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Your Perfect pair of Breeches?

Honestly, your Bekas are my favorite breeches ever, please bring them back! They fit well and I prefer the side zip. Also really liked the ab panel.
A long version would be super for us tall people, and my “white whale” color is canary—it’s long past time time to bring back canary breeches!

Ariat All Circuits were the BEST FABRIC EVER if you can somehow replicate that!![/QUOTE]

I agree that this was beautiful fabric. The fit of the All-Circuits never was quite right for me, but I loved the fabric. The Pro-Circuits fit me better.

Hello there!

FITS Riding is trying to determine what the perfect pair of hunter jumper breeches looks and feels like-- and we want feedback from you guys!

  1. What materials do you like? Woven? Knit?
  2. How much/little stretch in the fabric?
  3. Type of knee patch- suede, silicone, etc?
  4. How large of a knee patch-- specifically for suede-- do you prefer a longer knee patch to help the breech from showing excessive wear on the in seam?
    5.Front or side zip? Why?
    6.Do you like have a mesh panel on the lower leg under your boot for less bulk and heat?
    7.What colors (including standard show colors) would you want to see this breech come in?
  5. Anything else?

Thanks in advance! We can’t wait to see your answers :)[/QUOTE]

Dear FITS, you discontinued my perfect pair of breeches! The only way in which the Beka knee patch breeches were not perfect is that all of my pairs wore through the crotch seams in 3 years or less. Also, I would have liked a larger range of colors. Other than that- the stain resistant, durable fabric was fantastic. It had just enough stretch. I’m a muscular person as are many riders and the fit was flattering. Bring them back and I’ll be a happy camper. :slight_smile: