2023 Maryland 5* at Fair Hill

I’m out of my riding clothes as soon as humanly possible when I get home from the barn. I want stuff that isn’t tight and doesn’t cling. Sweatpants! Baggy jeans! Yes! I’d never go out in public in riding clothes if it isn’t an errand before or after the barn.

This is also why I generally hate yoga pants. I’m in that “type” of clothing too much to start with.



I have some riding tights that are pretty darn comfortable, but still not as comfortable as jeans or sweats (also not particularly flattering). My riding boots are not comfortable for all day walking, my barn boots & shoes stink to high heaven so I definitely don’t like wearing them out and about.

One girl I was talking to in full riding gear drove from 2 hours away. Even if she had to cram a ride into her jam packed day, I find it hard to believe she couldn’t find 2 minutes to change clothes.


OMG! I love Ariat Terrains but wished they’d make a version with more ankle support. Sounds like these Anthems are it, and they come in wide widths!

Thank you! Aside from the wellies not holding up they are uncomfortable to walk in long distance and COLD! I have suffered through them long enough - I feel like spending more on a pair of boots would actually save me $$$ and comfort - I am done with wellis after reading this thread - thank you my CoTH friends!


Are you sure they weren’t actual riders or someone in a demo? In KY it’s not uncommon for the riders to get some shopping in too :slight_smile:


These are the Wild Bird Society wellies. You can see how small they pack. You never have to take them out of the boot no matter what else you’re trying to fit b/c they are so small. You can tuck them under the seats even. And about just over 40 euro at present they make great omiyage (gifts when you travel).

I have not spent all day in them, my shorties, or Hunters. I think unless it was bucketing down or freezing maybe a day in wellies would get a bit hot and sweaty?

Actually, I lie. I went to meet my architect last December. Absolutely freeze the bollocks off you kind of day. Didn’t have the wooly inserts almost lost a foot! I wore a quilted skirt, heat tech leggings and wellies. Then I had to run errands and finally meet my tutor at our local pub. I just ended up not getting to change and ended the night in the pub in my quilted skirt/jumper/Hunters. Not a big deal as this is deep, deep country, no one cares. BUT, there was a wake that night and, quite literally, the entire village attends so I had wished I’d changed at least my footwear.

I swear to god the next wake I also ended up to be wearing a dress and wellies when the neighbours said let’s go together. I’m clearly the village weirdo at this point.

Speaking of the quilted skirt, I’m surprised it hasn’t taken off in the riding world as a quick thing to throw on over breeches/tights. Nice layer of warmth and covers your bum for those of us not into body con stuff when not mounted.


So my mom actually talked to a few 3* and one 5* rider who went early and came out to watch.
These were not them. They had on makeup and their hair was not plastered to their head :rofl:

These are the skirts. Super cheap, just wrap them on. They close with snaps. I get this length but you can get them down to ankle length. They actually look fairly smart for outdoor activities with wellies and a jumper. I like them for wet days when I’ll be outside traipsing around the fields b/c then I’m not stuck in trousers soggy wet from the knees down.


Le Chameau Viorzonord are the choice of British royalty and they are superb . . .


I have a very similar one from Uniqlo and love it. Really temp by these longer ones… I’d basically wear a down comforter all winter if I could.


LOVE this!

I have one from Uniqlo, too. Cheap. Cheerful. Cosy.

Since it’s a wrap that snaps on, you can open it fully to be a lap robe or snap it over your shoulders like a cape, or fold it in a square to sit on. It’s endlessly useful!

For cold-weather riding it is nice to have to wrap around your waist over your breeches/tights for extra warmth and bonus arse coverage. :rofl:


For a whole host of reasons I try to steer clear of associations with the British royal family, but I’ll check these out. Thanks!


I was not at the 5*, but I will say that had I gone, I probably would have worn barn clothes - so likely breeches or tights and comfy barn boots for walking, but mostly because my best friend is severely allergic to horses, enough so that she reacts to me and has to take allergy meds no matter what precautions I take (my car is probably the main culprit and I only have one car and it is pretty filthy, but still). I do try to keep any clothes I wear around horses separate from all my other clothes and wash them in separate loads of laundry because I do like it when my BFF can breathe relatively freely around me (we’ve had to give up the dream of retiring together in favor of retiring to the same block and me having some very serious showers)

I assume most people wearing riding attire at the 5* do not have the same motivation, but had I been there, that’s why I’d have been one of the ones wearing riding clothes while watching much better riders than me go round.


Some lovely photographs from The COTH;



those are great photos. I especially love the one of Corvette!

This came across my facebook feed. Austin looks astounded! Salty looks cool and calm.


These appear to be the answer to all my prayers. I had no idea such things existed! Would you say they are comfortable enough to walk a long-ish course in? Will your feet be sore or your calves aching from the heavy clomping or your lower legs covered in sweat (tall Hunter boots, looking at you)? THANK YOU for sharing.