WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Here is what I find horrible about your post #2.

  1. I understand that lots of people consider LK to be a liar. However, I found zero in the preceding post #1, essentially the report of the court proceeding, that provided a shred of information, one way or the other, as to the extent that LK is “lying out of her ass”.
  2. It contributed zero to the purported “discussion” of the case.

Thus, in IMHO, your post contributed nothing, yet took nasty cheap shot at LK. Since you asked.

But you have taken responsibility and doubled down that that is what you meant to say, described by you as “cruel”, so on the taking responsibility front, I applaud you.


I am not sure whose post you think you were responding to, but the above post #115, in response to my quote of @NotGrandPrixYet makes absolutely no sense. Perhaps you should take responsibility for your own and not worry about others.


Does anybody get the feeling that Lauren’s mother is amongst us?


I saw this new thread and mistakenly thought it would be about LK and MB developments and discussions… but alas and alack, it seems there is no escaping the never-ending pretentious pontificating in 20m circles…


Re the bolded: this hasn’t stopped you before :lol:”‹”‹”‹

Or me :uhoh:


It occurs to me that if someone wanted to get a thread shut down, one way is to start irrelevant bickering on a thread and keep up until someone got irritated enough to say something back that could be reported to the moderators. If there is only one person starting this bickering then I think we are in troll country.

Obviously the OP reporting on a new court appearance and linking to two new news reports one in COTH magazine fits the parameters of new development.

I would suggest ignoring attempts to run the thread off course into interpersonal bickering with a troll.


I think the best way to handle this person is to simply never engage. Let her keep spinning and the rest of us can just do our thing!


I thought the conclusion was NJ didn’t make these records public?

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Absolutely!!! Ding-ding-ding-ding!!! So, is YD actually Kirby?

Didn’t someone several pages back recommend we simply skip over a certain poster’s posts to keep the thread going without allowing it to be derailed by someone baiting, being incredibly verbose, defensive, rude, argumentative, just plain annoying?? Seems like good advice to follow to me! Let YD banter on with herself or LK (or RG) or whoever is willing to listen.


I think the conclusion was something to do with it being a federal case…

But time has passed and I was hoping that the smart people who find things could figure out if there was any truth the the ramblings.

A person can wish for stuff, can’t they?

I was just surprised to read LK saying that again, having not seen any mention of it even in this new article.


To the in the know legal people posting, if the trial date is delayed, as many have mentioned, how long do you think it will be delayed considering there are apparently mountains of data to go through along with audio recordings, phones, computers, not to mention all the social media copies as well as interviewing potential witnesses? I feel certain there must be several investigators working on this case in several states, does that sound logical?

Honestly, this case wouldn’t have the interest it still has if LK and her rabid supporters simply walked away from commenting. We would be back to sharing recipes again. BTW, I’m fixing chicken and rice for dinner.


absolutely, they should wish for whatever their heart desires.

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Hurrah, I’ve been waiting for the recipe green light! Check out The NY Times recent article and recipe for boneless chicken breasts! One tip, so easy, roll breasts in finely grated Parmesan cheese before sautéing. I also did the soy sauce and honey glazed ones and they were awesome.


That is correct, but I think she was referring to the federal records, which are searchable, since LK indicated it was a federal warrant.

Alas, I gave up because I couldn’t find anything and couldn’t waste any more time on different search terms/names to try and find anything. That said, that does not mean there’s nothing out there - it may just mean I was too tired and unfamiliar with the system and how federal cases are named/referenced to find it.


It is NOT news that CPS declined to act on the call to them, whoever it was that alerted them. The news in the article is that in the hearing, the judge said he thought that fact was inadmissible.

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  Too cowardly to make the accusation outright?
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From the article:

[I]"He also mentioned needing to hear “secret recordings” Kanarek and Goodwin made of Barisone without permission, citing as an example one of a conversation between the trainer and his lawyer.

Bilinkas told the judge that the state’s Division of Child Protection & Permanency had determined accusations Kanarek made about Barisone being involved in child abuse were unfounded. It was after a visit by a CP&P investigator that Barisone clashed with Kanarek and Goodwin.

The judge said he didn’t find CP&P’s decision relevant or admissible.

“It’s a different agency with a different mission,” he commented, saying it’s an opinion of a social worker. “We don’t know whether they have all the evidence.”

Bilinkas, however, noted, “It’s our position I have incontrovertible evidence that Miss Kanarek has made numerous false claims against my client.”

“That’s a different story,” said the judge, adding, “they can be shown by other means.”

[B]In the interview, Bilinkas said there was a claim of insurance fraud made against Barisone by Kanarek.

“She talks about it on social media. There is no insurance fraud by Michael Barisone and the records from the insurance company will bear that out[/B].”

He said it involved a pipe that burst at the Long Valley farm while Barisone was in Florida.

“She’s telling all sorts of people he’s committing insurance fraud. That’s a false allegation.”[/I]"

I feel certain much, much more will be forthcoming from all the data obtained from LK’s devices and social media. Of real interest will be the contents of the illegal recording!


Stick to the plan ladies and gents. Let YD blather on with herself. I’m making lasagna tonight😋


Are you asking me? I’m the one who would know.

Probably not asking, just mocking and baiting.

Ya know that’s a good hypothesis after the eves dropping mentioned in the article. @Omgitsme truly ignore. If one keeps engaging this thread will hit 20 pages by tomorrow and be closed.