Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

I got about 30 pages in and gave up… four years on… did we ever find out who the pony owner was?

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We very much know who the pony owner is. They have proven time and time again that they like to make drama for the fun of it.


I read as far into the thread as I could manage and ii don’t think the seller of this pony ever made an appearance to give their side of the story?

Same, Scribbler. I made it to page 37…wondering if it’s worth it to keep going? Do we ever hear from Pony Owner in the thread, besides people just knowing their identity?

We sort of do through a poster who was with her in Las Vegas. The Pony Owner stayed out of the thread and should be given credit for that. I forget which page that’s on but it is well after the OP got some sense and stopped posting.

The thread then gets diverted with The Saddle making an appearance, vats of guacamole and margaritas were consumed and all is well with the pony in question. Who knows about the OP and her rescue horse.

Oh and another long time poster had called about the pony and she understood the situation as the same parameters were given to her.

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This thread started off as a somewhat amusing dumpster fire but then became a lot of people who think they’re REALLY REALLY REALLY FUNNY screaming into the void under alter names designed to poke the OP. I didn’t think they were half as clever as they thought they were. I feel like somewhere midway through I did a TL;DR but I’m a little lazy to go search for it now. Maybe work backwards?


It was chuckle worthy at first but yeah it was annoying. Now we have “TheBlueSaddle” in the Barisone thread just hinting at things and poking one of the parties involved.

That’s actually how this thread got mentioned.


Maybe other people find that hilariously funny, there’s no accounting for taste. I find it really annoying and this thread had it in spades