Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Rolex starts today. Are the Pony and the Saddle and The Trailer all there already? Is the Pony Owner there?

Can Fell ponies, oh wait, make that New Forest ponies, jump as well as the Welsh ponies and German Riding Ponies can?

We miss Theodore O’Connor. Best pony ever![/QUOTE]

The saddle has already been to Rolex early. That is, to sell more 1/3 shares. Then trailer can get an overhaul with new tires, paint, and floorboards.

I like Will Faudree and Adromaque. I am partial to mares. Will isn’t too bad looking himself, either. He looks nice in the jog.

What is everyones favorite X-C jump?

Informal survey: which male riders should be allow to use a top hat? Who looks good in them and who looks bad?

William Fox-Pitt is a nice rider, but his top hat is too tall. It needs 2-3 less inches.

Who else do you like in the jog (riders not horses)

What is everyones favorite X-C jump?[/QUOTE]

We 2 warmbloods are ring jumpers. Oxer is the favorite. Spread out that jump. On trail rides, we jump the liverpool.

We 2 warmbloods are ring jumpers. Oxer is the favorite. Spread out that jump. On trail rides, we jump the liverpool.[/QUOTE]

What seize of oxer do you like?


William Fox-Pitt is a nice rider <snip>. It needs 2-3 less inches.[/QUOTE]

That’s NOT what SHE said …

Oh, and that grey half-Connemara at Rolex was super cute.

That’s NOT what SHE said …

Oh, and that grey half-Connemara at Rolex was super cute.[/QUOTE]

Yes, that is not what I said. His top hat needs 2-3 less of inches. His top hat is too tall.

It’s been a long week. This thread was the cure to all that ailed me. I have read all 76 pages of this thread so far…I started yesterday, took me 5 hours of a work shift to finish reading it (between doing actual work).

-1 day I WILL buy a pony, and his barn name will be Guac, and his show name will be Holy Guacamole
-I also still do not know who either OP, PO or POOP is/are.
-All this talk of food really has me craving Mac & Cheese Pizza from CiCi’s

I’m off to go get that pizza…



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

Sweet baby Jesus. My life is now complete.

We need sticky just for PeteyPie’s artwork.

Speaking of work, is anyone working? Why are people on this thread at all hours of the day?

We need sticky just for PeteyPie’s artwork.

Speaking of work, is anyone working? Why are people on this thread at all hours of the day?[/QUOTE]
I’m stuck here all day with very little real work to do.

I’m stuck here all day with very little real work to do.[/QUOTE]

I will not tell anybody

Who is everybody rooting for at Rolex, besides The Saddle?

Who do you want to win and why?

Who is everybody rooting for at Rolex, besides The Saddle?

Who do you want to win and why?[/QUOTE]

I’m not rooting for anyone in particular but felt really bad for the Swedish rider eliminated in dressage

I’m not rooting for anyone in particular but felt really bad for the Swedish rider eliminated in dressage[/QUOTE]

how did that happen?

Some of the scores are very good! 39.3 for Michael Jung!!!

I’m rooting for Anna Collier and Gleam.

Only got to ride with her a few times but she is a great person and a very patient and good teacher.

I am going to get so fat eating and watching all the next couple of days