I appreciate everyone reading/commenting, it’s nice to have a bit of a journal for this ongoing journey.
I am cautiously optimistic today. She eats all of her meds in her grain, and is easy with the UlcerGuard syringe. I have moved her into a paddock full time and haven’t seen her pace since. Perhaps she is not a horse who can be stalled…she was ok with it in the beginning, but I think that with everything else going on it got to her.
She seemed…well…back to normal this afternoon, let me touch and tickle her belly and flanks without any weirdness. We took a long walk, which she enjoyed, then a hose down. I even braided her tail, a definite Oh Heck No last week as she was so on edge even touching her dock was met with a reaction.
Currently I am out there to walk her daily, and in another week we may start doing light stuff i.e getting used to blanketing, ground manner stuff, addressing the needle fear, maybe some trick training as she seems very in to that (already kind of inadvertently taught her how to “smile”). Ultrasound will probably be done in October, and Oncept either October or November (confirmed with vet today). If she has a tumor on her ovary, I was quoted $1500 for removal at UC Davis (that is with a three day stay), which is doable.
With the regumate and ulcer meds, the change has been big in a very short time.
Pics from today, all purtied up and finally acting like a normal horse again.