WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Sadly, I think you are 100% correct. This kind of personality is the basis of most reality TV. And the ability to get a lot of attention (via SM or reality shows) not only eggs on this type of behaviour, it causes others to see it an emulate it.

Someone else referenced the “affluenza” teen. I think a combination of money, enabling adults, a life-long lack of accountability for any actions, and the attention available on SM for outrageous antics and language has created many a monster. The cash me outside girl, the real housewives, the teen moms, DH, and personalities on that thread are all of a piece. It is a super sad commentary on the times. No one with any real sense of self, dignity, education, or accomplishment would ever behave that way let alone repeatedly put that stuff out there for public consumption.

I agree; I just stopped reading. It’s too embarrassing even to witness. I cannot imagine participating.


Here’s the recipe I used for our clam chowder last night:

If you happen to run into my cardiologist, I’d appreciate you not mentioning this to him. :lol:


??? I’m not following

I’m scrolling on by anything by YD. I recommend it!:encouragement:


Totally agree. Momentary lapse of judgement and hope for a sane back and forth.


I was so excited for a moment


All of you who keep posting about “scrolling by” a certain poster and calling a them a troll and posting recipes that are frankly irrelevant to any useful conversation here are coming across as extremely childish.

Maybe I missed something egregious… but why is opining on the word choice of the defense attorney so offensive to you? Granted I haven’t been following this case of late and haven’t read through the whole thread… but it seems to me that this poster was contributing her analysis and opinion to the discussion. I neither agree with it nor disagree, but I fail to see what has you all up in arms.

If her opinion doesn’t mesh with yours, that’s fine. But is it possible to either thoughtfully engage or to just ignore it without being vicious? The posting openly about your distaste for this person seems petty and bullying. If you don’t like what she posts, don’t engage. But don’t be a jerk.

This is, after all, a discussion board. Based on the way this thread has devolved, it feels more like an echo chamber.


This would be true if the person in question actually discussed rather than pick apart any response to her comments and continue on for several more posts.

It appears you are a fairly new, low participation member of these forums. The use of recipes, boxed wine, Willem the horse, and many other long term traditions is a way of lightening a thread when it begins to get in the weeds and veering off on a strange tangent.

I’m sorry if you’ve misunderstood our experiences and I’m sure we will all agree that you can respond to, or scroll on by any post you choose.


She has a SM post up about how people keep asking her and her boyfriend why they even opened the door to MB. Why open the door if you are on a porch?


I respectfully disagree. Many members have tried to thoughtfully engage with the poster on other Barisone-related threads only to be patronized with the conversations devolving into lectures of semantic gotchaism. One could argue it would be childish to continue engaging, knowing the inevitable frustrating outcome.

Someone please correct me if I am mistaken but it looks like the poster only contributes to Barisone-related threads. That’s neither here nor there but I find it…interesting.

Lastly, the word “bully” is used a lot these days. Please show me where you think the poster has been bullied, or viciously treated here. I ask sincerely, to see where others’ thresholds of perceived mistreatment lies and reflect upon that.


Said poster is not well received as she has appointed herself thread police, and god forbid you do not agree with her or what she stipulates you should post. She also has a habit of twisting anything anyone else posts. She only comments on the MB threads or Safe Sport threads, absolutely nothing else. What is her purpose here? You decide.

She has not been bullied. If she had been, the moderators would have dealt with it accordingly.


I know, I know, I should have known better.

@YankeeDuchess the reasons why you dont understand Bilinkis’s theories/way of doing are because you are not a criminal defense attorney and because you believe Barisone to be guilty of all charges.
It is bias that’s tainting your judgement; Bilinkis wants his client to be found not guilty.

LK was shot twice by MB
MB said it was self defense

So this was my last interaction with YD. Good evening folk.

I cooked an amazing banana bread - with coconut milk to add softness. :slight_smile:


You did missed something egregious because you haven’t been following this case and read through the whole threadS.


Off topic @alibi_18 but your profile pic is gorgeous!


You and I are in 100% agreement that Bilinkas wants his client to be found not guilty of all charges. That’s his job.

In all criminal cases, not just this one, I assume the state does not bring charges unless intelligent, serious, hardworking district attorneys, after serious consideration, think they have enough solid, admissible evidence to meet their burden of proof. For the judge and the jury, they must presume innocence until proven guilty. But for me on the sidelines, not being the judge or jury, I don’t feel obligated to just parrot “I presume he is innocent”. 

    It is difficult for me to understand how someone can disagree with my statement that a big part of Bilinkas’s job is to anticipate the prosecution theory as to motive. I just said that based on the little bit that was reported, from what Bilinkas said, I’m inferring that Bilinkas is preparing to counter a prosecution theory that the motive for attempting to murder two people was to cover up fraud. 

 You think it wasn’t premeditated, was self defense or an accident. Fine. But Bilinkas can’t go into court and simply shout “There was no premeditation, none, no way!”  The prosecution will have a theory of motive, and Bilinkas will have to defend against it. 

   I said, and I meant it, that I am glad Barisone has excellent representation. As someone pointed out in a previous thread, it’s not the case that either the prosecution or the defense get to float 27 different theories of what happened and say, well, jurors, here’s a set of 27 theories, pick whichever one you find most convincing. 

     The prosecution gets to present one theory - one claim re motive - and the defense gets to present one theory.  I, personally, don’t find the self defense theory or the gun went off in a struggle theory plausible. If you do, fine. 

    When Eggbutt posts two articles on a court hearing in which Barisone says nothing, there are statements from the defense attorney, the judge, and the prosecutor, why do you feel entitled to express outrage at my posting my views on what I think I have gleaned from the statements? If you want to disagree, please do so. If you want to post recipes, please do so. 

    You are also free to decline to respond to my posts.
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I have participated in the Rob Gage and George Morris threads, and the Barisone threads since mid December. I did not participate in the first two Barisone threads, which I understand were closed by the moderators when they became over the top vicious.

She’s not faulting you for declining to engage. She’s faulting you for the continuing gratuitous jabs. The jabs don’t really bother me. As the poster indicates, the jabs say more about you than about me.

   If you look at any of the previous Barisone threads, all of which were eventually closed by the moderators when they became extremely vicious, it would appear that there is a pretty high threshold of nastiest and insults which is tolerated before the moderator shuts things down. In all of the previous Barisone threads, Lauren Kanarek participated directly, and she received the brunt of the insults and taunts.

    I don’t see how the moderator could respond to bullying directed at me unless I chose to make complaints to the moderator; I assume the moderator is not actively following all threads!
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This is just not true, Lauren herself caused a LOT of the strife and had she behaved better MB might not have a case of self defense. Lauren brings hate on herself when she cyber stalks etc.


Thanks. :lol:

It’s me, and my delicious brown saddle on Valegro at the 2012 Olympics. I have another one with Totilas.

It’s an old, yet well done, classic photoshopping joke I did here once.


The writing style and vocabulary of the YD on this thread seem nothing like the other threads.

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