Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Who is the oldest horse in Rolex

how did that happen?[/QUOTE]

Horse kind of lost his brain in the ring. Balking, spinning, hopping and low rearing. Of course, once eliminated he stood quietly like a champ and walked out calmly. So frustrated on her behalf

Horse kind of lost his brain in the ring. Balking, spinning, hopping and low rearing. Of course, once eliminated he stood quietly like a champ and walked out calmly. So frustrated on her behalf[/QUOTE]

That is so sad. :frowning:

I just found this virtual course walk!


What Rolex jumps do you like?

I like #5, with the hedges shaped like a horse head

I wish I was as skinny as the Normandy Bank #23C

I would not want to jump #10 the tobacco table

the picnic table does not look like a picnic: #15

The flowerbox, #1, needs more flowers in it.

the produce stand, #29, has a lot of produce in it :lol:

I don’t like the name Fernhill Cubalawn. It reminds me too much of Kubla Khan

[QUOTE=Bristol Bay;8119351]
I nominate you for a Macarthur genius grant.[/QUOTE]

(Holding award and speaking into a microphone):
I would like to thank all of my friends from the Chronicle of the Horse Forum and of course give a special, special thank you and acknowledgement to The Pony, The Saddle, and The Trailer, who have been my inspiration.

(Pauses, tears up a little and proceeds with voice quavering with emotion):
I hope everyone can recognize the brilliance of the Original Poster who brought us a thread which made all of this possible and refused to buy the blue saddle. (Takes a deep breath): …and to the elusive Pony Owner who so courageously followed her heart and refused to give away her pony; thank you, thank you.

This grant will free me up from the confines of working for a salary and enable me to continue making stick art. (Holds up award and exits stage while audience applauds).

I don’t like the name Fernhill Cubalawn. It reminds me too much of Kubla Khan[/QUOTE]

What’s your problem with Kubla Khan? What, he didn’t invite you to his stately pleasure dome?

What’s your problem with Kubla Khan? What, he didn’t invite you to his stately pleasure dome?[/QUOTE]

Kubla Khan is a poem

Kubla Khan is a poem[/QUOTE]

Kubla Khan is the main character in the poem. PeteyPie, can you stick art a mighty pleasure dome?

The flowerbox, #1, needs more flowers in it.[/QUOTE]

We ate them.

the produce stand, #29, has a lot of produce in it :lol:[/QUOTE]

Not if we get to it first.

Informal survey: which male riders should be allow to use a top hat? Who looks good in them and who looks bad?

William Fox-Pitt is a nice rider, but his top hat is too tall. It needs 2-3 less inches.[/QUOTE]

Who was quibbling about the size…of the tophat? Ok maybe bigger is better, but then some people do wear helmets.

Oxers should be big. Tall and wide. Maybe for Warmbloods to jump. But then eventing is not for us. Too much work! The latest issue of The Chronicle magazine has info on all the horses and riders at Rolex. We hope all the horses get through without getting hurt. Too dangerous for warmbloods. We’ll stay in the ring. 5 foot jumps are nice. And good footing.

Kubla Khan is the main character in the poem. PeteyPie, can you stick art a mighty pleasure dome?[/QUOTE]

There is a slight difference. Kubla Khan is the name of the poem. The person you are thinking about is Kublai Khan, a Chinese emperor who was in a work that Coleridge had read. The guy was supposedly on an opium trip when he was writing it, so he left out the i. :lol:

Which Rolex jumps do people like?