WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Got it…so being shot (however it happened) suddenly made Kanarek honest and credible. Okay.


Fair point. FitzE out [of the YD business].


It’s more that Barisone’s credibility tanked when he borrowed a handgun and shot his own client twice in the chest at point blank range, very nearly killing her. Even if Kanarek’s credibility was low prior to the shooting, that still beats Barisone’s credibility after the shooting.

As many have suggested…the circumstances are yet to be proven. Time will tell won’t it? I’m finished YD. I will not rehash the previous threads ad nauseam with you for your enjoyment.

 Viewing LK as an abstraction is related to the ideal that “justice is blind”.  I assume you agree that if there is a rape case in which the defendant is a socially well connected, rich, white man, and the alleged victim is a high school drop out, young black woman who has some prior history of prostitution, none of those attributes should matter in the trying of the case.

 I don’t care how obnoxious her SM behavior was prior to her being shot, since I don’t think her likability or unlikability should matter at all in terms of the trial.  Similarly, while I agree  100% that Barisone is an awesome trainer, I think that fact should be completely irrelevant to the trial.

I would like to add more details to the discussion, if I may? LK mentioned on the COTH fb page recently that she was “poached” from another trainer by MB to go to his barn for training. As I recall,there were some on this form who seemed to have some inner knowledge of the situation, and the impression they gave was that the “poaching” scenario was not true. Maybe just in her head.

A final point, when I mentioned to LK on this forum awhile back that the ballistics and forensic experts would be able to figure out what may have actually happened the day of the shooting, SHE WENT ABSOLUTELY BALLISTIC. By hitting this nerve, it made me think that she’s not very comfortable with the possible outcome from this aspect of the investigation.

I think it’s a house of cards, built on much smoke and mirrors.


I have absolutely no idea about the “poaching” but I find it highly unlikely. Why on earth would an FEI level trainer poach a 2nd level rider (at best)? She is definitely not so talented that a BNT would want her. Plus professionals don’t “poach” from each other. I suspect she approached him and gave him an offer he couldn’t financially refuse by bringing in several more horses to train. Apparently at first glance people don’t believe her reputation. Most narcissists can turn on the charm when necessary supposedly.


Well she looks pretty sweet and innocent so I can understand not believing the whispers (well, I guess they’re shouts now) about her.


Oh, but, don’t you remember? She also has amazing horses that MH was desperate to get her hands on. I second that the poaching probably never happened. Professionals don’t poach other riders, they poach horses…if anything.


Yes, I think LK insinuated on a previous thread that MB was willing to kill her to get her horses.


Oh yes, I remember…that was one of the theories. Like if he killed her no one would wonder about the horses or question anything. She truly does live in a fantasy world. I can only imagine that kind of ego and delusion.

Didn’t she buy one of his horses??? T-Jay? Isn’t that the horse that’s never been transferred to her name?

And that’s the point isn’t it…she makes so many unbelievable claims and accusations that people with common sense automatically debunk much of what she says. Imagine raising a child with that fantasy = truth mentality.


No need to compare when you can combine them. If you distill them, you have lemon vodka!

Insomnia sucks. Doubly so the first week of DST. But fun free associations in the small hours of the morning.

Odd how it is TMI when someone relates their firsthand experience with LK, in the flesh, over a decade ago. But it is not TMI when Lauren accuses people of theft, admits to photographing personal quarters without permission (the cat crap comment she made), bizarre accusations of outright horse theft being planned, etc. I still don’t understand the point of phone call(s?) she made or someone said she made about a black SUV outside the house.

Standard disclaimer: she shouldn’t have been shot.



If Justice is supposed to be blind, I would think that means completely blind.
IOW also blind to bias about/against the defendant as well as the victim.

Maybe especially if the lines between the two are a bit blurred and convoluted.

ETA to add
Standard disclaimer: she shouldn’t have been shot.

Absolutely. Blind wrt bias for or against the defendant; blind wrt bias for or against the person who was shot.

I was wrong responding to Omgitsme with the letters TMI. It was quite useful to know she is the person who Lauren threatened to sue. Anonymous posters in previous threads had mentioned Lauren threatening to sue people, and now we know who it was and have a first hand, non anonymous account. I apologize.

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    In the case of bullying, SS handles claims of bullying if the target of the bullying is a minor. If the target is an adult, the bullying claim is handled by USEF.  As I remember it, there was a complaint against LK of bullying investigated by USEF.  After investigating, USEF declined to issue any sanctions against LK. I don’t think the identity of the complainant was revealed. 

   LK has also said that she filed a complaint of bullying against her with USEF and that they are investigating.

It amuses me you think I’m the only person she’s threatened with a lawsuit.
Your reason for saying TMI keeps changing. Your explanation in an earlier post was that you wondered if I had another screen name or some other nonsensical reason that didn’t explain your use of TMI.

Also, I figured out the years now that I’m a little less loopy. It would have been 2014/2015.


I apologize again for typing TMI.

WAIT!!! And you either of these statements as fact HOW??? Yet, you insist you don’t know LK and have never met her, yadda-yadda…RIGHT. WTH???

(Sorry peeps for crossing the line yet again, but when I see something issued as an absolute fact by YD that I don’t recall being published anywhere, I WILL call her out on it. Otherwise, ignoring is my rule.)

Standard verbiage: No one deserves to be shot.