Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

“Je suis Pony Owner.”

Did she recently change her Bio to “I’m Stupid” or was it always that?

Obviously, something got lost in the translation!

Ich bin Pony owner would have been more appropriate!

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Now that I understand the parties involved, I think it’s a little unfair to the PO to criticize her for the brevity of her responses when it’s clear at least to me that there is something of a language barrier and the PO is not clearly familiar with written English. She probably WAS being clear and concise in her mind, but the language and tone just didn’t carry over to the OP’s understanding of English.

[QUOTE=Ambitious Kate;8104570]
In post 135, the OP placed a quote of an exchange she had with the PO, which included metadata of the PO’s username on COTH, her join date, and the number of posts she had. When she posted that, please note, she edited out the PO’s username, but not the join date and post count. Later, the OP went and edited those things out {edited information).

Clever investigators have gone to the member list, sorted by join date, found the join date [edited…thanks UlysMom]

Therefore! It is not difficult to follows those clues and find, in the members’ list, the username of the user who registered on XXXX (or whatever, forget now the details) and figure it all out.[/QUOTE]

Come on, remove the details. The PO is staying away from the thread with good reason. This is not kosher.

Come on, remove the details. The PO is staying away from the thread with good reason. This is not kosher.[/QUOTE]

Completely agree. Bad form.

ETA: Laura, you have to edit your quote too. :smiley:

Ya, sounds like OP missed a lot. She wanted to hire a commercial shipper to bring pony to her place for 30 day trial, PO said they needed to visit the pony at the farm. OP brought a trailer with her, which to her meant no 30 day trial, pony is ours if we like it. I’m not sure how she made that jump, but she did.

I cannot imagine any sane human being who would agree to let their saintly pony go away to an unknown place for a THIRTY DAY trial seven hours away. I balk at doing a week and don’t do it unless I REALLY need a horse sold. Thirty days, and they can do whatever they want and ship another 7 hours back if it’s “not working out?” Oh hell no.

I missed that part, but that is DEFINITELY crazy.

One thing to remember is that the OP has indicated there was plenty of phone conversations. The PO may have very clearly outlined many things verbally regarding that the visit was a two way street- the OP to make sure the pony was a good fit and for PO to make sure the OP & family were a good fit.

I can see it being discussed that only making one 14 hour round trip makes sense but there is the chance that OP comes home with an empty trailer.

We also have no idea the condition of the truck/trailer OP arrived with and how clean the interior was. I have seen some trailers at trailhead that no way would a put anything living in there. Some people seem to think cleaning the manure out every time is really that necessary. Maybe PO was questioning their horse savvy and judgement once the trailer was opened up and PO had a good view of the inside.

Maybe PO should have reminded her in writing one more time about it not being a done deal but if she has stated it on the phone in virtually every conversation she may not have felt the need.

If I was the OP I would not have gone down without seeing the contract first. I want time to read it, digest it and make sure I can abide by the terms. I don’t want to be in the position that I have driven 7 hours, love the pony but can’t live with the terms of the agreement and now have to drive home 7 hours. Or that I feel pressured to sign a contract I am not happy with so that I didn’t waste my time and dissappoint the kids. (not that I have kids)

Bottom line is that the pony is a live animal and it is not like buying a saw at Home Depot. If the PO did not feel that this was a good match she is under no obligation to sell or lease the pony. I would think that anybody that owns a horse or pony would feel that they have the right to not sell an animal to somebody that is their estimation is not a match.
OP seemed to think that she could go down and decide not to buy/lease the pony so why would she think that this wasn’t an option for the PO?
Human communication involves so much body language that is missed in phone conversations and email. It also sounds like the PO did not interact with the husband until OP and family came down. She may have felt that the husband was not really that on board with the kids having a pony.

Since the pony is 7 hours away it makes it hard for the PO to check on the pony. If the pony does not work out it makes it harder for PO to arrange for the pony to come back. Therefore any little bit of doubt over suitability is going to be magnified.

It is also not 100% clear to me if this is a sale or a lease. The contract that the OP never got to see would have hopefully clarified that. Which is one more reason that I would have liked to have seen the contract prior to making the drive.

PO is right in not coming on and adding to this thread. It isn’t any of our business. OP never should have posted the detail in the thread that she did, particularly the part about the PO being a CoTH member. Even without the join date/thread count there are some CoTH members that would have likely figured out who the PO was. Many posters have a distinct writing style and then to be able to narrow it down geographically makes it easier.

OP could have provided the same PSA without needing to provide the details she provided.

Come on, remove the details. The PO is staying away from the thread with good reason. This is not kosher.[/QUOTE]

You might want to remove them from your quote, since it will now remain even if she does…

I respect that most people who are posting information that can help identify the pony owner are doing it with good intentions/to vouch for her, but I am thinking we should respect her lack of participation on this thread (which to me reads as a clear desire to stay out of it) by not posting further personal details about her.

I think the real lesson to be learned here is that if people are buying and selling in a specific price range i.e. free to just a few $k, they are better off staying local whenever possible. That makes it easier to hop on over to meet, see if there is a good fit, without tying up a significant amount of money in the visit. By significant amount of money, I mean a situation where the travel budget is a high percentage of the cost of the horse or pony in question. There have been a lot of threads on COTH about saddles where people talk about burning up a significant portion of their budget just shipping trial saddles back and forth. The same thing can happen with horses.

Whether the buyer has special needs or the seller has special criteria, in any situation local is often better so that the transactions can take place easily and with less probability of hard feelings if it doesn’t work out.

and you still did not get/buy/adopt/lease the pony? what was the reason/excuse?[/QUOTE]

I had to back out after getting the quotes for a box stall from where the pony is to here. It was solely on me. With airfare for two, a hotel stay, shipping and the tack and blankets I was looking at around 4 grand

For those that wonder why someone would post this here?
The PO has had at least one thread pulled because it looked very much like an advertisement for the horse. So I guess if someone is using this site for selling horses, a person that had bad dealings would want to say something.
It is only one side of the story, but what if it is accurate? And the OP is just trying to warn people. There are so many odd stories on this site and so many trolls that a legitimate issue can get lost.
There was a very “popular” person (with a popular stallion) that used this site for years and when anyone spoke up, they were the troll or just being mean. Then the rest of the facts came in and the situation was everything and worse.
Without more evidence, take it for what it is worth to you. But without more evidence, being mean to the OP might be very unwarranted.

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I cannot imagine any sane human being who would agree to let their saintly pony go away to an unknown place for a THIRTY DAY trial seven hours away. I balk at doing a week and don’t do it unless I REALLY need a horse sold. Thirty days, and they can do whatever they want and ship another 7 hours back if it’s “not working out?” Oh hell no.

I missed that part, but that is DEFINITELY crazy.[/QUOTE]

Ya. And PO had access to the other threads that OP has started, almost all of which talk about penny pinching or saving pennies before her mare could see the vet, since they won’t take payments as she is a first-time client.
No current vet reference, no ability to cover in an emergency, and inability to comprehend what I’m saying = you’re not getting my saintly pony, or any horse from me.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with budgeting for a horse (although, I firmly believe you should have a sizable emergency fund BEFORE you purchase a horse…but that’s me), but if you’re putting off vet calls for horse you already own, why on earth are you looking for another mouth to feed?
I get that her oldest does well with hippotherapy, but that’s covered by insurance (per OP). But for the younger two- they don’t need lessons, or their own pony. They can wait until you have the budget to maintain rescue mare AND a pony, not just the mare. Also, most places won’t even give kids lessons til age 4, why a 2yo needs lessons is beyond me.

It is not uncommon for someone travelling a fair distance to view a potential horse or pony to take a trailer along just in case it’s a fit. I did no see anywhere in the ramblings of the OP and her replies from the PO that this was a guaranteed deal , I saw a looking forward to meeting , hope things work out and we will discuss contract etc when we meet.

I found OP’s subsequent remarks regarding pony’s condition etc to be sour grapish in nature … And very derogatory of PO and her expectations for said pony.

Would I load up 3 kids and haul 7 hours for a free pony… not likely … perhaps I would take the trailer and a decent pony rider and check pony out for my kids but not likely … definitely would not get kidlets hyped on " we are bringing home your pony" .

I think honestly this whole mess is just a case of miscommunication and misunderstanding …PO given the over enthusiastic nature of the OP perhaps needed to be a lot clearer in what she was expecting and the OP well her inexperience with how things work makes her feel victimized.

The fact that OP did not bring tack or anyone who could actually ride the pony and put her through her paces and honestly assess the suitibility would have put me off if I were PO… A red flag as to her suitability for ownership and maintenance of said pony . I’m sure also that during PO’s interaction with OP and her family other items of conversation and observation caused some disquiet… not about the tack not at all . Just about the inexperience and suitability of the OP…

Maybe it could have been handled better , I don’t know … The conversations and observations are privy . Only those in attendance know the real story there .

OP Suck it up … Many of has have made the travels for what sounded like the dream horse and left disappointed… That’s just life in horsey land … Calling out a fellow COTHER on open forum smacks of sour grapes and spite .

PO lovely pony BTW … I’d travel 7 hrs just to see her go and damned if I wouldn’t just pay what ever you wanted for the damned saddle. But only if you threw in one of those Burritos , my mouth has been watering since those were introduced into the thread.

For those that wonder why someone would post this here?
The OP has had at least one thread pulled because it looked very much like an advertisement for the horse. So I guess if someone is using this site for selling horses, a person that had bad dealings would want to say something.
It is only one side of the story, but what if it is accurate? And the OP is just trying to warn people. There are so many odd stories on this site and so many trolls that a legitimate issue can get lost.
There was a very “popular” person (with a popular stallion) that used this site for years and when anyone spoke up, they were the troll or just being mean. Then the rest of the facts came in and the situation was everything and worse.
Without more evidence, take it for what it is worth to you. But without more evidence, being mean to the OP might be very unwarranted.[/QUOTE]

The PO had a thread who was removed.

For those that wonder why someone would post this here?
The OP has had at least one thread pulled because it looked very much like an advertisement for the horse. So I guess if someone is using this site for selling horses, a person that had bad dealings would want to say something.
It is only one side of the story, but what if it is accurate? And the OP is just trying to warn people. There are so many odd stories on this site and so many trolls that a legitimate issue can get lost.
There was a very “popular” person (with a popular stallion) that used this site for years and when anyone spoke up, they were the troll or just being mean. Then the rest of the facts came in and the situation was everything and worse.
Without more evidence, take it for what it is worth to you. But without more evidence, being mean to the OP might be very unwarranted.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know. Most of the “PSA/Warning” posts tell you more about the person posting than the individual they are supposed to be warning you about. If you do come onto a forum like this, trying to “warn” everyone (out of the goodness of your heart) people are going to expect some evidence on your part. The reactions of the OP here told me a lot more about her than she probably expected…or wanted.

I’m also fully ready to believe that the PO is a crummy communicator and may have made some poor calls here…but she didn’t open up discussion with a snarky, drama-mining “PSA.”

OP Suck it up … Many of has have made the travels for what sounded like the dream horse and left disappointed… That’s just life in horsey land … Calling out a fellow COTHER on open forum smacks of sour grapes and spite .

Really? I won’t take a trailer unless I know it is a possible sale and it will be my decision to come home without a horse. How many people leave disappointed because the sale is refused by the seller due to unstated details?
Especially after so much correspondence and possibilities for communication.

I had to back out after getting the quotes for a box stall from where the pony is to here. It was solely on me. With airfare for two, a hotel stay, shipping and the tack and blankets I was looking at around 4 grand[/QUOTE]

So, how much was the saddle? Inquiring minds want to know.

Just out of curiosity, what’s the longest thread ever on COTH? Are we even close?