WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

How about a recipe for our beloveds in the barn?

1 cup Pumpkin Puree (canned or fresh)
1 cup Alfalfa Pellets
¼ cup flax meal

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Soak the alfalfa pellets in just enough warm water until they are completely soft. Mix in the pumpkin and flax meal. Spoon into quarter sized lumps about 1” apart on a baking sheet. Bake for about 45 minutes or until they are crunchy but not burned. The idea is more to dehydrate them than to bake them, so if they are starting to burn, just turn the heat down. If you want, you can squish a pumpkin seed into the top of each one before baking.


It seems to me if one wanted to be believed in their assertion about who owned the gun and that they had actually been charged, that one would share the proof of the claim.
That they haven’t speaks pretty loudly to me.


I must admit…I nicked that recipe from the internet. BUT, I have made them and the horses really like them.


Wrong again. Accusing people of being alters also tends to get the threads shut down. Maybe you could stop. Probably not.

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LK made a claim that the gun belonged to the barn manager and that federal marshals were going to go to Florida to arrest her. But she (the barn manager) flew back to NJ and turned herself in to the warrant and was released. But, that’s just LK’s statement. I don’t think anyone has ever verified it.


We need a good recipe for Troll House Cookies.


And YD thinks it was a cheap shot that I acknowledged LK is a liar and I wasn’t surprised. Wonder where I got that iswq.


I’m no sleuth but since my surgery I think I might qualify as a sloth. Is that close enough?




Thank you! I have follow up xrays next week and we will know how it’s going so far. It’s been a month and I still have to use a walker sometimes. I fit (not sure how I got smoothie last time) in well with the folks at my grandparents’ retirement community.



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Honestly it was good to hear from team Barisone but with the amount of discovery everyone has to go through I think it will be a while. Not sure why people keep beating the pro-<pick a team> drum.



   To me, pedant that I am, Michael Barisone’s defense lawyer saying it is his position that LK has made numerous false claims is not the same thing as actually establishing that she has made numerous false claims. For that we need to wait for the trial. 

    But now I see where you are coming from. If you accept was MB’s lawyer says 100% before he has proved that in court, then, yes, I now understand your post #2. 

    Her allegations have not been proven true, and the lawyer says he can prove them false, but nothing has been proven one way or the other. 

    So to you the news was that the lawyer claims he can prove she has made numerous false allegations, and you automatically believe him. To me, I read that the lawyer claims he can show that she made numerous false allegations and I’m not concluding that she has lied until he proves it.

If it’s true, should be easy for her to prove, shouldn’t it?
That’s what I’m asking

Over and over the minions repeat this and other claims, arguing that other theories are, wrong, wrong, wrong!
All while they could more easily sway people, convert while rubbing in just how wrong the naysayers were… So easily.
Still,they do not.


It’s so hard to resist…

Dinner smells amazing! Time for wine.


Does anyone know where all of Michael’s horses ended up? I heard they were split up and scattered around shortly after the shooting, but does anyone know where they are now and what their status is?


The fact that she hasn’t shared proof of her claim does indeed speak loudly. She’s saying she doesn’t care if you believe her or not and you can wait for the trial.


Oh, you know what she’s saying? Well, saying by not saying. I wasn’t aware you two were BFFs unless you’re that Shelley woman.