2023 Maryland 5* at Fair Hill

It won’t let me in at all. Very, very frustrating. It keeps insisting that I am not in North America. Trust me. I’m in Florida. While the rest of the US might wish weren’t weren’t part of the country, we are. :lol:


that happened to me too-just after I wrote that I was in seamlessly! I will be jump judging tomorrow so I want to watch today.

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Ok my weekend was just made, I volunteered this am and got to not only meet Piggy March, but took a photo with her too :slight_smile: Oh and WFP too lol.


Same. I’m so disappointed with this shift to CMH. Watching eventing on the old USEF network was one of my greatest online pleasures.


I am worried that I will not be able to find my way back to the live stream for XC tomorrow.

For anyone having trouble with the livestream, try the Maryland public TV livestream instead:

I’m lucky enough to be able to watch it over the air on MPT, which I think is awesome.

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@AllTheCarrots and I went on the Allison Springer course walk and she didn’t think it would be an issue. The water is somewhat subtle and angles away from the jump in a non-disturbing way.

My photo:


The crab bounce. At this level probably nbd. Those eyes tho


Clarifying that it was Allison Springer who thought the canoe waterfall fence was a nothing burger. Yours truly had a slightly different opinion of the fence (and all the rest of them) during my course walk with @Texarkana. :joy:


It said we couldn’t see the stream because we weren’t in North America when we were literally right behind the arena. CMH sucks.


Currently getting a steady rain that is supposed to keep up most of the night. The footing was really nice today, but might be a different story for the 3 star. They are predicting a lot of wind tomorrow so there should be help drying out before the 5 star.


The crab kind of looks like Baby Yoda (Grogu). The eyes are something!


The music has been very loud. The horses haven’t been spooky and don’t seem to mind terribly, but riders might find it annoying.

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Her test was so, so good. Better than Oliver’s, IMO. Oliver’s horse looked a bit cranked into the contact; it became very obvious at the beginning of the canter stretch.


Is anyone else outside of NA getting that coverage of XC does not start for another 5 hours!? Shouldn’t XC be starting shortly there?

I’m being forced to use/pay for the Horse & Country TV. Do they delay that long? If so, wow is it not worth the exorbitant price!

@ FitzE I’m using my VPN and it works with the site. I’m not waiting that long for video. It still says only available in the US in red under the video but allows me to play the video.

The 3* starts shortly. The 5* starts about 2 EST

Which site are you accessing with the VPN?

Yes, I guess they are only showing the 5*. :frowning:

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Just an update on my issues from yesterday… I have gotten it working at home. I was logging in to the wrong account. I guess my USEF is linked to a different account.

Now I’m watching the 3* XC. It looks like a lovely course!