Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

question- is this the thread about the “blue saddle”?

I keep seeing this come up but I don’t know the inside story.

Someone care to share?

Not important or earth shaking, but I’m curious.

Manni’s gonna Manni

Yes, she outed herself before.

Oh trust me, we are being very nice to her in light of what she has done here. VERY nice (ie- making the dressage forum a complete mess since this thread and her start on this forum)

Why are you bumping a 3 year old thread to complain about Manni again? I thought you were going to ignore her.

Oops, it was being talked about on the dressage forum today when someone referenced it in the conversations around Manni.

I didn’t realize I bumped it up. Deleted my post, please do the same, but really, it was a good read. Nice on a cold day to have some entertainment. I missed a lot of this. wow.


Once it’s bumped, deleting your post doesn’t change the fact that you bumped it. All it does it make it look like the person who posted after you was the one who bumped it. It’ll still be hovering near the top of the forum by virtue of being bumped.

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Stuck in an ER waiting room for a couple hours, had a chance to skim this whole thread. Arelative greenie’s summary and introspective about this thread:

  • OP posted about her experience trying to either free lease or receive a free pony. Details vague bc no contracts were discussed and signed, and PO (pony owner) has not directly participated in thread.
  • OP provides many pms and accounts of communication with PO, and unless fabricated, it is clear that OP had gone to some trouble and expense to rent a trailer and secure a stall for said pony, and then drive 7hrs to get pony. PO was non committal about terms except to say pony shall never be sold. Unless fabricated it is obvious OP was driving down with whole fam with intention to pick up pony.
  • Deal apparently went south at last moment when PO tried to unload an expensive and allegedly unsuitable saddle onto OP, and later second hand accounts from POs friend make it sound like: neither husband was on board with the transaction, and OP was going to recoup costs from "pony rides". In any case, OP left without pony, under th impression that PO thought she could not not keep pony in manner that he has become accustomed.
  • PonyOwner is so obviously a troll/satire account that anyone mistaking this person for real Po should be ashamed :lol:
  • same thing for Open Trailer debate — obviously refers to fact that trailer door was open and ready to load pony. Any pontificating about the semantics of open is silly.
  • How much was the saddle? We have one second hand (apparently) account from friend of OP that there was nice tack in discussion of $5k value. NOT $500 as I have seen erroneously reported. If true this is highly relevant.
  • One can look through thread to still find way to identify PO, I haven't bothered. I gather that PO is very wealthy and has some beautiful warmbloods. Others have alleged that PO is a known difficult seller with a dubious grasp of English.
  • Some have alleged through other threads that OP is not financially stable enough to own horses due to some comments about not immediately affording a vet appt for a rescue.
  • Some people really like to talk about guacamole. If you are not one of those skip the last 30+ pages.
  • Some people are way too invested in this thread. After this long post I may be considered one?
My spidey sense says that either OP didn't have a posh enough situation to please PO, and/or PO husband was not gonna let the pony go without offloading tack with "$5k value", either to prove financial,stability or just to offload pony. I also gather OP was wayyyy too enthusiastic and let that blind her to POs noncommittal commmunication.

How this shouldve been handled: tack contingency should’ve been up front, if any. videos of boarding situation sent to confirm suitability of pony accommodations. trip down to meet pony. No trailer or husbands. Contract negotiated on THAT trip. Take trailer down once contract settled.

Known unknowns: who was the bigger asshole here comes down to whether or not PO tried to offload thousands of tack last minute for whatever reason on a "free"pony, and whether or not OP was going to monetize pony rides. I am less concerned about whether OP was wealthy or experienced enough…if she has a suitable boarding situation then we can be certain a level of feeding/veterinary/farrier care is expected for boarders. PO can put whatever she wants into a contract stipulating visitation or return of pony. Also both OP and PO were accused of overpromising to the children, which is also problematic, but we only have 1 side.

LAST POINT: COTH has taught me that perhaps best route would just be to euth the pony since that is the go to solution for any horse of a certain age that is causing strife and problems :lol::lol::lol:


You really summed it up.


Yes, if I deleted that post and everyone else deleted then it would go back to oblivion. I’ve seen it happen.But I guess it doesn’t need to go away, what people post is fair game since we were actually talking about it (Big Mamma brought it up)

Anyways, I haven’t participated in any of this thread till yesterday, so don’t blame me for the other 87 pages :slight_smile:

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No, that’s my point. Deleting posts doesn’t undo a bump

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It’s always relative to the last post on the thread, what ever that is…

Which is very funny why everyone is bumping this up again and again to talk how not to bump it up!

And I hate guac!


I hate guac too…I’m so confused

And someone did it AGAIN (bumped it and then deleted the post bumping it). You know who you are. It’s annoying :wink: (at least to me)


Me too!!! I’ve noticed a bunch this morning.

That’s a bummer. I’ve just finished the thread & now feel like I missed something! It’s taken a few days for me to get through from start to finish.


I believe this thread got bumped up by spam, some wierd college cheat site triggered by the term lessons.

It did not. I saw the post that was deleted. It was a regular post by a regular member

Ok my confusion them. Probably because this thread was getting referenced on Barisone thread I bet.

I could totally see someone getting sucked into a long thread forgetting that it is old and posting. I’ve caught myself a time or two almost hitting the post button.

I suspect that’s why

That’s how I stumbled across it. But very entertaining in its own right. Like a book I couldn’t put down! Probably one of the most entertaining threads I’ve ever read post hoc.