See, she KNEW you would take care of her and try to fix her problems.
Arabians KNOW people, they actually like most people (except cruel, harsh braggarts), they can have a goal in their minds, and they wait for you to appear.
I was raised to keep silent on horseback. But when I started riding Debbie’s Russian Arab gelding she told me that one thing he did.not.like was people talking while up on his back.
That wouldn’t do for me. My riding teacher was not educated in Forward Seat Theory and I often expounded on what I was doing and why I was doing it this way. My riding teacher was already GOOD but was not familiar with how the Forward Seat system of schooling and riding and schooling Forward Seat is different from modern hunt seat show riding.
So I asked Debbie’s permission, and I started telling the gelding out loud what I was asking for, why I was asking for it in this particular way, what I hoped his response would be, what the ideal response could be, all backed up by theory from Vladimir Littauer’s “Common Sense Horsemanship” and other Forward Seat authors.
This gelding was fascinated. He never misbehaved when I explained SERIOUS stuff to him, he was just sick and tired of inane giggling jabber. Riding theory however, well that was just fascinating to him.
He got to the point that one time as I was describing to Debbie how I was going to use my hand and leg aids to ask the horse to do something new, he did the movement while I was describing the whole deal to her, turn in place, pick up the appropriate hoof and put it down in the right place, and I was holding the reins on the buckle and I had my legs OFF of him on purpose. He did not wait for me to tell him “now Glow, this is what I want.” He just went ahead and did it without any overt aids, and then stood there with a smug look on his pretty face (“hee hee, you thought I did not understand you at all when you speak.”)
Talk to your mare. Tell her what is going to happen. Before you start training her sit down and give her a description of exactly you are going to do and why. Then repeat the explanation WHILE you are giving the aids.
Arabs can learn to understand English. They can learn to understand Equestrian English. Arabian horses are smart (of course some are smarter than others), which means that you can end up with an equine genius who is willing to work WITH you since you explained everything to them.
Just understand that you are HER HUMAN. She “owns” you, not the other way around. She called, you came, good girl.
You are going to have all sorts of fun to make up for all your valid worries. At least I have had lots of fun with Arabians. They can be SPECIAL and they know they are.