WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

A WWII veteran who entered late in the war at age 18 would be 95. Hence there are not many WWII veterans still alive, much less fathering children in 2020.

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For the effect of the song it’s important to use the contraction:

Mares eat oats
And does [female deer] eat oats
And liddle lambs eat ivy
A kid’ll eat ivy, too
Would you?

The kid’ll is crucial!


:love-struck: That made my day.


Anyone trying in multiple posts to out other posters’ IRL identities should never again use inflammatory terms like “stalking” when other posters copy-paste or discuss public SM posts.

Repeatedly making allusions to posters’ real names is
what is LK always saying
creepy? Please stop. It is double plus not good and destroys any claimed moral high ground, neutrality, etc. Next stop, doxxing?


FWIW, 30 years ago, that 95 year old would have been 65 and more than capable of fathering a child so your assumption of eggbutt’s age is just that, an assumption.


And does eat oats. And little lambs eat ivy.
A kid’ll eat ivy too, would you?

(My dear departed Mom used to sing that)


I was responding to Morgan’s statement that WWII veterans “are still capable” of siring children. You’re obviously right that a WWII veteran could more easily have fathered children 30 or 40 years ago, when the youngest were 55 to 65 years old.

I have NOT outed her by name. Wasn’t she the one who attempted to out me by name as Lauren’s mother? Only problem being her outing was not correct.

Don’t you remember that I’m the one that numerous people keep speculating is this, that, and the next real life person?

She claims she doesn’t care if her IRL identity is known. Why don’t you believe her?

I DO wish you would learn to read. Here are my exact words to you YD: “I am absolutely thrilled you think you know who I might be and seriously don’t care. Not one iota.” Do those words say “She claims she doesn’t care if her IRL identity is known” do they?? Nope
as always you have misinterpreted others’ words into something you want to believe to be true.

I have no idea why you have such a morbid fascination with me and who I am. Is my identity that important to you but not the identity of others? Interesting for sure. That said, as long as you are fixated on me, you may be leaving someone else alone.

Remember yoga is a good pastime or so I’ve been told. :tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink: Downward dog is especially relaxing and clears the mind.


So you are thrilled that I think I know who you are, but at the same time you DON’T want your anonymity broken?

Indeed, I thought that your being thrilled that I thought I knew your identity suggested that you didn’t care if your IRL identity was known. It seems a bit contradictory, but thanks for clarifying.

FTR, I find all the speculating about my identity annoying.

For @YankeeDuchess, this is the first mention of Lauren’s mother on this thread. I more than likely agreed with it and somewhere along the line, I may have connected this post to you. I stopped looking further because honestly, it is tough slogging through so many of your posts! Someone else also made a reference that you might be Bertie, Bertha, Nelly or whatever you girls call yourselves, so it’s not simply me thinking you are closer to this than you want so many to believe.

I will now go back to what so many others have been able to do and that’s scroll on by your comments. Remember, Yoga is good.


I thought @eggbutt was quite clear. She (assuming this identity is a she but maybe it’s a he or an it or whatever) doesn’t really care if you know who she is. She didn’t say anything about whether she cared about whether I or anyone else knows who she is. She merely stated “I am absolutely thrilled you think you know who I might be and seriously don’t care. Not one iota.”

She didn’t “suggest” anything. She didn’t say anything about anyone else.

I think it might be time for you to step away from the forum and watch some “Chill with Bob Ross.” I think you could strongly benefit from a happy little cloud and a baby squirrel. You can catch him on Netflix.


“Whatever you girls call yourselves”? Trying to out me as one of Lauren’s SM friends or friends in general? Wrong again.

I have NOT speculated on what your IRL identity actually is, as so many people, including you, have done with me. I genuinely wonder if people would post what they post if they did not think they were protected by anonymity. I’m pointing out that if someone were interested in breaking the anonymity of a poster, for the major players like you, it would not be that difficult.

I find your advice that I spend time doing yoga patronizing, which is no doubt what you intended.

I hope you have better resolve in scrolling on by in the future.

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It is hardly unprecedented for an elderly man to marry a much younger woman and have a child together. I didn’t say it was common but it isn’t impossible. Obviously anyone posting here isn’t a toddler.


It’s patronizing posts like yours that could annoy me enough to openly speculate on what her IRL identity is.

May I point out, again, that Eggbutt and others have attempted to out my identity many times. The only reason they have not succeeded is that each time they’ve been wrong.

People are obviously not talking about an agreement to accept living conditions here. They are talking about a waiver of liability because the tenants would not move out of a condemned house. Two entirely different things.

You are either not as bright as people say, or you are very cunningly trying to confuse the issue.


Has anyone here reported anyone to SafeSport? Did I ask this earlier? Maybe I dreamt the question. I wonder what is involved and what their response time is. Do they follow up with the reporter immediately or what? I’m wondering how quickly SS responded to LK’s false accusations about MB. Was it rather quickly since she allegedly mentioned child abuse?


I was not “cunningly trying to confuse the issue”, so I must be “not as bright as people say”.

If they were living in a condemned building without his permission, and after he expressly told them to leave, I don’t see why he would be liable. Furthermore, any landlord or property owner would have liability insurance.

I have no idea what was in the document, except that I doubt it was an eviction notice. But it seems likely that it will come out in the trial, as it featured in one of the police reports.

I think YD has a mission. If it is not to get threads totally shut down, it is to create as much havoc as possible. The what and why of this mission is very curious. Can be a multitude of motivating factors, but all lead back to a relationship with LK. Or a vendetta against MB or MH. Very, very interesting!

I am finding that not responding to YD’s posts is very satisfying.


When a house is condemned, ALL tenants are required to move out.