Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

So yes, of the ones I posted which other people also like those jumps?

Kubla Khan is the main character in the poem. PeteyPie, can you stick art a mighty pleasure dome?[/QUOTE]

Easy Peasy. Here is the dome. There is pleasure going on under that dome. Just imagine the pleasure:


Please more line art.

I must say that one thing I really appreciate about this thread is that there is no horribly upsetting underlying situation or issue. Yes, there is some concern that the OP may be underfunded or getting in over her head, but there is no abuse, no dead animal, no cruelty, no devastating financial disaster, etc. It is a rather benign problem with an eager well-intentioned new horse owner who wants a pony and a responsible owner who is picky about where her pony goes. There are no villians here, just an issue which has brought a lot of thought and opinion about how it could have been handled differently/better.

There is a slight difference. Kubla Khan is the name of the poem. The person you are thinking about is Kublai Khan, a Chinese emperor who was in a work that Coleridge had read. The guy was supposedly on an opium trip when he was writing it, so he left out the i. :lol:[/QUOTE]

But in the poem Kubla Khan, the character of Kubla Khan decrees a stately pleasure dome (as illustrated by PeteyPie).

It was located where Alph, the sacred river, ran through caverns measureless to man down to a sunless sea.

It was a miracle of rare device,

A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!

Yes, I made a lot of mistakes. I am sad of that. I demanded too much, when I should have thought earlier what to do before op came to see the pony

I must say that one thing I really appreciate about this thread is that there is no horribly upsetting underlying situation or issue. Yes, there is some concern that the OP may be underfunded or getting in over her head, but there is no abuse, no dead animal, no cruelty, no devastating financial disaster, etc. It is a rather benign problem with an eager well-intentioned new horse owner who wants a pony and a responsible owner who is picky about where her pony goes. There are no villians here, just an issue which has brought a lot of thought and opinion about how it could have been handled differently/better.[/QUOTE]

Let’s discuss about Rolex jumps.

Speaking of work, is anyone working? Why are people on this thread at all hours of the day?[/QUOTE]

I don’t work anymore. I have a grant.

the produce stand, #29, has a lot of produce in it :lol:[/QUOTE]
Any avacados?

My husband bought me a saddle today.
Unfortunately he will probably have sold it before I get to see it. It is not blue. It is a textan- they were made by Stuebban. He said it is really nice. He paid pennies for it. He probably has it sold already. I will need lots of guacamole. I would have painted it blue.

Any avacados?[/QUOTE]

Already removed and eaten after being made into guacamole

This thread makes me happy.:slight_smile:

Let’s discuss about Rolex jumps.[/QUOTE]

Denny Emerson says “too dangerous”.

Denny Emerson says “too dangerous”.[/QUOTE]

So do Leslie and Lesley Law with great analysis of why in terms of jump construction

OK, next topic.

Horse kind of lost his brain in the ring. Balking, spinning, hopping and low rearing. Of course, once eliminated he stood quietly like a champ and walked out calmly. So frustrated on her behalf[/QUOTE]

That was heartbreaking. I know Jennie from Red Hills (local to me, volunteered for years in stabling) and I used to crush big time as she rode a stallion that was my first pony’s doppleganger. She’s a fantastic person and rider, so sad that this happened at her first ever Rolex run.

I heard that Chipotle is now offering delivery.



Pony jumps shark.[/QUOTE]

This pony is a knee-hanger and has a less-than-keen expression. No deal.

Now really what did Leslie and Lesley say sbout the jumps? They look big, but really what is so dangerous?

This pony is a knee-hanger and has a less-than-keen expression. No deal.[/QUOTE]

Actually, pony is trying to kick the shark in the face and knock its teeth out