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You know you’re a farm girl when

My ex DH was having a discussion with his friends. They were complaining about how long their wives took to get ready to go out to dinner. My DH just laughed and said "For me it’s more like ‘don’t you think you want to put on a different pair of pants?’ "


Mr LS says “You’re wearing that?”


Now that there’s a KEEPER! That’s no small gift either!

Oh yes! I LOVE that look and rock it whenever I can!

Also, you know you’re a farm girl when you end a relationship with someone and take down his 2-person tree stand and deer feeder (that he hunted on YOUR property), and load it with your JD 50 HP tractor front-end loader—along with his generator (that didn’t ever work) and pressure washer—onto the flatbed trailer he conveniently “left” at your place for him to come and get. Since I don’t have a balcony to toss it all over, it was theb est I could do.


DH and I are so romantic, I only dated him because he was one of the few people my then retired heart horse actually liked.

He showed up in the pouring/freezing rain for our 2nd date in work clothes and boots, got out of his truck and just stated “what do you need me to do”. At that point I had 23 horses and I thought he was the hottest guy I had ever met.

He proposed six months later on a step ladder working on my barn with “do you want to marry me or what?” I replied with “sure, as long as I can have a tractor with a loader instead of an engagement ring” We have been happily married with our Massey Ferguson ever since, lol.


That’s the most romantic love story I’ve ever read


Love this!


@endlessclimb @lenapesadie

Romantic if you are a farm girl! Most people don’t get it, they ask him why “he let’s me have horses” and my friends ask me if I am jealous of the time he spends on the classic cars. Well he loves my horses and I love his cars, a match made in heaven.


Really and truly hot roders and horse girls are good mix.

Nobody is surprised by the cost and time commitments!!!

Your DH sounds like a gem!


My SO is into trialing his hunting dogs. Animal costs are not discussed because we both “get it” lol


Another great example!

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Yep! It seems like the problems arrive when the partner does not have their own interests or hobbies. That is most practical advice, find a guy with own interests, hobbies and recreation. Then you are free to have horses to fill your time alone, :laughing:


Here’s my love, his young dog. She’s like… my soul mate, the little psycho. She went sugar faced really fast, she’s only four.


Thats why DH and I could never get divorced. The animal custody battle would end up being an epic battle of wills. I. An see it now, he would have to build a house next door so we could share custody. :laughing:


And you have things to talk about since both were active while apart!



That’s so true!


What is up that we cannot see pictures? She sounds adorable!


Oh no the pic showed up for me

It’s a tech glitch, hopefully will be resolved soon. You can right click the link and open in a new window, and it should open then!

Hubby let me get an insta hot portable equine hot water system for mother’s day :sunglasses:


You know you’re a farm girl when you go to Pet Smart to pick up a 20 lb bag of dog food… and when the cashier asks if you need him to carry it out to your truck, you giggle a little because your truck is packed with 3 string 120# bales that you’ll be dragging off shortly. Response…”nah I think I got this”