WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

     But the issue is whether he brought the gun to the party with premeditation, which is what he is charged with, or whether he brought the gun without premeditation of murder (instead for protection against a 30 lb dog), or whether someone else brought the gun and the shooting was accidental.  Neither of those scenarios would be attempted murder. 

      I don’t find either of those scenarios plausible, but some MB partisans do. Given the bare bones of the facts, the big mystery to me is whether the defense will go with accident or self defense, or with some sort of diminished capacity defense.
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     Lauren’s claim that the barn manager was charged with gun violations was discussed in the previous thread. There was no independent verification of her claim. 

      However, the sleuths did find out that in NJ, criminal

charges are not entered into their searchable database until the case is resolved. So the absence of confirmation from an internet search does not contradict her claim. Neither Ruth Cox nor Michael Barisone come up in the data base.

       MB was charged with two gun violations in addition to attempted murder, which I interpret as saying he was not legally in possession of the gun, a crime above and beyond his  using it to shoot people. Since MB was charged with two counts of weapons violations for possessing a gun he did not own, it makes sense to me that the owner of the gun would face the reciprocal charges of letting it out of her control. Personally, I think the person who made the gun available, intentionally or not, bears a lot of moral responsibility for the shooting. 

     So no, no independent verification of the Ruth Cox gun charges beyond what LK asserted.
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Excuse me, but didn’t people defend LK on this very forum for posting while on meds? Didn’t she ALSO defend herself on here using the same excuse?


most everybody on here. :lol:




Usually not in a criminal trial. The DA has total control over plea deals, whether LK likes that or not. That’s not to say that they don’t take the victim(s) and her family into consideration. But the DA has control and makes the decision on that.

This is what I learned as a victim.


yep, you can remove all post from your own FB page. That’s why people take screen shots.


In Lauren’s case, the issue was the after effects of a medically induced coma as well as pain meds BOTH OF WHICH WERE A DIRECT RESULT OF THE FACT THAT SHE WAS SHOT TWICE ON THE CHEST BY MICHAEL BARISONE, which was the topic of the thread. In addition, her posts were generally responding to taunts, questions and insults specifically addressed to her.

So I think her case is not EXACTLY comparable to
a rando claiming to be on pain meds for hip surgery or whatever.

Where you one of the many people telling her to shut up and not post?

I did not encourage her to post, personally thought she would be better off not posting, but at the same time did not feel it I was my place to “advise her” not to post.

Before claiming the drug angle, that poster contributed her charming post #2. Does she speak for you on that one, too?

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You said nothing about any exceptions to your imposed rule about posting while on drugs…UNTIL it was pointed out that Lauren did it. You had 6 pages to do that.

and I love how you love to twist things and put ideas which have no basis in reality out there. I don’t ever say shut up, nor do I tell people to quit posting. Otherwise, you would have been one of the first on the receiving end and my entertainment would have been subsequently diminished.


The upcoming court date. The fact that CPS found her accusations untruthful.


I thought it goes without saying. Apparently not.

I don’t remember Lauren trying to dodge responsibility for her posts due to being medicated.

I didn’t say whatshername shouldn’t post. I said she should either post and take responsibility for what she says, or not post. I objected only to what I interpreted as her desire to say nasty, useless things like her post #2, but at the same time say she’s not responsible due to drugs. Sort of the Xanax made me a racist from Rosanne.

So are you giving her a bye due to drugs for her post #2?

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Lol what in the bloody hell is going on here?


“and I love how you love to twist things and put ideas which have no basis in reality out there. I don’t ever say shut up, nor do I tell people to quit posting. Otherwise, you would have been one of the first on the receiving end and my entertainment would have been subsequently diminished.”

When YD says she is pedantic, believe her. I honestly think she’s playing games. Just to see how far she can bait people into explaining/defending their words, even though she is pointing out irrelevancies to the discussion or the point being made.


Pray tell, what was so horrible about post #2 that I would try to recant? For the love of all that is horses, stop putting intentions in my mouth [edit]. I VERY CLEARLY clarified that I was asking for forgiveness for misspellings or nonsensical words ie: hhhoiise instead of horse. Either learn to read my responses or don’t comment on what I say at all.
I have NEVER and will never use painkillers as an excuse for something rude, sarcastic, “'mean”, or the like that I say. If I said it, I meant it, and I won’t recant it.
I had back surgery. I am on some muscle relaxers as well as painkillers(though down to one a day so yay!) so I know there is a good possibility I will type random letters instead of a word because sometimes my eyes cross and I fall asleep mid-sentence, hence the post’s addition.


@Omgitsme no worries from the rest of us. Ignore the dangling bait tease and double standard of a certain poster.


I appreciate you!


The point being discussed is this:
If a poster realizes they are not quite in their right mind, whether due to pain meds, alcohol, having had a fight with their husband or her horse, and because of this awareness realize they might say something they may be called out on, they have three choices:

  1. Not post. I find this option somewhat easier for a newbie who is just on her 4th post than for the central figure in the case.
  2. Go ahead and post and take responsibility for what you say, albeit anonymously. You did make the decision to post despite knowing you’re not fully in control of your thinking or your gingers or your emotions.
  3. Go ahead and post, but try to dodge responsibility for what you write with Rosanne’s Xanax defense.

I endorsed another poster’s point that posters in this situation should choose between 1 and 2.

She has now clarified that she was only referring to potential misspellings, but I am surprised you think that anyone cares about random typos.

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What on earth is going on? Omgitsme literally was just joking that they were sorry if their posts don’t make sense because of painkillers. As they have already clarified. As in “I’m drguggd up nd cant typ vry wellll”. Not that they are going to be accidentally racist or start throwing out cuss words or whatever because of drugs.

@Omgitsme , ignore that. Most of us know what you meant. Hope the surgery went well!


I am still hoping some of the great COTH sleuths will show up and answer the question I asked on the other page. LK is saying someone was actually arrested for the gun… I know they looked for it before… has anything appeared out there yet?