WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Thank you for this. However, I’m a little confused about the reference to “tribunal” as opposed to “court”. If a lawyer in NJ violates the professional standards, they would be brought up before a tribunal of the professional association, which is different from a court.

So do these rules cover their behavior in front of the tribunal? I’m not sure this is the same as what is allowed in a criminal court.

Yep, as a for instance, a friend working on a case involving COILS had dozens of boxes and months of nothing but straight reading to go through.
If you’re going to be a paralegal, you better love to read!


Definitions per the New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct: “Tribunal” denotes a court, an arbitrator in an arbitration proceeding or a legislative body, administrative agency or other body acting in an adjudicative capacity. A legislative body, administrative agency or other body acts in an adjudicative capacity when a neutral official, after the presentation of evidence or legal argument by a party or parties, will render a binding legal judgment directly affecting a party’s interests in a particular matter.

So yes it covers their behavior in court.


I have a hard time believing LK voluntarily removed anything from social media, especially if she’s continuing to personally comment on everything on the COTH Facebook page.


I am sure her page has been “sanatized”, either by her, her attorney or a social media consultant. Any attorney would want that.


The 19k does not refer to all evidence.

"Bilinkas said there were 19,000 pages of social media material from Kanarek alone, for instance."


I thought it interesting that the lawyers referred to LK being shot twice, not the multiplying numbers she has enjoyed claiming, and that he omitted to say shot by who. I think that Barisone having been the one who shot her is not written in stone, and my feeling and opinion is that I would not be surprised if MB did not bring the gun to the party, nor attempt to use it, but might have attempted to take it away from either LK or RG and the gun shot her in the pile-on and struggle. As far as I’m concerned, the only one saying MB shot her 8s LK and I don’t believe a word she says. Yes she got shot, but how is what will come out in court, not out of her mouth. Just my personal opinion.


THIS!! Careful @AnotherRound, you’ll be accused of false allegations and threatened with legal action. Quite a few people believe as you do, and throw that dog into the mix and all bets are off. Time will tell.

LK is lashing out for real on the FB Chronicle Page about the interview. Of course, she’s sticking to her normal behavior.


OK, so “tribunal” would include a court, but is more general than “court”. Thanks.

     If the DA and grand jury believed your scenario, he would not have been charged with two counts of attempted murder. So it’s not just LK who says he shot her, it’s the DA and the grand jury saying they think there is sufficient evidence that be shot her with premeditation to charge him with attempted murder. 

     If someone else brought the gun and it went off accidentally in a struggle, it is difficult to understand why he would be charged with gun offenses, as well. 

      The big mystery is what theory the defense will use, and on that issue, the lawyer was not tipping his hand.

Because its in the best interest of the one who did bring the gun to the scene to blame it on someone else? Or, because the one who did bring the gun to the scene isn’t going to admit they did when “they” can say Barisone did? Its not difficult to understand why he would be charged with gun offenses if two other people are saying he did it. I just don’t believe them. But you are right, we’ll see, and it will be interesting to see what theory the defense will use.


Its my opinion, so, oh, well. Its not criminal to have an opinion, so I have no worries. But I appreciate your point.



If the DA and grand jury believed your scenario, he would not have been charged with two counts of attempted murder. So it’s not just LK who says he shot her, it’s the DA and the grand jury saying they think there is sufficient evidence that be shot her with premeditation to charge him with attempted murder.


I’m sure they don’t. So far, it looks like the DA and the grand jury believe LK. Its not as thought they know one way or another, but they apparently believe her. If they are right, they will win. If not, well. The prosecutor is not always right. Proseecutors have hung their hats on squirrely people who’s cases look good and solid but are actually a house of cards (I got that from a movie.). I guess we’ll see!


I used to be friends on FB with her. I never met her. I never bothered to unfriend her but now I am no longer a friend. She may have purged SM friend’s she didn’t really know. Or she didn’t like some of our mutual friends so unfriended me too.


Maybe LK had gotten wind this could happen and that MB could be found not guilty so that’s why she started the civil case - to still punish him.

~《No one deserves to be shot 》~


Armchair lawyer stuff aside, I do have a question of sorts. If everything is as LK says it is, why doesn’t she just let it play out? It reminds me of the Maestro and his having to declare how great of a trainer he is and that he has “testimonials!”…he has to try so hard and constantly say these things. Whereas a good trainer or an honest person doesn’t have to. Their (general honest person) reputation and truth speaks for itself. They (general) don’t need to be on the internet tirelessly defending and promoting themselves.

It’s like, just live your best life, because that’s really the best defense against “haters” and be confident that the truth will come out. However, if your (generally speaking) truth is different from the actual truth, then there is the issue.

But I understand that there are different types of people in this world, and that to some extent, people can do as they please. Therefore, my thinking may not align with someone else’s.

Regarding the recent article, it mostly confirmed what we already knew, but couldn’t get a clear answer on previously, IMO.

I just hope for all involved to be able to find some form of peace with the matter. Maybe once this trial is over people can move on. Moving on from such a tragic event is no easy feat.


A civil case developing out of something such as the events that transpired between LK and MB is par for the course.


What? The fact that he shot her is the one part of this story that has never been disputed by anyone involved.


:confused: It has been discussed in all of the threads.

LK says in the comments of the COTH post on Facebook that someone has been arrested for providing the gun. She brought this up here during the last thread. Yet this is not mentioned in any article about this topic. Did any of the amazing COTH sleuths ever find any information about an arrest regarding supplying the gun?
Copy and paste from the Facebook post:

She’s only about 20 chapters behind in the “book,” of this case. Someone should tell her the gun owner has been arrested & charged for “lending it,” to Michael. There. She’s all caught up!!


Because narcissists always want the attention on them. This will more than likely be the biggest, most notorious event in her life and she is savoring every minute. Ten years from now, people will remember Michael Barisone for whatever the outcome of this is but also for his reputation as a dressage rider and trainer. Will people remember Lauren for anything? The entire situation is very sad for many people.