WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Hi! Psychology and Criminal Justice major here. It is actually possible for a person to be born a narcissist as an actual medical diagnosis. Just like when you look at sociopaths/psychopaths some are a product of environment and some genetics. Nurture and nature almost always work in tandem.

ETA: my words actually refer to narcissism when paired with another diagnosis.


I’m glad I didn’t end up married to him too!

To be fair, I don’t know if he’s ever been officially diagnosed with NPD, but when I was was seeing a therapist for a while after that whole mess, she said that what I described as his behavior sounded very typical for a narcissist. He also definitely had some BPD traits as well, though. As I understand it, it’s pretty common for people with NPD or BPD to have overlapping traits with other cluster B disorders.

Either way, it was an eye-opening experience.


Too true. Everyone who dates should read a few abnormal psychology textbooks first. I gave that advice to my kids & their friends in high school.


You are very welcome. I hope they turn out as well for you as they do for us.

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Fresh shrimp scampi with angel hair pasta and fresh broccoli for dinner.


It also seems possible to me that if a child had these problems (however they manifest in children, since I think you don’t 100% diagnose them until adulthood), that could contribute to the child not forming bonds with its parents as well.



It has not been established in my mind that he was trying to evict them. Even if he was, there are lawful ways to evict tenants, and the lawful method does not involve showing up on their (your) porch with a loaded handgun. The lawful methods do not involve calling 911 either.

I don’t think I asserted knowledge of facts in the case, other than what the nature of the weapons charge is, now that the previous poster very usefully made the distinction between “illegal possession” and “possession for unlawful purpose”. I even considered the possibility that having the gun because he was afraid of a dog might be considered a lawful purpose. I have no idea whether it is or not.

It is remarkable that you think you know what Bilinkas’s defense strategy is. I sure don’t.

You’re right that lots of Americans walk around with guns creating risk of people getting shot and or killed. Lots of Americans do get shot and killed. It’s in response to that fact that NJ has strict gun laws.


When did he say that?


I don’t think he or his lawyer has said he shot her in self defense. Barisone has said little or nothing in public.

The lawyer is saying he thinks his client will get aquitted. That’s good lawyer bravado. Nothing about the actual line of defense has been revealed.


Holy hell, that COTH facebook comment thread is jaw dropping.:eek:

Can no one close to her give her good counsel? And I don’t mean whatever middle-aged person keeps calling her “my bestie.” I mean a real, functioning adult. It is bonkers! I would find that kind of language, posting style (the taunts, threats, name calling), and dogged refusal to simply rise above it, age inappropriate in a late teen/early adult. It is really outside of normal adult behaviour at this point.

She, RG, and the bestie are like exaggerated teen characters in a low budget streaming show the way they conduct themselves. I truly did not think people did this kind of thing in real life (i.e., outside scripted “reality” shows and dramas). It’s like Real Horsewives of NJ/NC/FL. I imagine ring-side table flipping is next.


Oct. 15, 2019 - Reported in the New York

Check under the picture of Barisone with the guard on our right side.

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I used the word “imprint” loosely due to it being used so much in the horse world. But I’m pretty sure that most people understood it to mean nurture (vs nature). Or lack thereof.

I’m never certain anymore. Plus things have changed a lot through the years and I may have missed it. That’s why I asked. whew I wasn’t left hanging at the starting gate. Thank you.

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Most welcome. Each one of us learns a lot from the group, especially me, when we can keep our convos civil and inquisitive.

I wish politics were like that, too.


Ok. But it sounds like a second hand quote because she didn’t actually interview him directly. But yes, ok, that is in print in the NYT.

It’s written in the article as clear statement.

« Mr. Barisone, who was charged with two counts of attempted murder, said that he shot Ms. Kanarek in self-defense. »

What do you need more?


NYT is now blocking me until I subscribe :wink: so I can’t go back and check. But I thought this was the article that everyone on the Barisone side refused to talk to the reporter and she was therefore quoting a previous story somewhere. However I can’t access the story now to see if I remember it correctly or not.

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She really appears to have the mind of a 12 year old girl. She sounds very medicated, as well as being extremely narcissistic, gathering sycophants to bolster her desire to appear popular, and mirror her giggling derisiveness. I don’t know why her handlers are allowing her loose on social media. I would imagine that the defense is learning alot from her ramblings. She should be kept quiet, I should think.


It is there – Your Name/User Settings/Account and scroll to the bottom.

It’s there but the only thing it does is block notifications from that user. It doesn’t work like it’s supposed to.