WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I’ve been occupied with other things and am still catching up. I found this interesting and new information (not speculation). Lauren insisted she hadn’t called them.

"Bilinkas told the judge that the state’s Division of Child Protection & Permanency had determined accusations Kanarek made about Barisone being involved in child abuse were unfounded."

If true - can this lead to a felony or even federal charges against Lauren for illegally recording him?

“He also mentioned needing to hear “secret recordings” Kanarek and Goodwin made of Barisone without permission, citing as an example one of a conversation between the trainer and his lawyer.”


“Whatshername still hasn’t transferred the USDF papers for the horse she bought from him”

Did she purchase him outright, or was she making installment payments? My guess is installment and the papers lack Barisone’s signature so he can’t be transferred.

Question - I learned that birds imprint, but mammals do not and instead develop attachments. I know it isn’t the important topic here, but would you mind explaining it further?

Yes, most Axis II issues are developmental with aspects of simply how they are wired. People with BPD not infrequently are hypervigilant and many were abused or neglected emotionally. They mistake their feeling about a person or situation as being TRUE, rather than a misperception. “My in-laws are my ENEMIES!” vs. " My in-laws don’t appreciate me as much as I feel they should" or “My in-laws are decent people who rub me the wrong way.”
If anyone wants to discuss recipes, my husband has been tinkering with buttermilk biscuits and the key step is to grate the unsalted butter. He uses the Taste of History cookbook and then branches out.

Now to encourage him to make cheddar cheese biscuits.


I had the misfortune of dating a narcissist, and this is 100% true. While most of them, at least as adults, can ‘fake’ empathy very well, they are unable to recognize that their own viewpoint is biased and not, in fact, the objective truth.

My ex believed it was ok for him to lie about anything as long as he had a “reason” to do so, but if anyone else withheld anything from him for any reason, it was because they were a thoroughly deceptive and untrustworthy person. For example, I got the third degree for not telling him that I knew a couple of our mutual acquaintances were seeing each other on the down low … he “didn’t know if he could trust me after that” and he brought it up over and over if we ever had a disagreement.

He also never knew when to just shut up and move on, and it caused situations that should’ve been no big deal to escalate.

I see a lot of similar traits in all of LK’s rantings, but her public behavior is more over-the-top than his ever was. The bottom line is that she lacks the ability to self-reflect, projects her own motivations into others, and seems to believe that if she says something enough times, that makes it true.


Recipe please!!!

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I’ll pump him for it or simply hang around in the kitchen and take notes. I know at least ONE of the key steps is grating the butter - not cutting it up. It makes them fluffier and they get a nicely crusty bottom. He also cooks them on a perforated pizza pan lined with parchment paper. Hey - a new tongue twister.

Thank you, Scribbler, for the important distinction between “unlawful possession of a gun” and “possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes”. I agree that my original inference that the gun, actually “weapons” charges, against MB don’t have any bearing on who owned the gun. 

Now that I understand better what is meant by the charge, especially that it covers pointing a gun at someone (presumably to threaten or intimidate them), my new inference (could also be wrong!) is that this is sort of a back up charge to the attempted murder charges. 

  Suppose the defense claims that MB did drive to the house with the gun, but his intent was not to murder them, but merely to intimidate them, and the gun went off accidentally in a struggle, etc. Particularly for the case of RG, who was shot at but not struck, perhaps the defense would argue that MB was not attempting murder, but wanted to intimidate by brandishing the gun and firing a shot that didn’t hit him. 

    No one’s denying a gun was fired and LK was shot, but from the point of view of the DA, the charges of “possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes” may be a backup charge if the prosecution is unsuccessful in meeting its burden of proving that there was an intent to kill.

I think premeditation might be harder to prove but intent seems like a no-brainer given she was shot at essentially point blank range. A lawyer may have time coming binding a jury that he pointed a gun directly at someone and pulled the trigger without intending to kill.


Barisone said he shot her in self defense.

We’ll see how it unfolds.


I am really sorry you went through that and glad you didn’t marry him. Divorcing someone with a personality disorder is more difficult than average, generally speaking. Definitely narcissistic, not BPD? What you describe sounds like the behavior I’ve noticed in people diagnosed with BPD. Everyone does it sometimes, but they do it more frequently and for longer lengths of time.

Yes, mistaking volume and repetition for cogency is a well-used tactic.


Unless, back to the theory mentioned so many times in other threads, he was attacked and it was self-defense, I have no idea, obviously, but there is always the possibility. And, of course, there will be at least one person to post, “but he admitted to shooting her”…yep, if the gun was on his person if attacked and he pulled the trigger, that is a fact, it was he who shot her.

As much as LK is constantly repeating her story of events of the day (rehashed yet again on the latest Chronicle FB post), she is definitely passionate about wanting “her” truth out there rather than simply waiting for the trial when the opinion of the jurors, who really count, will hear it.

She is the gift that keeps on giving on social media.


“trouble convincing a jury”?

I didn’t say I believed the scenario and I agree that it would be a tough sell.

However, the prosecution has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that there was premeditation. Even if he knew what he was doing in the millisecond that he pulled the trigger, if the defense successfully establishes that he borrowed the gun for the purpose of waving it around to intimidate them, and did not when he stepped out of his car intend to kill, I’m not sure last-second, heat of the moment homicide is exactly the same as coldly plotted premeditated (attempted) murder. Even if the prosecution failed to meet the burden of proof on the premeditation, pointing a gun at someone (without it being proved that there was an intent to kill) is a serious felony.

It looks like “possession of a gun for unlawful purposes” is a serious felony even if the gun is not loaded (seems this one was), and perhaps even if it is a realistic toy gun.

One thing that MB has going for him is that it is frankly so bizarre and, figuratively speaking “unbelievable”, that a trainer would attempt to murder a client, that any other explanation, even somewhat less bizarre, seems potentially believable in comparison.

The “no intent to kill” argument works better for RG than for LK, but others have offered the “gun went off in a struggle” theory for LK being hit.

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What ever happened to the feature that let you ignore someone? I want it back. Now. Or am I just missing where it’s moved to?


It’s been gone for a while. Just scroll on by.


Yes, and if the defense attorney succeeds in getting an acquittal on the attempted murder charges by saying that LK and/or her ex-Marine boyfriend lunged at him at a moment in which he just happened to have a loaded gun in his hand, the defense will have to explain why he borrowed a gun and drove to her (his) house. If the defense argues that he was in possession of it to intimidate her into whatever, but did not intend to kill anyone, then he would get off on attempted murder, but still be liable for the gun possession charge.

Contrary to Bilinkas’s claim that he expects his client to be found innocent or exonerated, I think the whole defense strategy is (and should be), reducing the severity of whatever he is convicted of. Attempted murder instead instead of attempted premeditated murder. Possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes is a serious felony, but not nearly as serious as first degree attempted murder.

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Barisome seems to have borrowed a gun for his safety.
Do we know when it was borrowed?
Yes, maybe Kanarek lunged at it.

Do you truly believe Bilinkas is an idiot who doesn’t know how to deal with such intricate case? He’s definitively not a rooky.

How qualified as a criminal defense attorney are you again?

Watching judge Judy or Suits don’t count as experience.


I underlined any of his personal notes, ymmv.

Copied from A Taste of History Cookbook

Note by Walter Staib:

“For those who do not want to purchase a carton of buttermilk, you can create a good substitute by adding 1 tablespoon lemon juice to 1 cup whole milk and letting it sit for 5 minutes.”

Buttermilk biscuits

2 1/3 cups bread flour, plus add’l for dusting
2 1/3 cups pastry flour
3 tablespoons baking powder

1 tablespoon kosher salt (we use Baria brand - but ideally DIAMOND brand should be used. NOT Morton kosher!)

2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup cold UNSALTED butter (husband grates it, not cubed - we find it rises better and gets a better crust top and bottom)

1 2/3 cups COLD buttermilk
Egg wash or melted butter to brush biscuits before baking (optional - he always does it)

Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a perforated pizza pan with parchment paper.

In a large bowl, stir together flours, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add the butter and knead with your hands until mixture resembles wet sand. You should still see small identifiable bits of butter. Add the buttermilk and mix until just combined. Do not overmix.

Flour a work surface and rolling pin. Roll the dough a generous 1/2 inch thickness (husband suggests just a little thinner rather than thicker so you don’t have raw dough in middle).

Use 2" diameter round biscuit cutter or heavy glass cup to cut biscuits. Fold trimmings together and roll out for more biscuits. Transfer to lined pizza pan. Leave a bit of room - husband’s biscuits tend to rise and spread a bit. If desired, brush with either egg or butter wash before baking.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown and firm to touch. The pizza pan is perforated, so they can cool on it and the parchment paper.

Cool completely before storing in an airtight container at room temp. The biscuits keep 2 to 3 days at room temperature or up to a month frozen.

Note by me: We have no idea if they keep that long or not. They don’t make it past 24 hours.

Working on cheddar biscuits today. We think we should have added some Old Bay seasoning and rolled out the biscuits a bit thinner. Will report back when we are overjoyed with the results. Our first attempt wasn’t bad, but not up to sharing with the public. We really think the Old Bay is a critical ingredient now that we have made them without it.


I am aware of the theory that he borrowed the gun and had it with him because he was afraid of Lauren’s 30 lb dog. If that is a lawful reason to be in possession of a gun, and the jury believes it, that would seem to be a defense against the weapons charges. If there was no premeditation, and he had the gun for lawful purposes and just used it in that moment in self defense, or if it went off accidentally then he’ll be acquitted of attempted murder as well.

The point of my previous post was that even if an extremely skilled defense attorney, such as Bilinkas, succeeds in getting an acquittal on the attempted murder charges — and the burden on the prosecution is high — I interpret the weapons charge as a lesser, back up charge. If you (MB) choose to go around with a loaded gun (for an unlawful purpose), you create a risk that someone is going to get shot and/or killed. It’s a serious felony, as it should be. Armed robbery is a more serious crime than unarmed robbery, even if no one is killed, and even if the gun is not fired in the commission of the robbery.

I was assuming it was borrowed sometime prior to him driving over to her (his) house that day.

I do not think Bilinkas is an idiot. I assume he is highly intelligent and intense, and am glad MB was excellent defense.

I am not a criminal defense lawyer, or a prosecutor, or a medical doctor, and I don’t watch Judge Judy or Suits.

YUM!!! Thank you!!!


It will truly be fascinating if LK is charged for illegally recording others, especially MB and his then attorney, and sharing those recordings with her girlfriend and perhaps others. Hasn’t she always insisted her legal team(s) all know about the recordings and were salivating at how juicy and legal they were?? That said, we know LK hides from process servers so that may be a difficult arrest if it comes to pass. :eek:


And apparently, it’s the line of defense of Bilinkis.

Also, by always bringing up the « 30lbs » dog, are you trying to lessen the fear factor?
One of Kanarek dog is a German Shepard/Doberman mix… Even if it was only 30lbs, I wouldn’t want to feel threaten by it.

If you (MB) choose to go around with a loaded gun (for an unlawful purpose), you create a risk that someone is going to get shot and/or killed. It’s a serious felony, as it should be. Armed robbery is a more serious crime than unarmed robbery, even if no one is killed, and even if the gun is not fired in the commission of the robbery.

We don’t know yet if he had an unlawful purpose.
Plenty of Americans walk daily with loaded guns in their pockets - They are all creating risk of shooting/being shots.

Barisone was on his ground, trying to evict a couple who, clearly, wouldn’t want to leave for some odd reasons.

I was assuming it was borrowed sometime prior to him driving over to her (his) house that day.

And maybe he had borrowed it a long time ago.

You can assume whatever you want, it won’t make it factual.