:lol: Someone is a little behind on their global news. I, meanwhile, laughed outloud at “Je suis Pony Owner” in my dead silent office…:lol:[/QUOTE]
My work here is done. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!!! bows

:lol: Someone is a little behind on their global news. I, meanwhile, laughed outloud at “Je suis Pony Owner” in my dead silent office…:lol:[/QUOTE]

As did I…

OMG OMG OMG!!! I have nothing to add other than I figured out who the PO is!!! I’m so proud of myself :smiley: :smiley: