Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

Your venture into the world of your imagination is far. No to all your innuendos.

No more high ground for the Charlie Foxtrot of LK bashers. Y’all found a way to go so much lower than she ever has and in unison.

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Some people meaning your daughter? That would certainly explain why you’re pushing that narrative.


So it was not testified under oath in a court of law, for example.


I tell half truths and lies? Can you please show me where?

My point is, you cannot get upset or “shame” people (for lack of a better word) for speculating and saying what they’ve heard, if you’re doing it too. It’s a bit hypocritical. You don’t want people to speculate or “bash” your daughter/family, but it’s ok for you to do that to others? Golden rule and all that. :wink:

You’re free to speculate, don’t get me wrong, just don’t get offended when others do too.



Why perpetuate it though?


Michael’s behavior was not allowed in the criminal trial. That was not admissible. He was whacky at times based on rumors.

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The word perpetuate implies it happened originally some where outside their imagination.


Ok, my point has flown so far overhead :joy:

I should know better. There’s no point to conversing, really. We have gone beyond the twilight zone :exploding_head:


I am betting Lauren got wind of possible repercussions for her behavior before the trial. Clearly some people don’t want it discussed or they wouldn’t be providing distractions.


yes you have… twilight zone statements are a form of gaslighting…typical of sociopathic behavior.

Several posters have taken a post of mine, edited it to change the words, without bolding, then written as their own response “fixed that for you”.

That leaves a post, still attributed to me, with words I did not write with no indication which part was written by me and which was altered. Usually it’s not hard to figure out, usually no one cares. A subsequent poster could then snip out my altered quote, still attributed to me, and repost it without the “fixed that for you”.

I never attributed to FitzE my changed and edited version of her post. I stated that it was an edited version of her post and called out the primary change but not all the changes. Since my edited version, attributed to me, was posted directly below her original version, it was transparent to see what had been edited, even before you provided the service she demand, of marking up all the changes. Now that I think about it, my point about the hypocrisy might have been stronger if I had just posted the markup version, but I don’t know how you get the marked up words with strike through and colors.

I think it is obnoxious to take someone else’s post, change the words to alter the meaning, and leave the altered post under the original poster’s name, even if you then write “fixed that for you” and even if you put the changes in bold. I agree that putting the changes in bold is better than not doing so.

There was nothing dishonest about my editing of FitzEs post, posting the revised version under my name, and saying that I had edited it. Nevertheless, I would not do it again, as I don’t want to give her the tiniest pretext for her blarney. She is so very skilled and tenacious with wielding her words like swords.

I have? And now I have typical sociopathic behavior? Wow. Keep digging.

I find the use of the term “gaslighting” to be overused, abused (used incorrectly), and often used by those who…Gaslight. :wink:


And just like that, we switch back to Comedy Central.


Waiting for a thread lock and/or statement from Mod 1 in 3…2…


What is really happening is someone is trying VERY hard to get the thread closed and they know two things frequently get threads closed, name calling and tossing out diagnosis. So they are doing both in an attempt to get the thread closed.
There is something being discussed that they do not want discussed, clearly.


But then she did… And yet insisted on staying, fighting tooth and nail to stay. Upset that she didn’t have his undivided attention…
Do you see how this makes LK look?


The distraction was no longer working. We went back to the subject at hand before the sidebar: discussing the possibility of current SS, USEF, And USDF investigations into the behaviors of LK and the weaponization of their reporting processes.


OH but wait, there is more… IM even said that LK would gladly still train with him now. So… clearly these things that Kirby are listing are not near as horrible as she is implying they are.


Angelgirl… no… that is not what happened.