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Working with unhandled, 8 month old filly

Everyone always has their own opinion.

I disagree with the other posters who say you don’t need to get a halter on her. One of the first things TIP mustang trainers do is work toward haltering so they can then work on leading. I know you said you don’t like videos but there are some great videos of trainers haltering mustangs. I don’t think it’s about getting kicked, it’s more about having some control and teaching them that they can be with you and they aren’t going to get hurt.

Heck, I wish my BLM mustang was a little more skittish around people he thinks people ARE THE BEST and is a little too snuggly if you know what I mean.

Getting that halter on has been a 100% turn around. My filly is so quick to cut , spin and run if she doesn’t want to be touched so now that she knows she doesn’t have that option, she is more receptive to handling. Oddly, her biggest protest was getting too close to her face. She would spin and run or get in a corner with her butt to you. Now that she is haltered and will give a few steps forward and backwards, she LOVES having her head scratched. It does help that she is shedding and wants that hair off too! I love this journey.