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Would like some COTH ideas for dealing with another competitor at upcoming competition . .

Ohhhh, I love this wording! Going to borrow it .

Eta: @zap, I was very much like that as a child. All I can say is I sort of grew into my brain & physically “glowed up”. I often think of myself as too talkative but others tell me I’m quiet & can be intimidating to some people. I’m a bit shy & describe myself as an extroverted introvert. I was also diagnosed with ADD as an adult & now think that some of my social awkwardness as a child can be chalked up to ADD hyperfocus. My SO has a similar personality (minus the ADD) & is probably shier than me but thanks to his career & physique comes off as very aloof, alpha male.

Could you talk to the school counselor to see if they at least offer a social skills group through the school?