Alice Made Me Do It! - A tack shopping story

Mein lieber Jair, sind nicht mit mir verargert. I vill be nice to Bambi, ewen though he is der one starting it.

I only vant to make friends with der other horses. I do not want to have fohlen now, und ruin mein figure. But a girl must keep her eye out for the stallion who vill be perfect for making with her der strong fohlen ven it is time, ja?

Oh my, you have taken me back to the happy time when I worked in a tack store and spent every penny I made on equipment ! And how we loved to see someone owned by an Alice come in ! Early 80’s, closing time on a Saturday, and I was the only one there. At 5:59, in comes a very charming man, telling me that he is a visitor from far away and that his brother in law, Dr. X, sent him over because the shop has EVERYTHING. By 6:30 he had purchased two Lane Fox saddles, two show bridles, complete outfits for his wife (not there but he knew all the sizes) and himself, coolers, New Zealand rugs, show halters, leather leads, you name it. I thought the total was going to burn out the rickety cash register. And when I did the credit card check the company approved it.
And me not on commission ! The next morning the owner called me with a funny tone in her voice.
She said “Did you make a mistake in the amount when you rang up your last sale ?” “I don’t think so…is there something wrong ?” “Well, not really, but Dr. X called and said he liked the saddles his visitor bought so much when he saw them that he wants one for himself, even though he has never ridden saddle seat before. I answered in the house, and then I went to the register, but it didn’t seem possible that you sold all that stuff after closing time !”

And now I understand that it wasn’t my excellent salesmanship that did it, just a couple of saddlebred voices in the the guy’s ear !

but his computer is down. If there’s a clique he has the credentials. I’ll see if I can get him to post a few words, later.

MAZ, Newman and The Arch Man were imported together from what I understand. Perhaps they shared a room. We’ll have to ask them.

That’s easy Baroni! I can hear your horse’s thoughts from here! This is what he thinks re the Hawaiian pad:

Great story Dru! oh what a shame you weren’t on comission!! That would have been nice - although you’d probably have spent it back on tack anyways eh?

I think you hit just a little too close to home there Wtywmn4

Why no, slugger, hadn’t thought about the fleecey breastplate thanks for the reminder!.. and rest assured ETBW, your Alice will have some show clothes soon! I saw a lovely halter with really soft and furry fleeceys sewn on it for shipping! I’m sure Alice would love it! hmmmmm my birthday is coming up soon…

[This message was edited by Jair on Mar. 19, 2001 at 06:49 PM.]

OMG! Lovely Alice that is hysterical!! You made me laugh out loud - god only knows what my co-workers are thinking

I am very glad to hear that you are happy with your current owners and have decided to keep me

Funny though, you didn’t show me much appreciation last night when I was trying to get you to do smooth canter trot simple changes in our lesson

Take a peek at Portia’s website at those lovely browbands… maybe we can work something out?

Maplesprings Tack Shop in Langley, BC.

Would love to visit your VA ones some day though. Provided HWBA comes along of course

There is a fabulous fish and chip shop out between Cloverdale and Maple Springs.
We should meet there sometime.

Yes, Jair. I am very pleased. Alice sounds quite pleased as well. Good job.

I’m just laughing too hard Alice dear, be kind to your owner - it’s not easy having a horse who posts on the same BB you do. And whatever else you do DO NOT encourage Regal to start posting…that’s the last thing I need…

Sarah * AKA “Regal’s Person”

I hope my babies aren’t currently reading this thread or gawd psychically linked!I could not afford what Blackie and Pebbles might want after they learn what other children are getting from their mommies and daddies!

Howdy Y’all - I am PK - VTrider’s TB in VA.

I would love for some of y’all to come down to VA for a helpin’ heepin’ of my hospitality. I will teach you how to be evil and mean to your master!

I like to bite chain cross ties and saw them in half as well as chase Canadian geese and peacocks.

I live on a gorgoeus farm and would love for y’all to come visit sometime.

I’m just a good TB who never raced, so I go pretty slow. I detest flatwork, but love to go to shows. My rider is a moron and I have to bail her out when she rides me up to mystery distances.

Do any of y’all’s riders ever make mistakes?

One thing I have learned is not to bite the hand that feeds you. That will earn you a nice dandy brush thrown up-side your head.

Alice, Bambi, Arch and Gijon - Have a good weekend.

Well, I have all of YOU to thank for my horse’s expensive taste!

So considering the deluge of rain we received up here over the weekend, I took the time to make my excursion out to the fabulous new tack store Bumpkin and Farfel kept telling me about.

Boy where they right!

My goal was to find a jacket and some breeches, so I purposefully donned my favourite blue show shirt and headed out. Despite trying to keep my journey a secret, Alice seemed to know what was happening from a far.

There I was trying on jackets, having selected a nice dark green one, when suddenly I heard this cultured, feminine Isabella Rosellina type voice in my ear saying “no, no, not that one” says Alice. So I try another one, this time a nice blue herringbone Grand Prix jacket, quite nice really (hmmmmm goes Alice), so then the sales lady hands me this very nice dark navy blue one and ta-da! It fits like a dream (“Ahhhhhh that is the one” breathes Alice) and sure enough, I look at the tag and it’s a Pytchely!!! Lovely lovely jacket. Dark blue, fitted, looks great with my shirt and a spare tie I had brought… Sold!

Next were the breeches - modeled the greenish beige TS’s (the other ladies in the store seemed to be enjoying helping me with this part ) and they were very comfy, also found a beige pair of Pikeurs which I liked even better. So a pair of each (no sound from Alice)

I wandered around a bit and checked out the boots, which is something else I need. Saw a lovely pair of Effinghams (“Very nice” according to Alice). But then I made the mistake of picking up a pair of Dehner field boots, “Ahhhhhhhhhh” goes Jair, “OOOOOOOOOOoooohhhh!!!” breathes Alice. “ARRRGHHHHHGGGG” says Jair as he sees the price tag.!!! Down goes the beautiful field boots as Alice twists her nose into a moue of disappointment over his shoulder.

All’s quiet as I start to settle the bill with the saleslady, trying to remember which credit card I didn’t use to expense my business trip last week, when all of a sudden Alice gives an undignified squeak of excitement in my ear and disappears. For behind me He Who Bought Alice has entered the store!

After perusing the local Golf Pro shops my s/o returned to pick me up. While I finish with the saleslady, he wanders around the store idly looking at things, when suddenly from the bridle section, he speaks up “Alice doesn’t have a show bridle yet, does she?” uhmm no I say, strongly suspecting he is suddenly hearing Alice’s sultry tones in his ear. She’s a sly one that girl. But before even Alice could say another word, the saleslady deaks out from behind the counter and glides up to He Who Bought Alice’s shoulder, knowing a good target when she sees one, and begins firing questions at him about Alice, in the most skillful of ways so as to ensure he realizes just what a special and deserving girl she is! As the lady brings down some bridles for our inspection, I can hear Alice starting to breath more heavily, particularly when the lovely Edgewood ones come off their hooks, but then her squeaks reach almost obscene proportions as the most glorious of Hadfields bridles is shown to us, with the magic words directed at my partner of the likes that “a special mare like Alice deserves only the best” “yes yes yes!” shrieks Alice, followed by “Buy Buy Buy!” well, ok, maybe that was me, but good lord!! Was it ever a beautiful bridle! DMK and Duffy weren’t kidding when they said they were superb! It’s a lovely rich havanna colour in the raised, padded fancy stitched variety.

Before He Who Bought Alice (HWBA) can even blink a matching pair of reins is added, followed quickly by “Oh, did you say she was doing hunters?” from the saleslady - “she’ll need a martingale then”. No actually, I say, I don’t think so (“Yes I do”, says Alice) “Yes she does” says HWBA (who probably doesn’t even know what one is but such is the stength of Alice’s persuasion) Plunk goes the matching martingale as it goes onto the counter with the rest. Alice is positively squealing in excitement by now, as her benefactor pulls out his plastic with the saleslady practically ripping it out of his hand lest he change his mind. Jair meanwhile shuffles off to another part of the store trying really hard not to hear what the damage is as its rung up on the cash register. Alice however is ecstatic

So there you have it!

Jair will now be attending the show grounds in his navy blue Pytchely jacket, medium blue dress shirt with just-for-Becca Ralph Lauren tie, a pair of greenish beige TS’s and a Hadfields bridle wearing horse!! Duffy will be proud!

High Ho hunters away!!!

[This message was edited by Jair on Mar. 19, 2001 at 03:36 PM.]

In honour of my beloved, Alice, I have adapted Jimi Henrix’s “Foxy Lady”. I know the song only because mein mutter plays it, very loudly, when speeding on dirt roads to HITS.

Foxy Alice
You know you are a cute little butt breaker
Foxy yeah,
And you know you are a sweet little fohlen maker

I wanna take you in my paddock, yeah
I won’t do you no harm cause I’m a geld-a
You’ve got to be all mein, all mein
ooh Foxy Alice
Foxy, Foxy

Now-a I see you trot into the show ring
oh Foxy
You make me wanna rear and-a neigh
Foxy, oh baby prick your ear forward now
I’ve made up my mind my marish fraulein,
I’m tired of wasting all my precious time
You’ve got to be all mine, all mine

ooh, Foxy Alice
Ooh, Foxy Alice, neigh, neigh
You trot so good, Foxy
oh yeah Foxy
yeah, give us some oats, Foxy
Foxy Alice
Foxy Alice
Foxy Alice

Your story gave me tingles. Kudos to you HWBA!


(in my best Destiny’s Child voice)


When did they begin making martingales with rings for detachable standing/running attachments? I know you can do this with a breastplate, but have never seen a martingale with this feature.

Enlighten me!


p.s. If what you have is a breastplate then GOODONYAx2! I love breasplates!

Custom chaps would melt HWBA’s last reservation! Alice would then need a new show saddle…

Sie sprechen das Deutsch? Das ist gut. Deutsches ist eine gute Sprache, aber ich mochte mein Englisch verbessern, also halte ich, es anstelle vom Deutschen zu sprechen.

I will not toss you off since you are buying me many pretty things. If you fall, it cannot be helped that you fall because I jump wery gut. I am all the time telling you to hang on.

I do not vant the saddle and others being from Bambi. They are pretty, but they are his. Und they are used. You vill be getting me my own in time, ja?

Rubies und diamonds on der bridle? This is sound wery gut to me, ja. I vould be looking even more beautiful in rubies und diamonds…

Ich liebe Sie auch, mein Lieblingsjunge Jair!

Wahhhhhhh and achhhhh! I cannot believe that mommy could be so duplicitous - coveting another horse so publicly and droolingly on a BB.

Lovely Alice, paw, paw, come here often? Didn’t know I, too, could sprechen sie deutsche, ja? Now about that missing ‘gland’, what’s a little testosterone between hannovarians? We can be like Will and Grace.

[This message was edited by The Arch Man on Mar. 22, 2001 at 03:44 PM.]