WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I wanna see the baby born in 2020 who can even READ this forum, let alone post…


Fun fact.


Where can one read the police reports? I haven’t seen those. Apparently something was mentioned about signing a document in a police report.


That’s funny, since I consider your a post a response to me!

I have no familial, social, or business relationship with LK. Neither do I have a vendetta against MB or MH.

It’s posts like yours in which you feel free to speculate on my identity that cause me to feel that it is fair game for me to speculate on the identity of other posters.

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Exactly. If LK refused to move out of a condemned house, why would MB, or his insurance company, be liable if they were injured?

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Go for it, Dude. Speculate away. 😂. I have posted my phone number in these forums. I’ve been on here since I opened a My Space account. 🤣. If you want to pour over posts since I joined. Maybe it’ll keep you occupied for a while.


I wish there was a poll feature on the forum. Regardless, I will post this question, how many really care who any poster is? :smiley:


A smart person covers his ass in as many different ways as possible. And maybe it was additional way of him obtaining proof that they refused to move out.


The signing of a document was mentioned in one of the 911 calls by Barisone. Since the police responded, there will be a police report referencing the document that will presumably be revealed in the trial.

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But Eggbutt seems not to want speculation about her IRL identity. Do you feel OK speaking for her?

I’m saying that if the social norm is that one is not supposed to speculate on the IRL identities of posters, it’s hypocritical for people to criticize me for pointing out that I think I know who Eggbutt is (without so far dumping a name), but at the same time feel so free to attempt to out me numerous times.

So what is the social norm on this? Social norm being something everyone is expected to abide by, not just me.

I’m cool going by the social norm. Just objecting to different rules for different people.


Awesome post NotGrandPrixYet!!!


Nice try, but no. The vast majority of posters on all threads do not speculate on the identities of other posters. If you have an issue with other posters who do it, take it up with them. Don’t try to spin it that it’s a social norm. Just because a small minority of posters annoy doesn’t make your generalization to the wider group true.


So I take you to mean that the social norm is that it is NOT OK to speculate on another posters identity. Fine. Does that apply to all the posters who speculate on my identity?

When someone, for example Eggbutt, attempts to out me as Lauren’s mother, how do you suggest I “take it up with her”?

Maybe that is what he was trying to force her to sign? A release of liability because they wouldn’t move out until they got their $50,000?


At some point, if everyone ignores it, it will go away.


It’s more “don’t expect me to adhere to a rule or social normal that you don’t adhere to”.

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I know. I broke the rule. It did feel much better not responding but the hypocrisy was simply too too in that recent line of… attack? whinge?

I mean, talk about annoying. If someone has a problem with particular posters, take it up with those individuals; don’t make blanket statements about “social norms.” You know you have an issue with 3 posters? Ignore them or take care of it with those three. Enough trying to construct some sort of martyrdom though broad brush strokes. It’s so very tedious.


But then who will keep using the word patronize in such a patronizing fashion? Who will let us know how superior they are in every way? Who will fill that void?

Not me. I refuse to step up to the plate. I have 19 horses to tend to… who do not give a rip about who any one actually is in real life… or how many different ways one can twist words… or what Colonel Mustard did to Aunt Petunia and Vernon Dursley on the porch - armed with a pink candlestick that he did not own but may have been using to fend off the Taco Bell Chihuahua when it accidentally or not went off. The candlestick - not the chihuahua…


It seems that “their” $50,000 is in dispute. It was stated that the work was substandard.