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2001 Best of the BB Awards...

OH, and in response to the poll:
My favorite posters as in fun to read & enlightening are:
ETBW, lisamarie, FW, Moesha Heidi & Hobson
and I get good practical eventing information from tle
and I enjoy Velvet on the Dressage board
This board is a great place. People have fun and generously share information.
BTW, Moesha is a very good rider. I saw him on Wings and very much admired his equitation!

Betsy in Goosewood

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I know about the MJ threads, but who was PV? Did I miss something? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
PV = Paul Valliere.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Oh it’s already been BROUGHTEN!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
no no VTRider, its “Oh it’s already been BRUNG!” hehe I HAVE to see that movie its SO me
Hehe I luv ya too Ry & see it’ll be you & me baby and Stella & Parker! How cute! Parker wants to me you, its important for the guy to meet the girl’s father haha


“No you can’t have it back silly rabbit!”

  • Blaque

VTrider - Yep!

Use the Force.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tle:
Yeah… what Robby said!!

Oh, and you DON’T want to go into tackyland, dear. Can we say “colors that look like mixed up baby barf?”. Puleeze!

Oh it is ON!!!

Hey tle, why do you need letters to help you around a ring? Can’t you just remember in your Training Level Test 1 where to make your 20-meter circles?

I happened upon the picture of Herr Hobson and, well, needless to say, was quite smitten by the sight of his uber-thighs.

Hans is getting a mountain bike for Christmas.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year -
    The Haiku threads (was that this year?)

  2. Thread that has impacted you the most -
    Ones where people posted unknowingly false or dangerous information/advice!!

  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die -
    Anything 28 pages long…

  4. Thread that you wish had never died -
    Um…haiku maybe

  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares -
    bloody juniors ranting and whining about helmets!!!

  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see their name in lights -
    This would be an entire ‘clique’ although I refuse to say which ahem obvious one!

  7. Best username -
    Liked WackyRider, MoodyHorse, Jain/Jayne/Gin/Gynne…oh WAIT… you mean someone else’s

  8. Most annoying username -
    Anything not instantly recognizable or that does not say something to you eg: letters/initals/numbers or huge long half-acromonious names

  9. Most inspirational poster -
    Merry! For being so nice (sorry Merry that is the only word I can think of!..supportive… I guess)

  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium -
    See #6!!

  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading -
    Kachoo- we live int he same city and it’s fun to see someone else’s view at a different level.

  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your next life -
    Merry. Or Moesha!! Or, see #6!

  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person -
    Portia. Anyone else, including those in my own city!

  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
    nah… maybe just nice to know…those in my own city!!

  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -
    My own… sorry to sound conceited… but after a long time I may have finally found ‘my own’ horse.Although I think everyone’s horse here is just perfect and darling!!

  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -

  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB-
    I wish…I could maybe just meet a few in my own city… gee was the same question asked several times, or do I have a theme here?

  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year -
    I dropped out on 9/11, but I’d say the Canadian Takeover in an attempt to cheer and bolster our American counterparts!

  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island -
    I don’t think that would be polite to say!! Yes there are one or two… liars and frauds and wannabes

  20. Thing you would change most about the BB -
    Put up a HUGE flashing permanant banner reading “for Entertainment Purposes Only”

  21. What you like best about the BB -
    Being able to ‘share’.

  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
    It’s so entertaining that I spend more time sitting on my arse typing on a BB!!

  23. In general - how was 2001 for you?
    Action-Packed, baby: recovered sufficiently from BAD car accident to ride, started teaching professionally, started new relationship with new stable, and got my credentials, got a new horse, sold about 3 of my own plus about 50 of a friend’s, coached professionally at shows for the first time, major shake up of life routine, found out new horse might be pregnant- found out she wasn’t, sold and bought (each) about 3 saddles, bought whole new horsey wardrobe for me and horsey, had a LOT of fun with Hubby and had lots of time to really enjoy myself and my own life, and realized I really like the way I live my life.
    Not so ‘general’ huh

Yes, I can attest to that. Moesha is definately a male, VT…Yep, that’s for sure…100%…all the way…no question…no brainer…he’s a guy!

[I]“If you can’t beat 'em with brains, beat 'em with bullshit!”

  • Tommy Serio, 2001[/I]

TLE, here it is… be prepared to sit down and read for a while:

So Sorry, Musical Jumper

Guess I should finally tackle this one… or at least parts of it.

  1. Your Favorite Thread of the Year - Way too many to name… you people crack me up!
  2. Thread that has impacted you the most - The 9/11 threads. As one of those who was stuck at work and had to at least pretend to be productive, the BB kept me updated on everything going on. Even more than that, I think, the post-9/11 discussions here were really enlightening. It was interesting to have everyone sharing their knowledge and fears.
  3. Thread that just wouldn’t die - Ug… too many. Helmets are definitely the dead horse du jour. And the TH threads never seem to go away.
  4. Thread that you wish had never died -
  5. Topic that has given you re-occuring nightmares - This year? Hmm… MJ, I suppose. And there were a few things that happened off the boards that had me really worried too.
  6. Person who posts for no reason but to see thei name in lights -
  7. Best username -
  8. Most annoying username -
  9. Most inspirational poster -
  10. Poster in most need of visiting a sanitarium - Moi, of course.
  11. Poster whose threads you look most forward to reading - Honestly, there are SO MANY truly witty people here, there’s no way I could pick just one. I think the senses of humor here are just top-notch!
  12. Poster who you want to come back as in your enxt life - Hmm. Weatherford. I need a trip to Ireland, dammit!
  13. Poster who you most want to meet in person - ANY OF THEM! I haven’t met any BBers yet (well, except for Gofer and Heather, and Brigitte, who I have known for a LONG time), and I keep missing the Frying Pan and Mosby’s outings.
  14. Clique that you most want to be a member of -
  15. Poster whose horse you would jump in front of a train for -
  16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood - Almost all of them.
  17. Most Valuable Friend/s that you have gained as a result of this BB - Too many to name.
  18. Most memorable event from the BB this year - Post 9/11
  19. Poster who you want to "vote off the island - Heh heh… if I wanted them off the island, they’d already be gone. No, seriously, with the exception of a very, very few individuals who are long gone, I think the vast majority of people here have good intentions and have at least SOME redeeming qualities. The only people I truly can’t stand are those who purposefully lie and make themselves out to be something they’re not, or purposefully try to mislead people. I just think that’s really, really low.
  20. Thing you would change most about the BB - I know some people feel excluded or left out, which I wish wasn’t the case. It can be hard to be heard out here sometimes, I guess.
  21. What you like best about the BB - The fact that people value intelligent, thoughtful, fair discussion, and the fact that there are SO many people willing to help or share their experiences.
  22. Has any - one/thing/topic - changed the way you live?
  23. In general - how was 2001 for you? Eh… it went by way too fast.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> 16. Poster that always puts you in a good mood -
Wingsy, or Heidi, or coreene, or Jair, or Kachoo, or Tin, or Beezer, or Merry, or hobson, or Bumpkin, or Kellybird, or … There’s too many to name.


Aw shucks, thanks Portia right back atcha!!! Never expected to see my name on here

<Day 2 of 3 months stall rest, 3 months of not neighing and 6 weeks until he can be hand walked >

And your point is??

Oh, Erin, if you fly on weekdays and come before April 1st, the RT fare from NY is about $298…

I find this quite hilarious. Well over half of these posts say “most annoying username:- ObiliviousJumper.” To clue those of you that don’t understand this ‘username’ in… I selected this name quite meticuliously. I feel that when I mess up on my courses in the classes I am just like ugh i dont know but i feel like so incredibly oblivious. like duh… so i find it not so nice that you guys are sitting here and like totally hating me b/c of my opinion. I kinda think thats shallow in some ways. I mean, I seriously don’t care who hates me but, isnt it nice to have people that dont hate you? oh yeah and for those of you wondering, I purposely spelled Oblivious wrong b/c that made an even better touch to the name. If it REALLLLY bugs you, i suppose i could just change it!

[This message was edited by ObiliviousJumper87 on Dec. 07, 2001 at 06:30 PM.]

[This message was edited by ObiliviousJumper87 on Dec. 07, 2001 at 06:32 PM.]

[This message was edited by ObiliviousJumper87 on Dec. 07, 2001 at 06:34 PM.]

“Question for Canter” thread!
It was ONLY the best thread ever
And I do recall it beating the CA thread by a landslide.

“If you analyze why certain people end up together, it will make
you want to kill yourself.”

u are annoying!

Proud Member of the ~UnapprovedPrincess Clique~
AND! the ::DuMbBeLL Clique::
Look out for Whos Counting!

You see? Mimi likes me!

Whatever hems your curtains.

I guess I like eventing better than hunters because it’s less formulaic. And much more individual and expressive. And very international. I mean, where else besides North America does the “show hunter” world exist?

It was most definitely Vanity 6. “If a Girl Answers, Don’t Hang Up.” They also did “Nasty Girl.”

“I guess I’m just used to sailors
I think they got water on the brain
I think they got more water upstairs
Than they got sugar on the candy cane”

Apollonia 6 did “Sex Shooter” and was around circa Prince’s “Purple Rain!”

C’mon people, where were you in 1984???


Psht they didnt like my Feathered Bubble Head either haha I like this one better

I dont mind the individual names BUT since its Bennet & Bailey, I always sit there going, “well is she Bennet? Or is she bailey??” haha only me!


“What does it take to be #1 cuz 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers”

SoEasy did you notice you spelled “misspelled” wrong hehe you left out the 2nd S
Haha I find that so funny


“No you can’t have it back silly rabbit!”

  • Blaque

There’s two things we can’t stand
One’s a jive talk man
The other’s a jive talk man with no money
Can ya dig it?

Ooops, sorry, I thought it was a Vanity 6 sing-along…