Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Wayne Newton did indeed raise Arabians, very nice ones, in fact, and rode one in a concert at least once.

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There once was a poster giving away a pony,
Who thought the person who came to get her was a phony,
So she turned down the deal,
which would have been a steal,
And the saddle and trailer and pony became famony.

This thread goes so well with understanding the shocking oldenburger thread!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!

Wait what is this shocking oldenburger thread you speak of

That was an awesome poem by the way :slight_smile:

Nevermind… I’m going to read it now :slight_smile:


Why would you bump this old thread? WHY?

to make the connection?

to make the connection?[/QUOTE]

Yes, someone referenced this thread on the new thread.
Now all americans are being called ignorant of German WB breeding.

The subject-matter of this thread chose not to out herself and so you’re trying to out her? Klassy. Boxed-wine levels of klassy.

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The subject-matter of this thread chose not to out herself and so you’re trying to out her? Klassy. Boxed-wine levels of klassy.[/QUOTE]

Pay attention in class: The other thread has many mentions of the pony. And even an appearance by The Saddle.

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Pay attention in class: The other thread has many mentions of the pony. And even an appearance by The Saddle.[/QUOTE]

DID SHE OUT HERSELF THERE? Or is it more of what you keep trying to do here-- basically out her whether she wants it or not? Not like most people haven’t figured it out anyway, but it’s still rude and quasi stalkerish the way you want to keep dredging up threads about this person.

Free world, so obviously you can do what you want… but your behavior is strange. I really don’t care about on some other thread. I think it’s crazy levels of mememe attention seeking the way you KEEP bumping this thread after it’s died down. If you want to stoke the flames on that other thread which is live, have at it. Otherwise, perhaps consider why someone who likes to pretend to be a horse online has nothing better to do than to keep bumping this old thread looking for attention. It’s sad. If there’s some pile on going on another thread, and you love pile ons so much–go pile on there. Don’t keep coming back here to double pile on. It’s just bizarre.

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The Pony Owner outed herself LONG ago… I can’t remember the exact date and time though


DID SHE OUT HERSELF THERE? Or is it more of what you keep trying to do here-- basically out her whether she wants it or not? Not like most people haven’t figured it out anyway, but it’s still rude and quasi stalkerish the way you want to keep dredging up threads about this person.

Free world, so obviously you can do what you want… but your behavior is strange. I really don’t care about on some other thread. I think it’s crazy levels of mememe attention seeking the way you KEEP bumping this thread after it’s died down. If you want to stoke the flames on that other thread which is live, have at it. Otherwise, perhaps consider why someone who likes to pretend to be a horse online has nothing better to do than to keep bumping this old thread looking for attention. It’s sad. If there’s some pile on going on another thread, and you love pile ons so much–go pile on there. Don’t keep coming back here to double pile on. It’s just bizarre.[/QUOTE]

You have not been paying attention. There is a new train wreck regarding her Oldenberg “breed” and how we Americans aren’t smart enough to know one when we see one. Or something to that effect…


You have not been paying attention. There is a new train wreck regarding her Oldenberg “breed” and how we Americans aren’t smart enough to know one when we see one. Or something to that effect…[/QUOTE]

No, I guess I’m in the minority here but I haven’t been stalking one particular poster to pile on her on various threads. If there’s some drama on another thread-- post there. Don’t come bump this thread. And it’s not like it’s the first time WWWB has done that. While pretending to be a talking/typing horse. Typing limericks with screwed up meter. On the internet. Because that’s normal.


OMG, I’m so confused. What does it mean to “out Pony Owner”?

I predict this will go to 100 pages.

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Do I have to read this whole thread to understand?

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[QUOTE=Miss Anne Thrope;8332034]
OMG, I’m so confused. What does it mean to “out Pony Owner”?

I predict this will go to 100 pages.[/QUOTE]

I am guessing the OP of the other thread is in fact the PO? If so it all makes sense now. If not I guess I am the only one who still doesn’t know, but after all this time who would care who it was?

[QUOTE=Miss Anne Thrope;8332034]
OMG, I’m so confused. What does it mean to “out Pony Owner”?

I predict this will go to 100 pages.[/QUOTE]

I am the one who posted a link to this thread on another thread, where it had been mentioned and folks were curious about it.

The OP on that other thread appears to have been the pony owner who was the subject of this thread.


This has all the makings of a pile-on. If the real pony owner has chosen to remain anonymous, I don’t see why all the other anonymous posters shouldn’t respect that.

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I think the pony owner was accidentally outed by the OP? She was definitely outed though, because I am the worst sleuth on the planet and even I knew who it was when this thread was last active. So the twisted knickers can be untwisted.


PSA: The moon is coming full. OwwwwwOOOOOOOOO!!!

Run while there’s time.

(Thank you).

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This has all the makings of a pile-on. If the real pony owner has chosen to remain anonymous, I don’t see why all the other anonymous posters shouldn’t respect that.[/QUOTE]

Manni outed herself as the pony owner on the Oldenburg thread (post #61), and provided an update on the pony.