WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

It is there, but it doesn’t work. Well, it doesn’t work for me - I just gave it another try.

No joy.

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I have been making some stuff in my Instant Pot lately, I love that thing!! Made pulled pork last night, it was fantastic!


Well, there would be the rub unfortunately.

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How many adult women do you know who gush to their “besties” on social media the way LK and Nellie or Gertie or whatever her code name is do on Facebook? What’s with all the juvenile kisses, hearts and hugs? It is fascinating how they feed off each other and ramp up their rhetoric toward the victim of the moment. Isn’t that what private message might be used for? Just saying. :frowning:


I sought that FB discussion out yesterday. Ye gods. Why put such bad behavior out for display? Childish, yes.


LK’s latest ramblings on her page about DH now accuse JH of entering her apartment in the house immediately after the shooting, very calm and casual, under the cover of changing lightbulbs, and stole her rings. Not only does she accuse him of this, but she also points out his demeanor is proof of how well the shooting was planned in advance.

First of all, the entire house was sealed off for quite some time as a crime scene. As I recall in one of the forum threads she mentions going to the house after she was released from the hospital two weeks later and there was still crime scene tape up and blood on the ground although it had rained during those two weeks. So, when exactly did JH enter the house?? Could RG have taken the jewelry (if it was taken) since he may not have had access to her bank account while she was hospitalized? Is there a police report to back up this theft? This to me is again LK’s imagination gone wild in paranoid fantasy. :confused::confused:


Was LK supposedly sitting on the porch reading a book when MB pulled up?

Just curious…


I wish to do a 180 on my earlier statement that there was not much new in the article. On a third reading, I was struck by these points:
LK has said that she made a report to SS re bullying by MB. In terms of her report to SS, it transpired in court that the prosecutor ALREADY HAS subpoenaed those records from SS. On the other hand, Bilinkas stated in court that he PLANNED to subpoena records from SS on a report by Barisone and a report by someone else complaining about LK. If a major part of the case, or a minor part of the case, is documenting the claim that LK goes around filing false claims, why is it that the defense has not filed the subpoenas already?
Similarly, the reporter stated that Bilinkas expressed “needing” to learn what was contained in the recordings made without permission. In working through all the material involved in discovery, is it believable that a defense lawyer as capable as Bilinkas would prioritize slogging through 19,000 pages of (nasty) SM stuff over listening to the recordings? Assuming the prosecution plans to attempt to get the recordings admitted, surely the prosecution must have made the recordings available to the defense. I found it utterly unbelievable that the defense did not transcribe and study any recordings supplied in discovery within the first 72 hours after receiving them.
Finally, there was a direct quote that Bilinkas said in court that “It’s our position that I have incontrovertible” evidence that LK frequently makes unfounded accusations of fraud. The judge welcomed evidence of false accusations of fraud in general, after ruling that the the judge considered the fact that CPS declined to intervene was inadmissible.
To make a case for attempted murder, the prosecution needs to establish a motive. Based on Bilinkas’s statements that he claims he has “incontrovertible” evidence of bogus claims of fraud made by LK, my inference is that Bilinkas is setting up a defense against the prosecution’s possible assertion that the motive for the attempted murder was to cover up fraud.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE note that I am NOT claiming that I know for a fact or am even speculating as to what I think was a possible motive.

Given that the charge that he is defending against is attempted murder, Bilinkas needs to anticipate what the prosecution will claim was the motive. Based on what he said about bogus fraud claims, I am guessing that Bilinkas is preparing to deal with prosecution theory that the motive was to cover up fraud.

It is my understanding that very little was provided to Bilinkas by the prosecution until the arraignment that occurred last month. Bilinkas has not been sitting on his thumbs waiting I can assure you and has been gathering evidence of his own via investigators. I do not believe the State allowed him access to LK/RG’s technology and recordings until after the arraignment. Big difference.


You’d think that, but look at the mother of the “affluenza” kid…


It’s possible they don’t see it as bad behavior and think they’re being pretty cool and awesome. It is disturbing and I can’t keep reading. :frowning:

in other news, the New England clam chowder I made last night was divine.


As was our shrimp scampi. I’m trying to decide what to do for dinner tonight…not feeling anything in particular. Maybe go out?

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My statement was that I find it utterly unbelievable that an extremely intelligent and capable defense lawyer would not have transcribed any recordings provided in discovery within 72 hours. Are you disagreeing with that? The arraignment hearing was January 6.

The companion point is that he said that he “plans” (future tense) to subpoena SS records of complaints filed on LK by MB and others. Contrast with the prosecution stating that they “have subpoenaed” (past tense) the SS records on LKs complaint on MB.

I do not think Bilinkas is an “idiot”, a “rooky”, or is “sitting on his thumbs”. I think exactly the opposite. That is why I find it remarkable that he is suggesting that he has not yet pored over transcriptions of the recordings 30 times, and why he has not already subpoenaed SS records that he thinks are helpful to the case. Are you saying that the prosecution gets to create delays in the defense’s ability to subpoena documents?

I should have known better than to engage one of your posts.

I’m not saying anything. You can make all the assumptions on semantics all you want and stress, worry, fret over what the defense and prosecution may or may not be doing. Considering Bilinkas mentioned charges against LK, I suspect they are much further along than he portrayed in the interview. I have full confidence in both the defense and prosecution to know what they are doing, strategies they are planning, witnesses and documents they are planning or have subpoenaed, etc.

Moving along now…


Why even have actual lawyers when the armchair lawyer of an internet forum knows better?!


How on earth can LK not realize that her posts are not helping her? How can anyone connected with her not try to intervene about the FB thread? And where in hell did her so-called “friends” come from? They are not helping their new “bestie” in any way - just adding fuel to the fire and egging her on… because that is what besties do, apparently.

As I was reading through that, a line from Hamilton came to mind… did you ever see somebody ruin their own life?

None of these antics are helping LK’s case in any way whatsoever… and just make an already tragic incident 100x worse.


Eggbutt and Alibi, only you have the power to ignore.


I did not see anything about Bilinkas mentioning “charges” against LK. He said that it was his “position” (that is, he alleged) that he had incontrovertible evidence of false allegations of fraud.

I understand that you and a lot of people may consider the distinction between “charges against LK” and allegations made by the defense attorney (defending the man who is charged with attempting to murder her) that she has made false allegations of fraud a pedantic quibble over semantics.

On the first reading of the story I found not much in the way of new information. On the third reading, looking carefully at the semantics, I think there are interesting suggestions as to what the defense is anticipating the prosecution will theorize as a motive.

I don’t think that it is all that arcane or pedantic to point out that Bilinkas revealed that he has NOT YET subpoenaed records that would support his allegation that MB and others had complained to SS about LK. Whatever the explanation for his delay in subpoenaeing the records, I strongly doubt that it is due to laziness or incompetence on his part.

But scroll on by!

??? Yes.

Why would they need to answer the door if they were on the porch when MB pulled up?