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2001 Best of the BB Awards...

Oh, golly–I’ve made it onto a “favorites” thread–I feel like I’ve arrived! To all who used HOBSON as an answer (unless you were voting me off) you are my best friends!

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - the ones having to do with politics, peeps, and/or both
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most -
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - those darn poor-me helmet threads: will someone just please drive a stake through them all?
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - the ones about MY horse!
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - I still wake up in the middle of the night with witty comebacks for the Bush v Gore thread
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - Those of you who have in excess of 3,000 posts know who you are!
  7. Best username - There’s something pleasantly simple and fun about “Jair”
  8. Most annoying username -
  9. Most inspirational poster - Reginapony
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Merry, Heidi, Kachoo, ETBW, Chanda
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - Who here’s an independently wealthy heiress?
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Well, I’ve already met ETBW, Moesha, Elghund and CactusLil, Kryswyn, Fairweather, and Lillodawg…much fun! One of these days I MUST meet magnolia, bgoosewood, rockstar, and rockstarr who lives in Philly, Heidi, DMK, Merry and Beezer, Robby Johnson, and Jair. I think I also need to climb up Snowbird’s mountain and give her a great big hug, and complain about the republicans.
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - The Anti-Monogram clique
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Who has that Canasta mare–is that Paula M?
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Merry, ETBW, dogchushu
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - magnolia!
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - The Exceller Fund rescue
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - that would not really be polite
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - More threads about Peeps
  21. What you like best about the BB - The increasing sense of connectedness as a horsey community of real, 3-D people
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? The whole darn board has really cut into my productivity at work.
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Disaster struck when my 2 beloved 10-year-old kitties disappeared, but I did get a great job, entered a graduate program, and made a lot of great progress with Hobson-the-horse, and celebrated year #2 of being a married lady with Mr Hobson the fabulous teutonic renaissance man
  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year -
    “Inlaws that should be Outlaws”. Funny, funny stuff!

  2. Thread that just wouldn’t die -
    “Baby Green Support Group”

  3. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares -
    Anthing related to helmets or TS breeches

  4. Most annoying username -

  5. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
    None. although there are a couple that I would NOT want to belong to…

  6. Poster who you want to "vote off the island -
    Let’s just say best left unsaid.

  7. What you like best about the BB -
    The amount of knowledge of many posters.

Moesha is a MALE!!!

Thanks Sleepy. That’s pretty much the impression I got… but I had to know anyway.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> 16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - VTrider <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bless you both

Sorry but anyone who can post THAT attitude IS a “Miss Princess,” and it doesn’t matter which kind of equipment they sport.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:

Ahem. Anyway, I revise my list (reluctantly) to include Colin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But Erin, shouldn’t Colin have been under your “voted off the island” answer as well? After all, you did do just that…

I notice that I am conspicuously absent from ErinB’s list…whatever.

And Erin…I would like to be Kachoo as well, however I don’t know that your reasoning is quite right…do you want to be someone because you have feelings for his/her siblings?? incest much??

No, I think sbk was right on target (and yes, I’m sure she was kidding just as much as the rest of us). Her post just didn’t come across that way simply because she had to explain herself S-L-O-W-L-Y and using small words so the H/J princesses (with or without optional equipment) could understand her.

Go Robby!! Take that! YEA!! I knew my eventer buddies where lurking around just waiting to jump in…like all good eventers who actually HELP each other.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

I’ll throw you a bone, I just don’t know why you want it! :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know why people hate me!! It makes me sad!

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - don’t have a favorite, I like it when the really funny people get cracken’ just hilarious!
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - ugh none of them ‘impacted’ me but i have changed a few ways of doing things ya know as far as tack and grooming…
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - That GM one, ugh that was taken above and beyond
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - alot of the picture threads are great fun but like i have pretty much seen horse people are always in competition at a show and not, same goes for me lol- its all good
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - no one really
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights - not to sure
  7. Best username - i like the name BigDreams, i dont know her but i just think the s/n is very expressive in miniscule words.
  8. Most annoying username - no one really, i am not going to sit here and ponder ways to diss people by their s/n’s, i dont know why they choose them.
  9. Most inspirational poster - i think theres alota people on here who know what their talking about and i also know theres alota people on here who just BS their way through a convo…
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Could I enroll myself?
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Anyone whose hilarious, i love reading funny comments!
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life- no one really…
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - pretty much EVERYONE even you guys who hate me lol
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - cill pass…
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Prolly mine and lindsays AND lil toppers lol…
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - when lindsay and i get crackin’ we just cant stop, i have to laugh
  17. Most Valuable Friend that you have gained as a result of this BB - prolly linds but we have been friends for sometime so ya ya ya
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - i dont know
  19. Poster who you want to “vote off the island” no one really, you guys amuse me
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - get rid of the people who are just striaght up ugh. i mean you attempt to talk to them and they are like so incredibly thick headed… (yes i am at times but not really on here)
  21. What you like best about the BB - the people i assume
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? umm, i dont think so…
  23. How has 2001 gone in general?
    Well i could go on forever and a day, but not to bad. my horse has gone great… no family members have been sick, friends are ‘slammin’ <dont ask>,and i couldn’t really complain, people have it way worse than i…

Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been cut off, sorry folks!!
~Proud co-owner of CorLin Productions~

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moesha:
Oh and by the way…anyone on this BB who thinks that I am princess in attitude doesn’t know me at all. Having nice things and being a spoiled useless person are two vastly diffferent behaviors. Just because the Hunter/Jumper world emmulates class and elegance does not mean that the people in it do not work their asses off as well. So all kidding aside.An attitude like that is a definite block if you want to be a true horse person.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like my ass and do not believe in working it off. My attitude has never blocked me from getting the things I want (then again, I am single, do not have a nice over 14.2 hand hunter, do not have a classy outfit and don’t know how to dress for the country club.) Boo hoo hoo - I’ve just realized I am a white tent trash hunter princess wanna be

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

BULID ME A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT! blah blah!! I’m nice

~Unapproved Princess Clique~ Proud member of the DUMBELL CLIQUE
The perfect hunt horse should" 'Ave the 'ead of a duchess an the arse of a cook"
Bounce once if you believe in diagonals!
Calligula, a smart man! Appointed his horse as consul!
Look mommy!! He’s wearing bellbottoms!!(in reference to a clydesdale)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VTrider:
It’s a slow Friday here in my cubicle. And it’s 12/7 - so I think we can start reflecting on the year of 2001.

Reply by quoting the following list and adding the answers in your reply.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - The Virtual Horse Show
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - All the September 11th threads.
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - I cringe at every new helmet thread that are just looking for an argument…
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Junior Clique!
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Any SU ones
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - ponyperson
  7. Best username - findeight
  8. Most annoying username - Some of the alters are extremely odd…
  9. Most inspirational poster - Slugger or DMK
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Colin
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - VTRider, Colin or Moesha
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - Slugger or VTRider or DMK (Could you ask for more gorgeous horses?! Or a better sense of humor?!)
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - VTRider or Slugger, but it would kind of take away from their mystic!
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - Not too sure about this one…
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Slugger!!
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Moesha
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Haven’t really picked up friends on this board.
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - September 11th
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - I’m gonna be quiet on this one.
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - I wish you could block certain posters… and/or elminate all helmet topics!
  21. What you like best about the BB - Everyone’s crazy antics!!
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? - Not really
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Pretty good, this last week has been pretty trying though.

Have a super weekend!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If your Christmas cards say, “Season’s Greetings, you’ve got anthrax!” maybe, just maybe, you might be a terrorist.
Pony Rock

Oh, no, please don’t start playing nice… I was enjoying the trash talk!

(And everyone knows everyone is kidding, right? )

Now, really, what’s with the marigold shirts and windowpane jackets and puke green breeches? Who dresses you people? And in what kind of SPORT does it matter if your hair is correctly positioned over your ears? What is this, ice dancing?

And I’ve always been confused about this… why is it again that you can’t ride your horse outside of an enclosed arena? I can never remember if it’s because the horse costs so much, the insurance company won’t let you… Or because the rider doesn’t actually know how to steer, the horse is “autopilot” for outside-diagonal-outside-diagonal… Or is it because the riders have no sense of direction and will get lost if they’re not going in a circle?

And how do you all avoid those pesky DEA officers when obtaining the cocaine necessary for your horse to perform a lovely hunter round?

BTW, have we mentioned that there are actually some cute, STRAIGHT guys who event?

(Quiet, Robby! )

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - You’re So Vain (thread w/song parodies)
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - Sep 11 threads
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - The Junior Clique thread
  4. Thread that you wish had never died - Question for Merry
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - Musical Jumper thread
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights - I’ll refrain from answering this one
  7. Best username - Alex Trebek, Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, G.Morris, C.Brooks, Velveeta, etc.
  8. Most annoying username - I’ve gotta go with the others here…AnYNAmeTHaTlOoKsLiKeTHIs…that drives me nuts!
  9. Most inspirational poster - Kachoo
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Moesha!!! - LOVE your posts!
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Moesha and Colin when I want a good laugh (although I don’t always “get” it), Findeight and Lordhelpus for informative posts
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life - Linda Allen
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - Jo (are you ever gonna visit Cali???)
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of - already a member of the coolest clique!
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for - Kachoo’s
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Merry & Beezer, ErinB
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Jo, dmj, The CA Clique
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year -
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - MJ’s posts used to drive me nuts, but she already got voted off, so does that count?
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - Please please please can the subjects of threads have enough information so that we can decide whether to read it or not? Instead of a subject called “Looking for…” How about “Looking for old horse named Mr.Ed” or whatever it is?? If I don’t know Mr.Ed, I won’t have to bother to open the thread!!! Sorry, pet peeve!!!
  21. What you like best about the BB - being able to talk to a wide variety of people and exchange knowledge. Meeting new friends.
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live? No, but I wish the helmet topics were around as much before I had my crash, maybe it would have changed me back then
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Maaaaahhhhrrrvelous!!! It’s been a great year, despite some rough bumps. In my horsey world, it went from very low to very very good!!!

You must be so VERY relieved that the worst thing happening is on Sport Horse Breeding and that we DIDN’T end up strewn about beneath JS’s windows this morning!

Do so very much hope you will attend one of the gatherings (Frying Pan is so well behaved!) soon.

Did you like our Christmas Card to the BB?

How could anyone forget that “I just hit the Easter bunny!!” thread. ROTFL

If your Christmas cards say, “Season’s Greetings, you’ve got anthrax!” maybe, just maybe, you might be a terrorist.
Pony Rock

OH, you must be talking about English people…where hunters and eventing and English riding was invented!!! I know, that Princess Anne is sooooooo tacky!

Betsy in Goosewood

While right now i am far to whacked out of my gord on cold medicine…mmmmm robitussin and club soda…to fill out the survey myself, I would like to send my heartfelt and sincere thanks to Heidi and MargaretF for the kind words. You have made my snotty day bright

and Margaret I hate that i’m not going top make iot to Mosby’s this evening I seem to have come down with a cold that makes Anthrax and the Ebola Virus look like childs play But there WILL come a time

now, back to the flannel sheets, medicine head and bad TV.


–Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.