Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Since everyone knows who the pony owner is, at this point she might as well chime in with something. Anything. I’ve followed the saga through 17 pages, I deserve something here. :lol:

Since everyone knows who the pony owner is, at this point she might as well chime in with something. Anything. I’ve followed the saga through 17 pages, I deserve something here. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Regardless of what a small faction of COTH knows, if I had a professional operation (as the PO allegedly does) I would not want my name or my business name attached to this craziness. That ish comes up in a Google search!

[QUOTE=french fry;8102888]
Regardless of what a small faction of COTH knows, if I had a professional operation (as the PO allegedly does) I would not want my name or my business name attached to this craziness. That ish comes up in a Google search![/QUOTE]

And this would be a ‘high hit’ based on the number of views! :yes:

I think we aren’t ever going to get the whole story, even if the PO chimes in with her side. There’s a large part of me that thinks how classy the PO is to not contribute, to keep herself out of it. [/QUOTE]

I tend to think along the same lines.

But the trainwreck lover in me is sadly disappointed by the lack of Pony Owner and appropriate houseguests in this thread.

It had such potential, too.


[QUOTE=french fry;8102888]
Regardless of what a small faction of COTH knows, if I had a professional operation (as the PO allegedly does) I would not want my name or my business name attached to this craziness. That ish comes up in a Google search![/QUOTE]

Settle. I’m just stirring the pot. She doesn’t need to come say anything. I just want to be entertained. I’ve got no dog in this fight.

Settle. I’m just stirring the pot. She doesn’t need to come say anything. I just want to be entertained. I’ve got no dog in this fight.[/QUOTE]

My tone didn’t come through! As one of the first people to take a hard stance on this thread I am DYING to know the other side of the story, too - I just totally get why the PO isn’t chiming in.

A done deal is a signed contract and a certified check or cash (if applicable.) Nothing is a “done deal” until then. I learned this the hard way as a seller when took a horse to the vet check, buyer had vet draw blood for Coggins and requested a health certificate and before we left we set a day that paperwork would be back from vet and buyer would pick up the horse. Unfortunately, I did not ask for payment before we left the vet check. Next day buyer e-mails me and backs out with some vague, lame excuse that amounted to nothing but cold feet and buyer’s remorse.

But the trainwreck lover in me is sadly disappointed by the lack of Pony Owner and appropriate houseguests in this thread.

It had such potential, too.

Me four!

Over the weekend I read through the Crayola and Roulett threads and was deeply disappointed. I feel like the Roulett thread was way oversold, I kept waiting for it to get more interesting. The Crayola one was more in line with my entertainment expectations but the lack of an ending was unfulfilling. At least I was able to easily track down the Russian Roulett website (russianroulett.net) to see the advertisements but google searches for more info on the Crayola saga were fruitless. Surely there should have been a police report or an archived version of a website with a horse named Kade on it. (Though the name could have been changed to protect the guilty)

Despite the fun of a public he said, she said - good job on PO not chiming in. There is nothing positive for them to gain by doing so.

[QUOTE=french fry;8102888]
Regardless of what a small faction of COTH knows, if I had a professional operation (as the PO allegedly does) I would not want my name or my business name attached to this craziness. That ish comes up in a Google search![/QUOTE]

The PO’s COTH name has nothing to identify who she is, so unless she used her real name, it wouldn’t matter.

She does, however have the name of her farm in her signature link which she would be wise to delete if she did ever post on this thread although that seems quite unlikely at this point.

also, if i had been the PO, i would have been very off put by your language. you do not come across as crazy IMHO, but some of your language seems desperate and short-sighted. as a seller, i want to know my horse is getting the best possible home - the buyer’s language is very important to me and i would screen heavily any person that did not have a fully supportive SO/husband. JMO. [/QUOTE]

Very good post, beowulf.

I want to add to this point. One of the things that was most offputting to me in the e-mail threads was your assertion (in a manic sort of way) that “This pony will NEVER go anywhere!” A reasonable answer to the statement that the pony may never be sold is something like, “I understand your point and should we ever come to a time that we need to send the pony along, you will be the first person we reach out to and I’m happy to sign a ROFR.”

As a pony owner myself, it scares me when a horse/pony buyer with small children says that they’ll NEVER sell the pony in such a black & white sort of way. What about when your youngest outgrows the pony? By your post history (and people who wonder how we’re jumping to conclusions - read through the threads OP has started if you wonder where the assumptions are coming from) you’re tight on money with a maybe-not-fully-supportive spouse and you’re boarding the horses out at a middle-to-high cost facility. What makes you think that you’ll want to (or more likely, BE ABLE to) spend the boarding dollars on the pony when you don’t need her any longer? If you don’t recognize that there’s a point where finding a new home for the pony could be a necessity it makes me feel like you are belligerantly short-sighted. Perhaps that came out more in person than it did in earlier communications?

A second point I’d like to make. The accusations you’ve made of people being heavy PO supporters come across as you saying, “Remember people? I’M THE VICTIM!” Most of us who are not on your side are saying that the evidence you’ve provided does not support what you’re saying. That DOES NOT mean that the PO was a saint or behaved perfectly in this scenario. Do you get that there’s not a connection there? Do you get that “not being on your side” does not equal “totally on the PO’s side”?

Personally, I think that you’re in the wrong regardless of the behavior of the PO based on what you’ve said and the tone you’ve said it in. I think that YOU put your kids in line to be disappointed and that is 100% on you regardless of what a stranger told your kids after you all arrived at the facility. I think that YOU misinterpreted e-mails that pretty clearly do not say what you keep claiming (and I have to imagine that if you had e-mails where she called the pony “your kids’ pony” you would have copied them over stat). And I think that YOU have steadfastly refused to take any responsibility for any of it.

Maybe the PO behaved poorly. Maybe she behaved totally reasonably. Reading through post history for both of you sure makes me lean towards her being the more reasonable one in this situation. But this is the internet and again, none of us know what really happened but the two of you.

Word of advice for you? Stop trying to defend everything to make yourself sound 100% blame-free and so adamantly trying to demonize the PO. Most of us in the horse world are intimately familiar with the fact that there are two sides to every story, that the truth usually falls somewhere in the middle, and that the more one-sided a story sounds from one person the more likely it is to be “filtered.” And since you haven’t posted in a few pages, maybe that’s the tact you’re taking now, which would be wise. Better to let this die down than continue stoking the flames - though TBH, it has been greatly fascinating to a lot of people!

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Oh geez - 2 more full pages since I typed up my post, got distracted, and then hit “post reply” a couple of hours later. Guess this one isn’t dying quite yet!

Again, we have an experienced seller and a very enthusiastic newbie buyer. Who do you think should take the lead with this one?[/QUOTE]

Experienced seller? I beg to differ.

Unfortunately, a thread about the PO’s own inability to market and sell her horses vanished recently because it was deemed as advertisement. Most CotHers’ advices were ignored and met with strange answers.


LMAOOOO PO did chime in pg 18.

All we have is OP’s word that the PO did what she claims. It is entirely possible that PO told her exactly why she wasn’t sending the pony with them and it had nothing to do with the saddle purchase .

Also the OP stated herself that she only posted some of the correspondence and I think it would be reasonable to expect that she only included the parts that supported her position .I have been thinking that the same correspondence edited by the PO would look a lot different.

LMAOOOO PO did chime in pg 18.[/QUOTE]


LMAOOOO PO did chime in pg 18.[/QUOTE]

Where? I don’t see her user name.

LMAOOOO PO did chime in pg 18.[/QUOTE]

Under an alter? I see no PO posts on this thread to date…unless I’m missing something?

Under an alter? I see no PO posts on this thread to date…unless I’m missing something?[/QUOTE]

i think nootka is trolling. someone’s gotta keep the posts coming and the train rolling… :lol:

Experienced seller? I beg to differ.

Unfortunately, a thread about the PO’s own inability to market and sell her horses vanished recently because it was deemed as advertisement. Most CotHers’ advices were ignored and met with strange answers.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure you have the right poster as the PO?