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You know you’re a farm girl when

When DH takes the horse trailer up for new tires as a birthday gift and it makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world :slight_smile:


You know you’re a farm girl when you’re excited about going to your Dr appt cause it’s down the road from the dealer with the good hay


Another gem of a man!

Lucky girl indeed!

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I think so… most of the time :rofl: :wink:

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When four NEW tires on the old farm work truck make you smile !


All four at once! Fancy!!!

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I pretty much fell in love with my husband the first day I met him at a work meeting. Someone mentioned I had horses and we started talking. He had a small TB breeding operation in Kansas. I figured he knew how to handle horses, he grew his own hay, and when I mentioned I had some fencing to do over the weekend, since he was stuck in Virginia for the weekend, he offered to help.

I’ll admit I didn’t give an actual relationship much hope since we lived so far apart…then he mentioned while helping with the fencing that he was being transferred to the Tidewater area of SE Virginia. Not perfect, but much more doable.

We were married a year later. He sadly passed away far too soon. But I still giggle when I think about that first meeting at work.


Awe! What a lovely memory to carry with you!

I’m so sorry he passed; may his memory be a blessing


@Gainer :heart: :heart: :heart:

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When you carry feed from tsc in your office dress, and dont need help.
When you have more horse brushes than makeup brushes.
When you leave work in office clothes, change while driving to go get hay, come home and unload said hay, then go inside and skip dinner for a shower.
When the guys at your work save pallets and leftover lumber from jobs because they know to ask if you want it first.
When you are the only girl they will hand the keys to the dump truck to so you can use it over the weekend.
When you can look at shavings in the run in stall after a rainy day and know whether the shavings are wet from rain, or pee. Or if they are in with doors shut but it’s blowing rain, you feel secure enough to smell an area of really wet shavings, to make sure your senior has peed while inside.
When you have accepted that there will always be animal hair on your clothes, ALWAYS!! And the fact that you always slightly smell of horses n sweat has become normal to you.
When you time blanket washing and waterproofing around dh’s work schedule and get your teen son to help with switching loads n hanging them up in the barn to dry out of sight.
When you have learned the art of fixing everything with baling twine and or zip ties.
When your pastures are healthy, green, and weed free, but your actual lawn just gets mown n that’s it.
When sitting on a muck tub, covered in sweat, sawdust and dirt, knowing the barn is clean, horses are eating, rock is raked n pretty and just enjoying 10 minutes of peace and quiet while the sun sets, is the best part of the day…while my daughter is making “art” with her feet in the rock/sand hahaha.


A dump truck! You are SO lucky! Do share, what all will you do with that dump truck?


It is usually just the little 1 ton with wooden sides, BUT I can go get 50 bales of hay with it easily, instead of like 20 on my little 5x8 open wire mesh trailer and then max 5 more in my jeep, carseat moved, seats folded down n tarps put down to avoid more mess than I need haha. And it saves wear n tear on my jeep!


I really need to borrow the bigger one n go get more screenings, I want to get manufactured sand but that quarry is further of a drive, and I just haven’t had the time or money for it. When I did have the extra $, the rain would.not.stop!!! Sigh… How the heck are you n how is everything going with your new setup!!!

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking screenings or sand. What gets us farm girls excited! New barn is going well - long project list to finish -will take years and grit. Big dreams take grit. :grinning:


Sand and screenings are gritty too so that mskes sense hahaha!

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You pull the last lamb at 3:00 AM, get him rubbed down, place him in front of his mama, and listen to the noises as they exchange happy greetings. You’re exhausted, covered in unmentionable fluids, haven’t slept properly in weeks because of lambing season, and still wouldn’t trade places with anyone.


Your idea of a vacation day is to take a road trip to buy hay.


My mother and I still fondly recall the time we made a day trip to get the quality of hay she needed when local suppliers ran short. That was ten ish years ago at least!

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When the cashier at the Agway is patronizing because she thinks you don’t know how much a stall mat weighs, and she tells you that you’ll need two big men to load them into your vehicle (and then she insults Grace the SUV). You load the mats yourself, and you, the stall mats, and Grace drive off into the sunset.


Excellent !