WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

   They both did have lawyers.

   It seems really, really, really implausible to me that Michael Barisone’s lawyer would have advised him to “take his life back” by firing a handgun. So we agree that if both parties followed the advice of their respective lawyers, tragedy would have been averted. 

    I don’t particularly believe that the core of the dispute was that Michael Barisone was trying to evict them, but if he was, his lawyer would have advised on the legal procedure for eviction. Or he could have googled it.

I didn’t know that. How upsetting for them!

Anyone else get the feeling that Lauren would happily sip on the tears of children if given the chance to do so? Or do you think she only wanted MH’s kids’ tears?


LK would do whatever she feels like she can to get what she wants. No matter who or what stands in her way. MH was her target and a good way to get to her was through the kids. How very sad and sick!!!


Someone posted here wondering about people bouncing from here to other Social Media applications looking at LK’s and RG’s posts and coming back and discussing them here. How naive to think of the well over 28,000 views of this thread and almost 400 posts by probably 20 or so posters, that none of them have looked to LK’s other sources of entertainment to bring them back here. If I recall correctly, THIS thread is mentioned on the Chronicle FB post. I can’t imagine anything that would delight LK more than having multiple media putting her front and center of conversations fueled by her posts.

IMO, LK making false reports to CPS and SS is par for the course for her level of routine harassment coupled with threats of lawsuits. It is amazing to most people with common sense and sensibility coupled with ethics and morals.

  My point was that for the small number of people who are simultaneously posting on the FB page (not just looking) under their real name, and on this forum with a screen name, they are compromising their anonymity by doing so. But perhaps they don’t wish to remain anonymous. 

   The prosecutor has subpoenaed the SS records on Lauren’s complaint to them. Perhaps it will come out in the trial as to whether her report to SS contained false accusations or not.

Who posts on Facebook using their real name? Some? Yes.
All? Hardly.


I created this account in September. Can’t die the life of me remember why, but that’s not important.
If im talking about an encounter I’ve had with her a public forum, why would I aim for anonymity here?
I started speaking out about LK (on FB am doin obviously now here) because I was angry at the media’s Portrayal of this sweet, talented, “rising star” equestrian. I was horrified to hear she had been shot, but I was angry that her victimization seemed to erase her past misdeeds. She’s a victim in this story, but very much a villain in others.


What amazes me almost as much as LK’s pathologies painted out on social media, is how there are still a few people on this thread just can’t scroll past YDuchess! Please, please, stop responding to her! the discussion is almost normal now that most people are ignoring her!


In their defense, YD does an amazing job of baiting people. She has that down to a science.


It sounds like that CPS visit, which LK had denied calling or knowledge of was the final straw before the final incident.

I can’t imagine what 19,000 pages of just LK’s social media rantings looks like. I don’t think I’ve written 19,000 pages in my lifetime.


You don’t ramble with the mindset and language skills of a sixth grader.


I have already said that I regret the inflammatory style I used in previous threads. I have consciously altered my style.

So far, I have been criticized for using the words “rando”, “LK- hater” and “blast”. I can sanitize those if people consider those inflammatory.

Other than those few, borderline words, I have posted my thoughts on the articles Eggbutt posted in a calm, non inflammatory style.

I think the “anti-LK partisans” reacted to my completely obviously true statement that, in the prosecution of case of two counts of attempted (premeditated) murder, the prosecution will have a theory of motive. Let me expand. The prosecution needs to establish means, motive, and opportunity. Means and opportunity are pretty much established. The ONLY thing that the prosecutor has left to establish is motive.

Did you notice when someone else posted something “the majority anti-LK partisans” disagreed with that it was instantly suggested she be ignored too?

Since some of you (not all) want the comfort and security of an echo chamber, why don’t you move to a closed face book group where you can block people to your heart’s content? Serious suggestion.

I think that from what Bilinkas said in court, he is anticipating that the prosecution will use the theory that Michel Barisone’s motive was to cover up fraud. I think the reason she stayed and made recordings is because she was gathering evidence to document the fraud in order to sue him. This fits with the “testimony” of Omgitsme that Lauren threatened to sue her, since threatening to sue behavior is probably correlated with actual suing behavior. I think the (alleged) (attempted) fraud is the bombshell LK has alluded to.

You seem to have a nonstandard definition of “baiting”
baiting - making an on topic point on a discussion board with which the reader strongly disagrees.

I have not been baiting you (according to the real definition of the word). You are accusing me of “baiting” people because those people have been so obviously powerless to exert the minimal self control required to honor their vow to scroll on by.

I also have an opinion on the theory the defense will use, which I have not yet “shared”, but may be induced to.


YD is the Bill Jurens of CotH.

Since YD considers statements such as yours a mild, gratuitous jab at her, that type of statement tends to bring on a post. You might want to attempt to get the troops in line through PM so YD doesn’t see it.

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Please please please, nobody induce YD


It would be the ultimate provocation for many who hadn’t been pushed any previously.

As I wrote previously, it appears both parties had ample opportunity and access to sensible avenues of resolving their issues.
”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹It appears one took several steps including a lawyer, a PI, and looping in local agencies who were involved and kept apprised of what was happening.

The other , it appears, chose to keep poking, kept up the behaviors that were making them unwelcome (per details in 911 calls) and refused to vacate the premises even when the local FD required it* and refused the assistance offered to get themselves and their horses away from ground zero.

**Shooting someone is never the answer.

  • Based in accounts from people in the area who saw the notices.

Without all that, the call to CPS alleging danger to children that was deemed per CPS to be unfounded would have driven many to lose their cool. On top of the steaming heap of merde
already on the ground?
It would be much harder to retain composure.


Everyone associated with LK appears to be quiet on the COTH Facebook discussion about this.


If you mean misreading, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of what’s written, yes.

Making bold claims of “She said…!!!”.
That she later has to eat.
And then she does it again.

It has been du riguer forever, on COTH, if you are going to suggest another poster did ______, link to where they did/said it. The onus of proving it is the case is on whomever makes the claim.


Imagine if you will…A young, pretty wealthy rider, rather small in stature, catches a big strong upper level trainer’s eve. He "poaches " her from her current trainer and for a while things go along great. But ULT deverlops feelings for her and starts to stalk her. She is not interested. He posts trash about her on Facebook. Threats fly back and forth. He hacks into her security cameras, brags about it and says he shows copies of said videos to his friends. Both of them hire lawyers and call 911 frequently. They report each other to the sports governing bodies. Finally BNT calls Animal Control on her dogs.
That is the very last straw and young, pretty wealthy rider gets a gun and shoots BNT.

Does the gender reversal make a differenc?


This was asked in one of the other threads and it was clear that it does to some people.