WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I don’t know the specifics, but USEF has stated that SS will prioritize complaints that impact the safety of children. It may be that they have gotten the complaints, but have more pressing cases.

It may also be that the investigation is ongoing. They don’t make claims public until the investigation wraps up and sanctions are imposed.


Yes because it ruins your image of the spotless victim we all bully so rampantly. How can you defend her if you know more about her?! The audacity.


i don’t mind at all. It’s such a long post you would think YD herself had written it.

I would about die to have a glass of whiskey to go with this thread but I genuinely did have back surgery and apparently one isn’t meant to drink with muscle relaxers…

I’m essentially housebound and half been for dangerously close to a month so I think my mini bottle of Purel cost me about a dollar…


I don’t like to see the vicious, juvenile exchanges between LK and her haters (like Omgitsme). I said I shared the viewpoint of others to the effect that I thought life would be far more pleasant for her if she could ignore the SM chatter about her.

She DOES have a mother, a lawyer father, a boyfriend, and other friends who she can be sure actually DO care about her. I am guessing that the suggestion that she quit posting has been made by at least one of them! If she has chosen to ignore their council, why do you think she would heed the (free) advice of some rando anonymous internet poster?

The contradictions are these:

  1. In previous threads, people would ask her questions, then when she responded with information, for example about the Ruth Cox gun charges, blast her for being a liar since they couldn’t find the charges in a searchable data base. Many cases of asked/answered/answer is dismissed as a lie. If you are precommitted to not believing anything she say, why ask? If you get an answer to a direct question you posed, why not provisionally believe the answer until you get evidence to the contrary? Unless your purpose is just to torment.
  2. With varying degrees of being patronizing and insulting, many people “advised” her not to post on the COTH threads. So far she has not posted on this one. What a relief for everyone, especially Lauren. After Lauren declined to post on this forum, as so many people claimed they wanted, why does the thread then turn to discussing and importing stuff from the FB thread? Of course the discussion on FB is vile and juvenile. Why not leave it there rather than drag it into this thread?
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What part of that was TMI? Her name? Did she post a picture of her back surgery?
I don’t see how this is too much information, unless this is just your way of lamenting that you aren’t the white knight defending the princess or whatever weird fantasy you’ve concocted around your defense of all things LK.

     I view LK not as an actual person, but as an abstraction of a victim of a shooting. I am not defending LK, herself, per se. Since you have had up close and personal horrible interactions with her (I’m staying agnostic on whether the horribleness was your fault, her fault, or both) and I don’t know her, as you say, it’s a lot easier for me to view her as an abstraction than it would be for you.

I’m sorry, I’m a “hater” because LK tried to threaten me with a fictitious lawsuit? You’re an odd person. Also, I think the average Joe (clearly not you) would find that on the whole my responses to her remained calm, rational, and on topic. Hers…did not.

 My weird fantasy is that I’m an 18th century duchess, not that I’m a white knight, remember?

 What I’m wondering is what her screen name was in the previous threads. It strikes me as unlikely that someone with her degree of “history” with LK has a total of twenty something posts over 4 threads.
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I don’t recall anyone “blasting her for being a liar” but rather replying that they don’t see any evidence of that claim. Then someone quite responsibly noted that it wouldn’t show up until it was resolved. Seems okay to me.

I think one of your issues with posting here is you tend to use exaggerated language to describe things that could be described in more accurate and less inflammatory terms. I know how you feel about “randos” posting advice, but I would counsel leaving stuff like “blasting” “haters” “rando” etc. out of the mix. I know you posted above that you have re-thought your posting style and that would be one change I would consider were I you.

You say ppl should believe until they get evidence. They searched for evidence and it wasn’t available and they posted that it could not be found. But, you criticize that behaviour in the previous sentence? Mixed messaging indeed.

I would hope someone suggested she stop, but she seems to have been very enabled most of her life judging by what is out there about her past and by her current behaviour. So, I would equally believe no one has and instead has just told her that what’s she’s doing is good and right. If you only have yes men and enablers around you, you never hear no. I can see either scenario being true in this case.

I wouldn’t copy-paste stuff here, but I did go look at that thread b/c it was mentioned here. It is part of what is happening in response to the release of the article about which the thread was started. Doesn’t seem much of a stretch to discuss it here, you know, in a thread discussing that article. People are saying she shouldn’t post for her own good; they aren’t saying they won’t react to her posts if she does. None of that is contradictory in the slightest.


wait, wait, wait…you view LK as an abstraction of a victim?? What the hell does that mean?? This isn’t a made for TV drama. LK is a real person who has victimized many others throughout her life but you’ve decided in order to tolerate her behavior, you’ve made what you know to be truth into an abstraction? Give me a break. You truly are irrelevant.

Most of us are here because it is a fascinating situation, a car wreck that is impossible to look away from for many, only made crazier by LK’s continued antics.


Actually, it was your post #2 on this thread that made you sound like a hater; you described yourself as feuding with her on FB for two weeks prior to the COTH FB page, and the prominence of your role in terms of number of posts on the FB page. That sort of thing.

That’s not what you posted though. That’s nowhere near what you posted.
That’s like…potatoes and lemonade.


Let’s lay it out here:

Michael Barisone is a late 50-something-year-old man who has been highly successful in his life and career, training and teaching many horses and riders to excellence with an equally excellent reputation as a competitor. Lauren Kanarek is a late 30-something-year-old woman with nothing achieved to speak of in her life except a record of harassing others, bullying, being enabled to do what she wishes without any recourse because someone will always bail her out, with no true vision for the future except to supposedly ride a Grand Prix dressage test, as far as anyone knows or that she discusses.

For some reason, Barisone took it upon himself to shoot her however many times out of the clear blue for no reason whatsoever (per LK) and attempted to shoot her equally unaccountable boyfriend. She illegally installed audio equipment on Barisone’s property and illegally recorded conversations he had with his attorney and others. Lauren contacted SafeSport about Barisone for some reason and Child Protective Services became involved (Lauren denies any involvement with CPS, but Barisone’s attorney indicates it was she who called them).

Mingled throughout this relationship is a landlord/tenant dispute, accusations of insurance fraud, accusations of shoddy repair work done by Lauren’s boyfriend, Barisone’s property condemned because of shoddy work, refusal of LK to leave the property, many calls to the police with witnesses involved, and I’m sure I’m missing more drama.

Gosh, going back to my first paragraph, we have a man who had everything going for him with a thriving business who threw it all away to attempt to kill a woman who leaves drama and emotional upheaval in her wake wherever she goes. And you wonder why any of us question what happened, how it happened and do not for one second believe Lauren’s innocence in this horrible, horrible situation.

Not done yet, Lauren has now accused JH of stealing her jewelry immediately after the shooting while behaving very calm and collected, although the house was sealed off as a crime scene for weeks. She makes this accusation with absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

Of course - No one deserves to be shot. Just as no one has a corner on the truth.


Sadly the only me I’ve been is me. Frankly I’ve been embarrassed about my name. It’s literally my screename from back when AIM was a thing. Wasn’t all that thrilled I can’t change the darn thing, so I’ve borne my shake in silence.

Also, I was never involved in forums until my friends’ names kept falling out of LK’s mouth. Or I guess her fingers? Anyway, I hear assuming everyone is someone else is a favorite pastime here so light ‘em up ladies and gents.

Also. I worked at prestigious horse farms who would not have been thrilled to find me on these forum boards.


Have I been unconscious too long? Is comparing potatoes to lemonade a thing now?


I said if she responded to a direct question posed to her, they should PROVISIONALLY believe her until they get evidence to the CONTRARY. That’s pretty much the opposite of provisionally disbelieving her until they get outside evidence that what she said was true.

I’m happy to replace the word “blasted” with “accused”. People erroneously assumed that if Ruth Cox had been charged, as LK stated, that it would be instantly available in a searchable database, and when it did not appear, “accused” her of making it up. I think she even said that she was told as the victim, and it wouldn’t necessarily show up online, but they did not believe that either!

 In this thread someone is “suggesting” that if she does not provide proof of the Cox gun charges, it is probably a lie. Just my interpretation.
 You are apparently asserting that he had no motive for shooting them, which suggests no premeditation, which suggests it was not attempted murder. 

  Based on the charges (attempted first degree murder), the DA thinks there was premeditation and a motive.

Honest to god you guys… Some of you are so easily baited.


NO, I am saying guess who most people think has the most credibility - Barisone or Kanarek?


Prior to the shooting, Barisone.
After the shooting, the person who was shot.