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2001 Best of the BB Awards...

Yea! Dublin likes my screen name! I was actually thinking of changing it because it’s kinda dorky and a lot of people have asked me what the heck it means (FYI, it means most of my shoes have teeth marks in them from teething canines!)

Now, now Oblvious, no one said they hated you. And I’m really sorry if I hurt your feelings with my post. If it makes you feel any better, Moesha called me “dog tissue” at FPP he thought my name was so wierd! I thought that was hilarious!

It’s just that the story behind your name isn’t apparent to most of us who read it. Because of that it seems, to me at least, either incredibly self denegrating or that you take pride in being oblivious. I realise, from your post, that isn’t what you meant. But I didn’t know that before and unless everyone knows the background, that name really isn’t the best “advertising” for you.

Again, I’m very sorry to have hurt your feelings. I really didn’t mean anything against you personally. Feel free to hate my user name as much as you want!

Oh and one more thing tle, I only do the jumpers and we don’t do outside diagnol outside. And there is nothing wrong with those types of courses in the Hunters, the finesse to put in a smooth flowing hunter trip takes a soft feel and and accurate eye that many people cannot do to do it right

Katie your great!!!I like your username too ErinB!! hhaha everyone says I like to see my name in lights well I do!!! And for those of you who have to hate me I’m starting a clique for y’all it’s called: We hate Bennet&Bailey Clique!!! haha good Idea huh?

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

PS: I think some horse show we all are going to we’ll grab our horses and have a huge COTH BB tea party, YAY!

Awww gosh, I’m inspirational. I don’t know why, but I’m inspirational.

(this calls for some ice cream.)

“It’s a long day living in Reseda
There’s a freeway running through the yard
He’s a bad boy 'cause he doesn’t even miss her
He’s a bad boy for breaking her heart…”

I did. The IRA boys thoroughly enjoyed it but I don’t think Ms. Plether was too happy.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - COTH horse show

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - definitely Sept. 11

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Ryan’s Bridle Saga

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - remember the COTH movie/soap opera? was that this year or last? Someone should dig that one up.

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Most recently, Miniwelse and her “Pony Play”

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights - they know who they are

  7. Best username - findeight, 'n Butter, heidi-ugh

  8. Most annoying username - Feathered Bubble Head

  9. Most inspirational poster - slugger, DMK

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Colin. You’ve got to be crazy to live in Utah.

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - definitely Kachoo and Merry, they’re just so amusing!

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life- Kachoo or Merry

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - all the cool junior clique people- ErinB, spaz, etc.

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - the Virginia clique, but alas, I’m stuck with these Canadians til I’m old enough to move out

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Bebe’s jumper, slugger’s You Know Me Best, ErinB’s miniature, and/or Kachoo’s horse

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - again, Kachoo and Merry


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:
Oh, no, please don’t start playing nice… I was enjoying the trash talk!

(And everyone knows everyone is kidding, right? )

Now, really, what’s with the marigold shirts and windowpane jackets and puke green breeches? Who dresses you people? And in what kind of SPORT does it matter if your hair is correctly positioned over your ears? What is this, ice dancing?


OK that’s what makes me squirm. That wierd hunter hairdo; hairnet with those sideflaps over the ears. Talk about DORKY.

Betsy in Goosewood

JTM loves SC too, but unfortunately hasn’t gone for a run for 3days. I think a forum for me would get trashed, though. There are definitely some people who do not love JTM.

~I am an angel on a field trip from heaven ~

I get the feeling that we left far too early last night.

How did the waitress look when you all rolled BACK in? The only time she smiled all night was when we paid up prior to Miniwelsh stopping traffic at Rt 50 and Plains Road!

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year

COTH Horse Show Threads

  1. Thread that has impacted you the most


  1. Thread that just wouldn’t die

Junior Clique, HELMETS , MJ

  1. Thread that you wish had never died

Probably ‘Question for Canter’ (fun to read! ) and the Peeps thread

  1. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares

MJ and PV threads

  1. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights

A few juniors, already been mentioned many, many times

  1. Best username

ETBW, JumpTheMoon, havaklu

  1. Most annoying username

Me thinks there’s no need to mention them any more

  1. Most inspirational poster
    Kachoo, Heidi, Weatherford, Jair

  2. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium

  3. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading

Tin, Heidi, Kachoo, ErinB, Chanda, Beezer

  1. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life

Not sure…

  1. Poster who you most want to meet in person

Merry, Beezer, Heidi, Tin, ErinB, Louise, Portia, lots more…

  1. Clique that you most want to be a member of

Any one that’ll like me and notice me

  1. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for

Tin’s slugger’s, and Chanda’s

  1. Poster that always puts you in a good mood


  1. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB

Not very many, if any at all

  1. Most memorable event from the BB this year


  1. Poster who you want to “vote off the island”

My lips are sealed

  1. Thing you would change most about the BB

Spellchecker, and no more “4, u, 2, etc”!!!

  1. What you like best about the BB

All the different opinions, people, and the advice they have to offer

  1. Has any one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?

Nope, but I can say that I have gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration from many topics

  1. In general - how was 2001 for you?

Eh, it was pretty bad. I hope that next year is A LOT better…

And Miss Maam? Noticeably absent since Frying Pan part II.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chrissy:

  1. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - DMK for her ability to have an opinion or comment on just about everything

It really is beyond terrifying, isn’t it?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VTrider:

Reply by quoting the following list and adding the answers in your reply.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - HOW TO KILL A THREAD…
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - 9/11, ALL OF THEM
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - PAUL VALLIERE GARBAGE
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - HOW TO KILL A THREAD :slight_smile:
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - BUBBLE CRAP
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE
  7. Best username - Alan Greenspan (I just met him!)
  8. Most annoying username - ThIsMaKeSmEcRaZy!
  9. Most inspirational poster - MOMS WITH KIDS
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - DITTO
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - ME
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - ME
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - TOM CRUISE- BUT I HAVEN’T FIGURED OUT HIS USERNAME
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - GIVE AWAY THIER MONEY CLIQUE
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - YEAH, RIGHT
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - EMMET
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - FRIENDS I DON’T FIND FROM MY KEYBOARD
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - 9/11 NEWS
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - THIS IS WAY TOO CRUEL!
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - MODERATORS SPEWING VENOM
  21. What you like best about the BB - GOSSIP
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? NOPE
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? CAN’T COMPLAIN

Have a super weekend!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why VTRider, how timely. I was just thinking we should have a Best Of Thread.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Chronicle BB Horse Rescue

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - The Sept. 11 threads

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - those stupid helmet threads, all 5001 of them.

  4. Thread that you wish had never died - I loved Pam’s Virtual Horse Show thread, also the ones reminiscing about horses of the 70s.

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - “Are They Really Amateurs”

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - what is that annoying junior’s name?

  7. Best username - Lord Helpus

  8. Most annoying username - what is that annoying junior’s name again?

  9. Most inspirational poster - Kachoo

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - our poor little Colin

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - VTRider or Heidi, of course!

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - slugger

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - slugger, miniwelsh, lisamarie and Fairweather

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - I already am, darling…

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - slugger again or DMK’s Robbie.

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - VTRider. The pictures are the best!

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - my darling Moesha and VTRider

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - Meeting everyone at Culpeper for the first time. I think the most memorable thread were the ones from Sep. 11. I will never forget the horror and fear of that day.

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - anyone who is (1) condescending (2) can never let a controversial subject die (3) is a know it all. Know it alls should all be relegated to their own special hell.

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - Personally, I like the dungeon idea.

  21. What you like best about the BB - the wonderful people I meet, virtually and in person

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? Reading about others trials and tribulations, especially Kachoo’s has made me a more confident rider.

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? It was a very good year.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay 
In leaves no step had trodden black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another day! 
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 
I doubted if I should ever come back. 

I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence: 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.


And I thank you for it

. Your Favorite Thread of the Year -
2. Thread that has impacted you the most -
3. Thread that just wouldn’t die -
4. Thread that you wish had never died -
5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares -
6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights -
7. Best username -
8. Most annoying username -
9. Most inspirational poster -
10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -
11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading -
12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life -
13. Poster who you most want to meet in person -
14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -
16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -
17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB -
18. Most memorable event from the BB this year -
19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island -
20. Thing you would change most about the BB -
21. What you like best about the BB -
22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
23. In general - how was 2001 for you?

Have a super weekend!

Thanks everybody for mentioning me and Muffin! He will rest easy knowing he’ll never get hit by a train! I can’t answer these, LOL! I probably missed half the walking-the-line threads and didn’t read the other half! Bad BBer!! I’ll do a take home test and get back with y’all! Peace… I love you all!

[This message was edited by slugger on Dec. 10, 2001 at 10:05 PM.]

Reply by quoting the following list and adding the answers in your reply.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Middleburg Classic - because it was about ME!
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - 9/11
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - junior helmets
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Indio! Only 6 more weeks!!!
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - musical jumper thread
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - Colin
  7. Best username - Sea Urchin
  8. Most annoying username - VTRider. Tech SUCKS!
  9. Most inspirational poster - Duffy, the SUCK UP!
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -
    Colin, Sea Urchin, Duffy, VTRider, and ESPECIALLY MOESHA!
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Heidi-Ugh!
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Slugger. I want her horses!
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Jair, Heidi, Ryan, and my Indio California Clique Buddies!
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -California!
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Colin’s PETE! And…VTRider’s Perfect PK!
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Duffy, Slugger, VT, Moesha, Sea Urchin, and ETBW
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Slugger! Thanks for your shadbelly! VTRider - Thanks for letting me show your horse at Middleburg! ETBW - Thanks for the rum and cokes at Middleburg! Moesha - Thanks for being a good luck charm and agreeing to sleep with me at Middleburg! Sea Urchin - Thanks for letting me call you 10x/day at Tahoe…and Indio!
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - 9/11 - The BB had news faster than CNN!
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - VT when she is ruthless!
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - No DQ’s allowed on Off Course!
  21. What you like best about the BB - Reliable. Everyone is ALWAYS on it 9a-5p!!!
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? Indio topic tried to change me, but I refused! I WILL SLEEP IN THE TRAILER!
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Incredible! I have perfect pete! I get to go to Indio and ride w/ CB!

[I]“If you can’t beat 'em with brains, beat 'em with bullshit!”

  • Tommy Serio, 2001[/I]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Why do y’all flag your warm-up jumps? Are you too dumb not to know which way to jump a ramped oxer? Also, why do y’all want to jump jumps that don’t come down if your horse hits them? Answer that one for me?!?!?! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Our oxers aren’t always ramped! That’s for sissies… of course the same reason could be used on your last question too! The idea isn’t that the horse should hit the jumps! duh! They’re supposed to go OVER them… but I guess those who’s fences always fall wouldn’t realize that’s the idea, now would they?

My question is why don’t ya’ll assign ride times… wouldn’t things go a LOT smoother? Or would you need your TRAINER there to tell you what time it is as well as how to ride?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Who do you think we sell our bad jumpers to, VT??? I mean, really…these eventers provide good homes for some of our pukes! We should be nicer to them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, yes Colin, you should be nicer. After all, who is it that takes the horses that you can’t handle and makes something out of them! Just because they aren’t fashion princesses who pose for the cameras doesn’t mean they can’t jump.

Moesha… you need to just back yourself down, Miss Princess. Don’t come in here throwin’ THAT attitude at me, ah-ite?! You just go back to your corner and sit there Miss trainer-dependent, posin’ for the judge, crest releasing, stride counting, everything matching enough to make Martha Stewart sick, wish you could gallop with the big boys wannabe!

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

tle, check your email. Rather not bring this up here again.

posted Dec. 07, 2001 09:57 AM

It’s a slow Friday here in my cubicle. And it’s 12/7 - so I think we can start reflecting on the year of 2001.
Reply by quoting the following list and adding the answers in your reply.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - The Virtual Horseshow classes for the charity
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - ? Bush opens a can of whoop a$$
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Helmet threads
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Bush vs Gore
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - ?
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - ?
  7. Best username - Sea Urchin - so exotic
  8. Most annoying username - anything with a ~~*&%$ in it?
  9. Most inspirational poster - Hobson!!!
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - ?
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - TLE (awesome clinic/event stories)
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - Kachoo - (you do all those neat horseshows and get to travel!)
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Hobson
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - Junior so I can be young again my peeps - yo outta here?
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - rumours follow - what a cute horsey!
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - VTrider
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Hobson - she’s the ultimate liberal!
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - The virtual horseshow
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - IlonaE who called me a witchy witch (just kidding!)
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - ?
  21. What you like best about the BB - funny
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? yup, I can’t eat baby quiche, baby carrots or peeps anymore, and I have exotic dreams about fabio spraying me with butter spray
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? a good year

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.