Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Je suis Pony Owner and #teamponyowner

Search them and you will figure it out. I would have straight out told you but now I am a troll.

Je suis Pony Owner and #teamponyowner

Search them and you will figure it out. I would have straight out told you but now I am a troll.[/QUOTE]

OMG I’m not the Pony Owner. I own zero ponies. :lol:

My bad…LOL

This has been a great read! Night shift at 3 a.m. is the pits when it’s slow. I have really enjoyed keeping up with this. I still want to know why we can’t find out the price of the saddle!

This has been a great read! Night shift at 3 a.m. is the pits when it’s slow. I have really enjoyed keeping up with this. I still want to know why we can’t find out the price of the saddle![/QUOTE]

Seconded. Amiblue, why not tell us? We’re so curious.

Je suis Pony Owner and #teamponyowner

Search them and you will figure it out. I would have straight out told you but now I am a troll.[/QUOTE]

That’s a joke

In the same vein, I think it’s a gigantic flying leap for the OP to make from those vague phrases that everything is as good as done. The door swings both ways, according to your own logic.

Just saying.[/QUOTE]

The OP is pretty clearly a newbie, and nothing the PO is saying contradicts the interpretation that it’s basically a done deal, with OP’s enthusiasm clearly erasing the ‘basically’ part. The onus is on the PO as the owner (and allegedly experienced/pro) to be a bit more clear. The OP’s obviously leaping to conclusions, but the PO never explicitly spells out one way or another what they’re thinking beyond a vague talk about ‘we’ll do a contract tomorrow.’ I mean, that part would have been kind of weird to me were I the OP. But this would not be my first rodeo.

Nootka, that was a joke. If you do your own homework you can easily figure out who the PO is.

So far French Fry and ybiaw are in contention as PO from about ten pages ago unless you possess the secret decoder ring and figured it out.

This whole thread has been Hell on my diet. Looking at the debris around the desk I’ve gone through two King size Hershey bars, four Crunch bars, and two dishes of Death by Chocolate ice cream. And now it’s raining outside, I’ll never get rid of the calories.

[QUOTE=french fry;8102888]
Regardless of what a small faction of COTH knows, if I had a professional operation (as the PO allegedly does) I would not want my name or my business name attached to this craziness. That ish comes up in a Google search![/QUOTE]

That’s what a PO Alter is for!!!

Neither FF nor I are the PO. I know FF. She also owns no ponies.

Ok someone has got to PM me the pony owner’s page, my COTH sleuthing is not up to par :frowning:

All right, you got us. ybiaw and I co-own the pony.

AND you’re big meanie-heads. :lol:

Ugh, it’s true. We’re SUCH JERKS.

I hope you never offer me a free pony. And tack that fits.

Well I support the positions that pony owners FF and ylaw have espoused on this thread! (They must have taken a trailer and gone down and bought the saddle with the pony thrown in as a bonus for buying the tack from the original PO.)

I have never owned a pony, but have met a lot of crazy people looking for free ponies.

And Je Suis pony owner. (Obviously that French reference went over the heads of some.) How much do I owe for a 1/3 of the saddle?

Well I support the positions that pony owners FF and ylaw have espoused on this thread! (They must have taken a trailer and gone down and bought the saddle with the pony thrown in as a bonus for buying the tack from the original PO.)

I have never owned a pony, but have met a lot of crazy people looking for free ponies.

And Je Suis pony owner. (Obviously that French reference went over the heads of some.) How much do I owe for a 1/3 of the saddle?[/QUOTE]


OMG you got the gold plated Hermes taiaris? I will send my money right away!

I offically nominate this the biggest prick-tease thread EVER.